13 work results

16) 0141 [videotapes on religion, health, and education]
35 tapes from Acc. 0140-0142 moved from Blue Hill to NHF, 7/2002. Individual tapes identified when possible, otherwise labeled '0140-0142'. Various factual works with interviews...
3) 0847.0004 [St. Mary's Hospital]
St. Mary's Hospital in Lewiston (Me.)--roots in the early 1800s, influence on the Franco-American community. Ray Pelletier interviews teachers form central New Hampshire about t...
7) 1140.2464 [Breathing Support Group]
Support group for people with breathing difficulties/problems meets. Peter Henderson reports.
4) 1140.2493 [Charles Horne on Medicare]
Charles Horne talks about the lack of Medicare, Blue Cross reimbursement to Milo Community Hospital.
14) 1515.0067 [Charles S. Houston—home movies] Reel 67
Reel 67 contains footage that was used for Charles S. Houston’s series of talks, “Fifty Years of Going Higher,” which relates to a study on the effects of high altitude on human...
14) 2654.0006 [Labrador, 1970s. Joan Cartledge--home movies] Reel 6
Telephone installation, Fall ‘75 Uncle Tom’s casket Cemetary Nov. fishing at Square Islands Aunt Mary Ann’s funeral Trench Blasting Mrs. Clegg Middle Pond, Sam, Leo Upper grades...;Fall '75 - May '76;A man working on a telephone pole. The same man on a ladder working on a house to install a telephone line. People line up to unload a coffin from a float plane and carry it up ...
7) 2716.0121 Body Works - #2
Dupe X-302 Series Title: Body Works Program Title: Show #2 House Mix Master w/o Breaks;The Heart; three young people explore how it works; their words of advice: Don't smoke; Don't eat junk food; Excercise!;Credits: The Body Works; with Dr. Timothy Johnson; and Adam Stavisky, Rachael Lerman, Dana Norton; Produced and Directed by: William C. Brennan; Written by: Dr. Timothy Johnson,...;In the studio Adam Stavisky, Rachel Lerman, Dana Norton, William C. Brennan, Adelita S. Moore, James A. Lowell, John Nagy/Mark Holden, Howard Roiuse, Rob Roy, Dick McNamara, Cal...
8) 2716.0122 Body Works - #3 And #6
X-314 WCVB Code 3 Series Title: Body Works Program Title: Shows #6 + 3 House Mix Masters w/o Breaks;The Ear; Respiration; three young people explore these parts of the body with Timothy Johnson. The summary is sung to a musical tune from Gilbert and Sullivan.;Credits: The Body Works; with Dr. Timothy Johnson; and Adam Staviskym Rachael Lerman, Dana Norto; Produced and Directed by: William C. Brennan; Written by: Dr. Timothy Johnson, ...
9) 2716.0123 Body Works - House Mix #4
Master X-318 WCVB Code 4 Series Title: Body Works Program Title: Show #4 House Mix Master w/o Breaks;Bones; three young people explore the many bones in the body and the muscles that keep them together; they go sailing to understand how the muscles and tissue work together to k...;Credits: The Body Works; with Dr. Timothy Johnson; and Adam Stavisky, Rachel Lerman, Dana Norton; Produced and Directed by: William C. Brennan; Written By: Dr. Timothy Johnson, ...
10) 2716.0124 Body Works - #5;
X-317 WCVB Code 5 Series Title: Body Works Program Title: Show #5 House Mix Master w/o Breaks;Muscles; three young people explore the three kinds of muscle tissue through experiments, experience and observation. Exercise and a regular diet build muscles. ;Credits: The Body Works; with Dr. Timothy Johnson; and Adam Stavisky, Rachael Lerman, Dana Norton; Produced and Directed by: William c. Brennan; Written by: Dr. Timothy Johnson,...
9) 2716.0801 Jabberwocky - Your Body #J63
Jabberwocky; You Body J163; Rec. Date 7-80; #63;Jabberwocky: Your Body; Trina and Carl are doing a work out, but Frank says he doesn't need to work out; theme song; they return from their jog and get ready to do the show; Tri...;Credits: Cast: Carl Thoma, Joanne Sopko, Peter Johnson, Bob Prosky; Executive Producer: Fred Schilpp; Producer: Gail Frank; Director: Dan Kolsrud; Associate Producer: Shelagh Go...
12) 2716.0893 Jabberwocky - The Brain #J111
Jabberwocky; The Brain; Show #111; J211; Rec. date 1-2-81;Jabberwocky: The Brain; Voice-over question about what an image on the screen might be, and then some speculation; Introduction theme song; a return to the image and it is revea...;5-12-73;In the studio JoBeth Williams, Peter Johnson, Bob Prosky, Tucker Smallwood, Paul Jones, Gail Frank, Dan Kolsrud, Joseph A. Bailey, Jill Katz, Shelagh Gordon, Bob Tingle David La...
11) 2716.4524 Good Luck Mr. Robinson #2117
60-min High Energy Good Luck Mr. Robinson Tape Reel #24 7 Closed Breaks 60:00 8/24/79 67503A;Slate: “8-2-79 60:00 Good Luck Mr. Robinson Boston Broadcasters Inc. WCVB-TV 5”. Duane Jones plays Mitch Robinson, a high school vice principle dealing with a stressful job, fam...;Credits: Good Luck Mr. Robinson with Dr. Timothy Johnson; produced & directed by William Hansard; associate producer: Nancy Balzer; written by Jim Kay; edited by Dave Teixeira; ...;Duane Jones (1937-1988) is best known for playing Ben in ‘Night of the Living Dead’ (1968). He passed away from a heart attack at age 51.
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