639 work results

13) 0336 cat. 1009-04-WABI-61 Mr. Gordon Robertson
Robertson speaks on railroads, including Bangor & Aroostook Railroad.
14) 0336 cat. 1009-05-WABI-61 Bangor & Aroostook Pickup and Delivery
Commercial: composite master copy of commercial about Bangor & Aroostook Railroad's free pickup and delivery service. Same as 1009-03.
39) 0336 cat. 1009-06-WABI Bangor & Aroostook Pre-Iced Cars
Ad including a hydraulic lift raising large ice blocks to top of a railroad car, men sliding blocks down into car. Dick Curless sings jingle.
27) 0336 cat. 1009-07-WABI-61 Bangor & Aroostook Round-trip Ticket
Commercial: Bangor & Aroostook Railroad's round trip ticket on their bus service. Shots include bus stopping to pick up passengers, onboard the bus, washroom, shot of the road a...
41) 0336 cat. 1009-08-WABI-61 Bangor & Aroostook Pickup and Delivery
Four copies of ad. Same as Cat. No. 1009-03. Third or fourth copy is listed as the first proof.
42) 0337 cat. 0020-09-WABI-61 Contest Winner
Mrs. Ray Crosby, contest winner, is interviewed.
43) 0337 cat. 0020-10-WABI-61 Basketball Players
Shots of Presque Isle, Rockland, Orono, Bucksport, Winslow basketball players.
31) 0337 cat. 0023-01-WABI-61 King Cole Potato Chips
King Cole Potato Chip Factory tour. Shots of potato chip making process from original potatoes to the final packaging.
45) 0337 cat. 0023-03-WABI-61 Dead River Salutes Houlton
Dead River spokesman talks about their representatives in Houlton, Presque Isle and Van Buren. He holds up cards with pictures of those stations and their managers.
46) 0337 cat. 0023-04-WABI-61 101 B Crash
Recovery of crashed 101 Bomber. Shots of search party, crash site, forest, wreckage.
33) 0338 cat. 0025-11-WABI-61 City Council at Shopping Center
Three city council members at Broadway Shopping Center groundbreaking. Shots of shoveling, entire site and scale model.
10) 0338 cat. 0025-12-WABI-61 Swim Meet at YMCA
Bangor: Maine A.A.U. swimming championships at YMCA including girls race, judges, spectators.
2) 0338 cat. 0025-13-WABI-61 Radio Free Europe
Organization luncheon conference, including Radio Free Europe maps.
35) 0338 cat. 0025-14-WABI-61 B & A Railroad
51) 0338 cat. 0026-01-WABI-61 City Manager's Office
City Manager's Office meeting.
20) 0338 cat. 0026-02-WABI-61 Christmas Decoration
Bangor: People hanging wreaths and decorations on street. [? Phil Yates, 1/94. Not on reel during transfer?]
53) 0338 cat. 0026-03-WABI-61 Civil Defense Alert
Police directing traffic and pedestrians walking on Main Street during civil defense alert. Men listening to radio and map marked with specific city locations.
7) 0338 cat. 1009-13-WABI-61 Plane Crash at Dedham
Dedham: 101 bomber crash including sections of airplane and trees scattered on ground, path gouged into woods, people standing around, an official speaking.
30) 0338 cat. 1009-14-WABI-61 Brewer High Takes Over City Hall
Brewer: High School English club visit including students in offices of city manager, welfare dept., cemetery board, board of assessors, tax collectors, city clerk, tax collecto...
27) 0338 cat. 1010-01-WABI-61 Board Meeting of University of Maine
Orono: Meeting including MS and LS.
57) 0338 cat. 1010-02-WABI-61 New Fire Truck in Brewer
Brewer: Delivery of new truck including fire chief accepting keys, demonstration of extension ladder.
18) 0339 cat. 0026-04-WABI-61 Brewer High School Graduation
Brewer: High school graduation ceremony with students marching in gowns to stage, being seated, and 'Excelsior 61' banner.
59) 0339 cat. 0026-05-WABI-61 New Coast Guard
Coast Guard recruits swearing-in ceremony.
18) 0339 cat. 0026-06-WABI-61 Plane Crash at Dow
Crash at Air Force Base with plane stranded on train tracks.
12) 0339 cat. 0026-07-WABI-61 Machias Flood
Machias: Flooded ditches and roads, picnic area underwater, logjam, houses and stores, Narraguagas and Machias rivers.
12) 0339 cat. 1010-03-WABI-61 Armed Forces Day
Event at Dow Air Force Base including base sign, people stopping at checkpoint, exhibits and spectators, missiles and airplanes including a 'Quail GAM72 Decoy' missile.
220) 0339 cat. 1010-04-WABI-61 Mrs. John Reed at Old Town
Old Town: Mrs. Reed's visit including Dunegan Woolen Mills, Inc., standing by a Freight Ways truck, signing Blaine House address on package, package being loaded on truck which ...
64) 0340 cat. 1010-06-WABI-61 Bozo in Presque Isle
Presque Isle: Bozo's visit to Presque Isle Community Center including interior and exterior of building, crowd waiting, stage, introduction of Bozo, his talking to children and ...
18) 0340 cat. 1010-07-WABI-61 Public Safety Hearing
Hearing with speeches.
29) 0341 cat. 0026-08-WABI-61 'State of Maine' Docked in Castine
Castine: 'State of Maine' ship docks in Castine to pick up people from Maine Maritime Academy. Shots of people boarding, ship leaving harbor, engine room and engineer, other boa...
22) 0341 cat. 0026-11-WABI-61 Girl's Nation Representative
Young woman named M. Williams receives award of suitcase from three men.
7) 0341 cat. 0026-12-WABI-61 Fair Cattle Judging
Cattle contest including parade of owners and cattle, interviews with winners, WABI personnel.
24) 0341 cat. 0026-13-WABI Studio City Designs
Studio City Design proposal for broadcast building shown along with graphic of Hildreth Network television and radio stations.
229) 0341 cat. 0026-14-WABI Bangor State Hospital
Bangor: State hospital tour including patients, crowds, rooms, hallways, activity areas, cafeteria.
30) 0341 cat. 0026-15-WABI-61 Bangor Bank Ads
Commercial stating that live 116th UM commencement ceremonies were public service sponsored by Eastern Trust and Banking Company. Includes information on branches and services, ...
25) 0341 cat. 0026-16-WABI-61 Dow Air Force Base Open House
Open house including adults and children looking at planes and sign reading, 'Quail GAM 72 Decoy Missile.'
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