6 work results

6) 0708.0002.02 [H.P. Hood & Sons and other amateur footage] Reel 2 (Release Print)
35mm color print created from internegative (acc. 0708.0002.01) at Cineric, 11/2005.
2) 0708.0002.01 [H.P. Hood & Sons and other amateur footage] Reel 2 (Internegative)
35mm color negative created from original 8mm reel (acc. 0708.0002) at Cineric, 11/2005.
4) 0708.0002 [H.P. Hood & Sons and other amateur footage] Reel 2
H.P. Hood logo, egg room operations, extension shot of Hood Building. Scenes of children at Boston Public Gardens feeding birds and riding the swan boat.
12) 0708.0001.02 [H.P. Hood & Sons New Egg Room] Reel 1 (Release Print)
35mm color print created from internegative (acc. 0708.0001.01) at Cineric, 11/2005.
11) 0708.0001.01 [H.P. Hood & Sons New Egg Room] Reel 1 (Internegative)
35mm color negative created from original 8mm reel (acc. 0708.0001) at Cineric, 11/2005.
10) 0708.0001 [H.P. Hood & Sons New Egg Room] Reel 1
Label on film container: 'H.P. Hood & Sons, Waldoboro, Maine, New egg room January 1957 grand opening 16 Candlers (8 on each side).' //Label on box in which the film was sent fr...
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