58445 work results

9) 0018.0001 Niagara Falls--Walter V. Mitton--home movies. Reel 18
Title, 'Canadian Falls,' looking across to top of falls, shot looking over falls, falls with heavy mist in foreground, ice-covered rocks near falls, man looking up at falls. Tit...
20) 0019.0001 Snow plowing, rivers and travel--Walter V. Mitton--home movies. Reel 19
Title, 'Muse Grams, 1948' with Maine state seal; Title, 'Oscar 1 1/2 h.p., 1 dog starter,' man and dog near small lawnmower-sized snowplow. Titles: 'February 14, 1948,' 'Februar...
3) 0020.0001 For Better Roads, MGRA--Walter V. Mitton--home movies. Reel 20
Titles, 'For Better Roads, M.G.R.A.,' 'Maine Good Roads Association have a fall convention called ladies day. Prizes are given for golfing, putting, fishing, boating, contract b...;Title: ‘FOR BETTER ROADS M.G.R.A.’, ‘Maine Good Roads Association have a fall conventional called Ladies’ day. Prizes are given for golfing, putting, fishing boating, Contract b...
7) 0021.0001 Autos of Yesteryear, Winthrop, Maine--Walter V. Mitton--home movies. Reel 21
Title: '1955 Autos of Yesteryear, Winthrop, Maine' Tourists watch pre-1930 cars drive by. Stanley Steamer arrives. LS numerous cars on dirt track. Several pans of 40-50 parked ...
23) 0022.0001 Stickney Brook Bridge--Walter V. Mitton--home movies. Reel 22
Construction. Long pan of stream (Stickney Brook) and workers constructing new bridge. Several short shots of stream running under bridge. Workers beginning to move materials. N...
24) 0023.0001 Meadow Brook Bridge--Walter V. Mitton--home movies. Reel 23
Bridge construction, Meadow Brook Bridge, Maine. Title, 'Opeechee Stream Bridge, Searsport' Title, 'The Gypsie Bridge Builders enjoy the summer breezes of Penobscot Bay while ...
25) 0024.0001 The Toll of Time--Walter V. Mitton--home movies. Reel 24
Title: ‘The Toll of Time’, ‘W.V. Mitton Production.’ Intertitle: ‘MEMBER AMATEUR CINEMA LEAGUE’. Intertitle: ‘Brickett Bridge, Andover Maine, was built in 1872 of native spruce ...;The Brickett Bridge crosses the West Branch of the Ellis River.
9) 0025.0001 Searsmont Bridge Construction--Walter V. Mitton--home movies. Reel 25
Documents construction of a bridge in Searsmont, Maine. Mostly black and white with very good exposures. Field with cars. A wooden bridge being replaced by modern bridge (ste...
27) 0026.0001 Nequasset Bridge--Walter V. Mitton--home movies. Reel 26
Title, 'Nequasset Bridge is on new location of Route 1 near the famous ship-building city of Bath.' View of bridge. Lumber piled up in snow, shoveling machine moving through sno...
28) 0027.0001 Erwin
Sync footage, pix only.
29) 0027.PC2 Erwin
Erwin political film. Sync sound. Home, Capital, announcement of candidacy.
2) 0028.0001 Childfind
No description available
31) 0028.PC2 Jasper
No description available
2) 0028.PC3 Jasper
No description available
4) 0028.PC4 Mark Gartley
Candidate for Congress (Maine).
4) 0029.0001 Deering
TV commercial: clams and shrimp.
35) 0029.PC2 Maine Sesquicentennial/Monmouth (?)
Finished commercial.
36) 0029.PC3 Maine Sesquicentennial/Monmouth (?)
No description available
1) 0029.PC4 - 0029.PC2 Maine Sesquicentennial/Decanter
Re commemorative ceramic bottle for Maine's sesquicentennial in 1970.
38) 0030.0001 Mark Gartley
No description available
39) 0034.PC1 - PC2 Scandja
'Scandja presents The Unwinder: a Family Affair.' Short sales film promoting a Maine-built portable sauna. Shot in 16 mm. and converted to Super 8 mm. Sponsor, Scanja Corporation.
40) 0035.0001 National Commission on Aging (N.C.O.A.)
'Gulhemp Original.'
41) 0036.0001 A Very Delicate Balance
A documentary film on the environment and its air quality. Sponsor, Maine Department of Environmental Protection. Shows people and scenics.
42) 0037.0001 A Very Delicate Balance
For D.E.P.; logo and pollution footage.
43) 0037.PC2 A Very Delicate Balance
No description available
1) 0038.0001 Right to Read
Dept. of Education (Maine, Massachusetts).
45) 0039.0001 Dawn of America
Celebration of Maine's sesquicentennial (150th) anniversary, shows history of Maine from its discovery and role in nation's development. French settlement at St. Croix Island, P...
46) 0040.0001 Catholic Charities
3 commercials.
10) 0041.0001 Health and Welfare
Various commercials: Rabies (4), Eye care (1), Dental Health (3), 'Love is Not Enough-Immunization (5).
48) 0042.0001 Monmouth Theatre
No description available
49) 0042.PC2 Wheeler - Grants
No description available
11) 0043.0001 Highway Safety
No description available
48) 0044.0001 National Commission on Aging (N.C.O.A.)
No description available
12) 0045.PC1-.PC2 Scandja
No description available
53) 0046.0001 A Very Delicate Balance
For D.E.P., bad air.
54) 0046.PC2 A Very Delicate Balance
For D.E.P.
Next 36