189 work results

1) 0283.0001 [1947 Fire at Jackson Laboratory]
Original footage was 16mm film with 1950 date code. // Begins with Clarence Little narration and fades to fire footage. Building. Laboratory shots with mice, microscopes, clinic...
1) 0285.0005 24 Hours
Docudrama about a day in the life of the Portland Fire Department based partly on real events. Includes footage of fires being started accidentally and Portland firefighters' re...
17) 0291.0015 Asiatic Potters, India 1938-1939
Titled amateur film: 'Asiatic Potters India 1938-39.' 'Our first Hindu Potter...' etc. Amritsar. 'Miss Paddock, judging the workmanship of the ware.' Good CUs. // Original foota...;Title card: 'Our First Hindu Potter Note how he turns his wheel. The only potter we saw who tooled the bottom of his piece.' A potter using a potter’s wheel to make a pot out of...
6) 0291.0016 [Asiatic Potters, 1938-1939]
Appears to be part of 0291.0015. // Film on Puri leper potters and their methods. Japan. Calcutta. Pegu, Burma; Kuala Lumpur, Bienhoa, French Indochina; Annam. // Original foota...;Title card: 'The leper potter of Puri. Large pots are thrown without bottoms then batted over a stone till thin, well-shaped and dec-orated.' A man pats a bottom-less pot into s...
11) 0453.0002 [Livestock Arrives for 4H Auction in Corinna]
Sign: ''Razor' Crosman 4-H Auction.' silent footage of men unloading livestock from a truck, including goats, donkeys, horses, cows, and bulls. Animals are led into a barn.
2424) 0453.0003 [UMaine Campus]
Silent footage of buildings on the campus of the University of Maine in Orono shot from a moving vehicle. Closeups of East Commons and Barrows Hall. Shots of unidentified buildi...
7) 0660.0008 Mayan Rites
Title, 'The Spanish Conquistadors destroyed all the sacred temples of the Mayas and built churches on their high foundation pyramids,' etc. Guatemala.;Title card: 'The Spanish Conquistadores destroyed all the sacred temples of the Mayas, and built Churches on their high foundation-pyramids.' Intertitle: 'Still clad as when the...
28) 0660.0009 Palestine
Title, 'Life in a tent. Swaddling baby. Making coffee. Spinning. Making bread.' Silhouettes. Exterior. 'Village scenes. Lilies of the Field? Shepherd boys. Views of people outsi...;Title card: 'LIFE IN A TENT – Swaddling Baby Making Coffee Spinning Making Bread.' A family gathered under a tent. A woman swaddles a baby and rocks the baby in a hammock. A man...
13) 0696.0002 [Bucksport Mill footage] NHF Reel 2
NHF notes: Footage of the construction of the Maine Seaboard Paper Company mill in Bucksport, Maine. Appears to be professionally shot. Includes shots of construction site on w...
6) 0788.0001 [Portland trolley footage]
Dated 5 May 1990.
1) 0813.2274 Bush Baby Lemur
An unidentified young woman balances a lemur on her shoulder, feeds it from a large spoon, plays with it, and watches it scamper away;
2) 0813.2275 Pershing Missile
An unidentified delegate speaks on the topic of why he will not be signing "at this difficult and dangerous juncture";
71) 0952.0189 [Woods & Waters: Whitewater Rafting]
Program #217. // Bud Leavitt goes whitewater rafting on the Kennebec River with a group led by John Connelly of Eastern River Expeditions. Connelly operates the company out of G...
2) 0952.0198 [Woods & Waters: William Clark]
Program #107. // Bud Leavitt visits the home of author and journalist William 'Bill' Clark in Caratunk, Maine. Clark writes column titled 'Logrolling.' Clark speaks about his li...
3) 0952.0199 [Woods & Waters: Glen Perkins, Mickey Noble and Gerry Gartley]
Program #5. Record date: November 1, 1978. Air date: November 6, 1978. // Interview with game warden Glen Perkins north of Greenville. Perkins demonstrates how to call moose wit...
23) 0952.0347 In and Out of Maine: The Young
Record date: October 8, 1976. // Documentary focuses on young people born and raised in the state of Maine who left the state but later decided to return. Issues discussed and r...
24) 1000.0019 Henry Strater: American Artist
Rocks Nudes and Flowers: A Portrait of Henry Strater, American Artist (1896- ). 'A portrait of life and works of prolific realist painter who has found in Maine the subjects he ...;Title card: ‘ROCKS NUDES AND FLOWERS’. Title: ‘a portrait of Henry Strater American Artist (1896- )’ Henry Strater, sitting on a rock wall by the water, talking about his youth ...
18) 1000.0020 In the Spirit of Haystack
'A film by Jane Morrison.' Made with funds from the Maine State Commission on the Arts during the filmmakers artist in residency at WCBB 1979 (per credits). Portrait of Haystack...;A man standing in front of the ocean puts a sheet of clay over his face and imprints a design with his fingers. Title card: ‘IN THE SPIRIT OF HAYSTACK, A film by Jane Morrison, ...
19) 1000.0021 Muscongus Pond: A Potters's Place
Potter Connie Romero at work. She talks about relationship between her work and her cabin on the pond. Closeups of potters wheel, hands, pots being created. Fall at pond. Romero...;Shot of a rocky island in a pond. Title: ‘MUSCONGUS POND a potter’s place’. A porch by the pond. Narration over footage of a woman, Connie Romero, at an outdoor potter’s wheel. ...
2) 1000.0022 Children of the Northlights: A portrait of Ingri and Edgar d'Aulaire
Portrait of children's book creators. Authors describe spending five years on Greek myths book. Travel with their children. One of their first books, Ola, about a Norwegian boy,...;Illustrations of trolls and other images. Title Card: ‘CHILDREN OF THE NORTHLIGHTS’. A child reading a picture book. Title: ‘a portrait of INGRI and EDGAR D’AULAIRE’. Ingri and ...
21) 1016.0001 Sharing One Earth
Students' film on ecology. Live action Penobscot native studies camp-out. Passing the talking stick. Students' voices describe camp out. Students build shelters in woods with st...
4) 1108 [Archie Stewart--home movies] VT12 and VT6 (three cuts)
Stewart International Airport footage: VT12, first flight VT6, three cuts. Mary Stewart Hafer notes: VT 12 April 17, 1990. Similar to VT 3, different angle. American Airlines a...
7) 1191.0028 [SPA Science Fair]
SPA science fair at Orono campus of University of Maine.;Silent footage of students with their project displays, beginning with pollution of the Messalonskee; small cages; students with microscopes; a telescope in a display about vari...
8) 1191.0029 [Concert Band Exchange]
Brewer and Kennebunk high schools concert band exchange concert preview.;Silent footage of the musicians practicing together; closeup views of many sections; the conductor in rehearsal and a trombone soloist;
15) 1191.0039 [O.H. Mower]
Dr. O.H. Mower lectures to group at Orono (?);Silent footage of Dr. O.H. Mower lecturing to a room full of seated listeners at Orono (?)
16) 1191.0040 [Post-Graduate Programs]
Orono hearing on the future of University of Maine post-graduate programs.;Silent footage of a lecture room full of observers during a hearing on the future of University of Maine post-graduate programs;
13) 1191.0044 [Urban Renewal Projects]
Urban renewal projects proceed in Waterville and Bangor.;Silent footage of large vacant brick buildings undergoing demolition;
28) 1191.0048 [Golf Course Prepares For Season]
Bangor Municipal Golf Course prepares for season.;Silent footage of workers clearing debris and moving sod along the fairways of the Bangor Municipal Golf Course as it is prepared for a new season;
14) 1191.0049 [YWCA Fund Drive]
YWCA building fund reaches 88% of its goal.;Silent footage of enthusiastic adults, cheerfully sitting together around decorated work tables; some members of the group are dressed with hats and signs; "Your friendly Income...
7) 1191.0210 [Husson Graduation]
Silent footage of Husson College commencement exercises.
2) 1227.0001 In the Public Interest: The Civilian Conservation Corps in Maine
History of Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) in Maine including still photographs, contemporary footage of former corps workers and work sites, and a small amount of archival fi...
5) 1241.0014-.0029 [Boat footage] NHF TAPES 014-029
Various factual and educational programs. 014: Boat--Interview--Tape 1 015: Boat--2 016: Boat--Greene--#1 017: Boat--4 018: Boat--5 019: Boat--6 020: Boat--Waxing--Walter Greene...
2) 1275.0002 Hollywood on the Kennebec
Dated June 1988. Made for broadcast show regarding history of moving image in Maine. Includes clip from 'Way Down East,' screening of that film at Grand Theatre in Ellsworth, sh...
2) 1275.0003 Establishment of a Maine Film Commission
Dated May 21, 1987. Television feature report on establishment of the Maine Film Commission (a division of the state department of tourism) including a short history of film pro...
4) 1275.0004 Remember the Maine
Historians discuss the Spanish-American War and theorize about what or who destroyed the battleship 'USS Maine.'
6) 1351.0001 These Memories of Maine
Dated March 4, 1987. Program on Maine film history mixing contemporary footage with archival footage. Introduction includes quick cuts: CU of building with turrets, storefront, ...
128) 1397.0001 Rapid River Races
Title in first frames: 'National White Water Championships held at Rapid River, Middle Dam, Maine, September 1940.' Can/reel notes: film no. 706.41; 'Raygram Corp., property USA...;Rapid River Races (Silent) (Color) Rapid River Races (Silent) 706.41 Rapid River Races;Title: ‘“National White Water Championships held at Rapid River, Middledam, Maine, September 1940.”’ People paddle kayaks/foldboats across Lower Richardson Lake. Racers wearing ...
6) 1505.0002 [five Marshall Dodge programs] Smile-In Part 2
A Marshall Dodge voiceover describes the source of the Smile-In content; on camera, he tells the story of muddy walking; fireside, he tells the story of fox hunting; Harry's ups...
32) 1515.0036 K2 The Savage Mountain
K2 The Savage Mountain is a film about a British expedition to K2 led by Chris Bonnington in 1978 which also includes a history of previous expeditions to date. Chris Bonningto...
3) 1515.0038 K2 The Savage Mountain (Part 1)
K2 The Savage Mountain is a film produced by the National Broadcasting Company (NBC) about the Third American Karakoram Expedition to K2 in 1953, sponsored by the American Alpin...
5) 1515.0039 K2 The Savage Mountain (Part 2)
K2 The Savage Mountain is a film produced by the National Broadcasting Company (NBC) about the Third American Karakoram Expedition to K2 in 1953, sponsored by the American Alpin...
6) 1541.0005 The Air We Breathe, Reel 1 [NHF Tape #5]
Special by Bob Libbey Slate: “The Air We Breathe Special Reel 1 Documentary Portion 45:40 Maine Public Broadcasting Network”. Title: “The Air We Breathe”. Ken Barlow hosts a doc...;Credits: Produced and Directed by Robert Libbey; Associate Producers: Jim Bisson, John Greenman, Ken Barlow, Bob Giguere, Noreen Nelson; Written by Robert Libbey, Jim Bisson; Ph...;There is a panel discussion in response to this documentary at acc. 1541.0003.
7) 1545.0023 Living the Good Life
"Living the Good Life" - live action documentary about Helen and Scott Nearing, and their "Good Life" homestead in Brooksville, Maine. See also: Good Life Center Collection (Acc...
2) 1625.PC1 Our Stories: The Cranberry Report (Islesford, Maine)
Documentaries and factual works. 'A one-hour documentary, the first in a five-part series.' Closed captioned. ONSITE REFERENCE ONLY.;Our Stories: the cranberry report; Rural Development; Islesford, Maine, is the center of the report on lobster coop; lobstermen talk about what they do and why they do it year-r...;In the studio Katherine Arno, Brad Smith, Catherine Bickford, Bob Bowman, Edner Pelkey, Ted Spurling;
6) 1789.0001 Our Dances
Documentary about Penobscot dances produced at Indian Island School, featuring Penobscot Student Dance Troupe. Includes claymation sequences explaining genesis of dances.;Provenance of this tape is uncertain. Dubbed from 3/4 in., 9/97. Huey is listed as 'Artist in residence' in credits. Tape was accessioned from collection backlog 1/2001. //
10) 1789.0002 The Frog Monster and Other Penobscot Legends
Provenance of this tape is uncertain. Huey is listed as 'Artist in residence' in credits. Tape was accessioned from collection backlog 1/2001. Documentary about Penobscot legend...
11) 1902.0011 Grass: A Nation's Battle for Life
Kodak Cinegraph version of directors, Merian C. Cooper and Ernest B. Schoedsack, documentary feature.
6) 1914.001 Maine Moose: A Habitat Study
Note from USDA: 'made in 1982 about moose and deer research on Moosehorn National Refuge in Maine'. According to donor, this is only print made.
2) 2165.0001-.0091 Paul Fournier Films
Full handwritten inventory in collection folder including 21 3/4", 5 Betacam, 1 VHS, 7 audio tape, 57 films & various professional film equipment. Includes items relating to: E...;Video (3/4 -21, Betacam 5, VHS 1) Eagle Transplant W.P. 2 Eagle Transplant W.P. 3 Eagles “A” Eagles “B” Eagle # 2 P’s Film/Tape Transfer CBS Sunday Morning – Eagles 2/2/79 Dub –...
17) 2176.0023 A Royal Tour of the New York World's Fair
Commercial footage of the New York World's Fair.
42) 2271.0002 Great American Woodlots #101
Great American Woodlots #101.
16) 2292.0045 [Knox Woolen Mill Interviews] Tape 1
Label on tape: 'Knox Woolen Mill Interviews. 1/6/88. Tape 1: Side A - Burling Women. Side B - Spinning Men.'
17) 2292.0046 [Knox Woolen Mill Interviews] Tape 2
Label on tape: 'Knox Woolen Mill Interviews. Tape 2: Side A - Judy+Dot. Side B - Mill Sounds.'
18) 2394.02316 Charlotte Schools
Leader: "Event #8 - Pl-Charlotte Schools #10298 - 23 Oct 74";"Event #8 - P2 - Charlotte Schools # 23 Oct 74";Broll of Charlotte skyline and downtown; Black families walking on street; children playing; interview a woman about education for her children; White students outside school; s...
1) 2419.0154-.0166 Abraham Katz--commercial films. Reels 154-166
Commercial 16mm prints of films including a Mickey and Minnie cartoon, "World Parade," "The Chameleon," "Monarch of the Ring," "Shicklegruber [sic] doing the Lambeth Walk," and ...
12) 2426.0001 America Goes Over, 1
U.S. Army Signal Corps film reels, "Especially released by the War Department to the Eastman Kodak Company for The Second A.E.F." [American Expeditionary Force]. Originally dis...
2) 2426.0002 America Goes Over, 2
U.S. Army Signal Corps film reels, "Especially released by the War Department to the Eastman Kodak Company for The Second A.E.F." [American Expeditionary Force]. Originally dis...
21) 2426.0003 America Goes Over, 3
U.S. Army Signal Corps film reels, "Especially released by the War Department to the Eastman Kodak Company for The Second A.E.F." [American Expeditionary Force]. Originally dis...
15) 2426.0004 America Goes Over, 4
U.S. Army Signal Corps film reels, "Especially released by the War Department to the Eastman Kodak Company for The Second A.E.F." [American Expeditionary Force]. Originally dis...
23) 2426.0005 America Goes Over, 5
U.S. Army Signal Corps film reels, "Especially released by the War Department to the Eastman Kodak Company for The Second A.E.F." [American Expeditionary Force]. Originally dis...
30) 2447.0016 Mt. Desert Island Forest Fire
Intertitle: “Mt. Desert Island Forest Fire October, 1947 University of Maine Forestry Department” A shot of three signs that read, “Cadillac Mtn Road,” “Jordan Pond House,” and...
19) 2447.0021 Scenes from Summer Camp
Extensive footage of students at the University of Maine’s Forestry Camp learning and practicing their trade. Footage includes classes taught by professors, park rangers and in...
8) 2636.0001 Roughing the Uppers
From the Lewiston Sun Journal: "The documentary tells the story of a strike that involved thousands of shoe workers and more than a dozen factories in Lewiston and Auburn [Maine...
4) 2716.0107A Black History - The Gift
Master Black History X4614 Dreams of Enterprise Rec. 1/21/88 Air. 2/1/88 The Gift Sheet of paper taped to can notes 2nd show on reel 2/16/88;[Includes images of lynching.] Slate: “Black History The Gift VT: X-4614 Air: 2/01/88 Producer: Nurse”. Title: “The Gift”. Louis Gossett Jr. hosts an episode about Black musici...;Credits: Produced by Karl Nurse; Hosted by Louis Gossett, Jr.; Written by Steve Hemingway; Researched by Lillian Baldwin, Erika Mobley; Additional Writing: Karl Nurse, Barbara B...;In the studio Karl Nurse, Steve Hemingway, Lillian Baldwin, Erika Mobley, Barbara Brown, Monique Walker, Howard Rouse, Dick Dunham, Robert Oliver, Doug Dike, Gretchen Soehner, R...
29) 2716.0107B Black History - Dreams of Enterprise
Master Black History X4614 Dreams of Enterprise Rec. 1/21/88 Air. 2/1/88 The Gift Sheet of paper taped to can notes 2nd show on reel 2/16/88;Slate: “Black History Dreams of Enterprise VT: X-4614 Air: 3/01/88 Producer: Nurse NOTE: Second Show on reel" Louis Gossett hosts an episode about the history of Black entrepre...;Credits: Produced by Karl Nurse; Hosted by Louis Gossett, Jr.; Written by Steve Hemingway; Researched by Lillian Baldwin, Erika Mobley; Additional Writing: Karl Nurse, Barbara B...
30) 2716.0108 Black History - Dreams of Enterprise
Black History: X4626 Enterprise;Duplicate. See Acc. 2716.0107B for content description
31) 2716.0109 Black History - Black Women Rising
Black History X4394 Black Women Rising;Title: “Black Women Rising”. Jayne Kennedy Overton hosts an episode about Black women in the United States. Includes clips of interviews with Elma Lewis, Artistic Director for t...;Credits: Produced by Karl Nurse; Written by Steve Hemingway; Host: Jayne Kennedy; Additional Writing: Karl Nurse, Barbara Brown; Cinematographers: Rodney Grace, David Skillicorn...
32) 2716.0110 Black History - Presentation
Black History X4617 Presentation Rec. 4/19/88;Producer Karl Nurse introduces “The Remarkable Journey”, and discusses the development of the program. Title: “The Remarkable Journey”. Promo for the series, with clips from var...
33) 2716.0111 Black History - Special
Black History X5124 Special Rec. 12/5/88;Title: “To See The Glory”. John Amos hosts an episode about Black soldiers during the American Civil War. Includes clips of interviews with Bowdoin College Literary Historian Ga...;Credits: Produced by Karl Nurse; Hosted by John Amos; Written by Steve Hemingway; Script Editor: Clif Garboden; Assistant to the Producer: Erika Mobley; Videographers: Howard Ro...
34) 2716.0112 Black History - Black Folklore and Humor
Black History X5136 Work Reel Black Folklore and Humor Rec. 1/4/89;[Unedited version of 2716.0113] Includes graphics editing. Audio does not match up. Raw footage of interviews about Black storytelling, comedy, music, and performance, from hist...;Credits: with Esther Rolle; A Laughter Bittersweet; Produced by: Karl Nurse; Hosted by: Esther Rolle; Written by: Steve Hemingway; Script Editor: Clif Garboden; Assistant to Pro...
35) 2716.0113 Black History - Laughter Bitter Sweet
Master Black History X5135 A Laughter Bittersweet Rec. 1/4/89;[Final edited version of 2716.0112] Interviews about Black storytelling, comedy, music, and performance, from historian Byron Rushing, Joseph Boskin, Professor of History at Bos...;Credits: with Esther Rolle; A Laughter Bittersweet; Produced by: Karl Nurse; Hosted by: Esther Rolle; Written by: Steve Hemingway; Script Editor: Clif Garboden; Assistant to Pro...
36) 2716.0114 Black History - Chronicles of Protest
Master Black History X5361 Chronicles of Protest;[Includes images of lynching.] Title: ‘Chronicles of Protest’. Madge Sinclair hosts an episode about the history of Black-owned newspapers. Highlights the work of John B. Russw...;Credits: Produced by Karl Nurse; Hosted by Madge Sinclair; Written by Steve Hemingway; Researched by Susan Hajjar, Danny Theodat; Assistant to Producer: Susan Hajjar; Videograph...
18) 2716.0115 Black History - Black Mariner
Master Black History X5388 Blk Mariner;Glyn Turman hosts an episode about the history of Black mariners. Covers history through early sailing in Africa, slavery, whaling, and naval service during the World Wars. Incl...;Credits: Produced by: Karl Nurse; Hosted by: Glyn Turman; Written by: Steve Hemingway; Research Material: Black Odyssey: SeaFaring Tradition of Afro-Americans By James Farr; Add...
10) 2716.0116 Black History - Dance
Black History X5664 Dance Rec. 1/21/91;Title: “African Dance in America”. Ben Vereen hosts an episode about African dance. Includes clips of interviews with Dance Historian Joe Nash; Choreographer, teacher and perfor...;Credits: Produced by Karl Nurse; Hosted by Ben Vereen; Written by Steve Hemingway; Script Editors: Cliff Garboden, Karl Nurse; Talen Coordinator: Sheila Frazier; Videography by ...
11) 2716.0117 Black History - Dance
Black History X5622 Dance Rec. 11/21/90
14) 2716.0118 Black History - Dance
Black History X5662 Dance Rec. 1/21/91 Work Reel
5) 2716.0119 Black History - The Other Side of Victory
Master Black History X3504 The Other Side of Victory;Slate: “The Other Side of Victory VTR: X3054 Prod. Karl Nurse Rec: 1/28/85 Air: TBA”. Robert Guillaume hosts an episode about the history of Black soldiers in the United States ...;Credits: produced by: Karl Nurse; hosted by: Robert Guillaume; written by: Steve Hemenway; edited by: Alan Pratt; associate producer: Karen Holmes; researcher: Renee Westbrook; ...
2) 2716.0173 City Streets - Nino's Holiday
Intro by Gibson sets the scenes to follow; Documentary of Moses Johnson, owner/operator of Nino’s tire repair; Sam, employee, visits the shop and demonstrates how not to get dir...;X-460 City Streets "Nino's Holiday" Master Rec: 12-22-80 Air: 12-28-80;Credits: Producer/Director: Karl Nurse; Assistant to the Producer: Charles Fox, III; Film Editor: Bob King; Cinematography: Rick Butler; Audio: Ray Cajuste; Floor Director: Dext...
7) 2716.0174 City Streets - The Promise
Master X3493 Program Title: The Promise ;Maya Angelou hosts a discussion about the meaning of the church to the Black community. This begins with a history of religion in Africa before it was brought to America and the...;Credits: The Promise; Host: Maya Angelou; Produced and Directed by: Karl Nurse; Written by: Steve Hussein, Shay Whitman; Associate Producer: Karen Holmes; Assistant Director: Em...
8) 2716.0175 City Streets
Interview of fathers, adoptive and birth, about what makes a family. The questions ranged from what is a parent to what does it mean for a child to be adoptable, to why is there...;X1868 "City Streets" Rec: 6/11/82 Air: TBA
9) 2716.0176 City Streets - The Dreamers; Those Who Dared
X2473 Air Master 2 Shows Series title: City Streets Program title: Black Documentary The Dreamers / Those who dared;Also 2/13/83; Karl Nurse, director; Black History Series
10) 2716.0177 City Streets/ Black History - West / Harlem
Master X3074 - Sub master 2 channel audio City Streets / Black History - West Harlem Rec: 12/27/83;2 channel audio; History of Harlem during the 1920s hosted by Ruby Dee and Ossie Davis; video falls apart at 10:10.
21) 2716.0178 City Streets - Harlem Renaissance
Harlem Renaissance 1919-1929; Hosted by Ruby Dee and Ossie Davis; Harlem welcomes home their own fighters from World War I; Written by Steve Hemingway, Rene Westrbook and Karl N...;X3498 Program Title: Harlem Renaissance ;Credits: Produced by: Karl Nurse; Directed by: Bob Comiskey; Hosted by: Ruby Dee, Ossie Davis; Written by: Steve Hemingway, Rene Westbrook, Karl Nurse; Research by: Rene Westbro...
3) 2716.0179 City Streets - Black Women Rising
X4090 2 Shows on this tape City Streets Mother's Day '84 Rec: 5/10/84 Air: 5/13/84;City Streets: Black Women Rising; Elma Lewis, Johnnella Butler, Joyce Scott, and Marsha Darling provide historical notes and background to the stories of black women in the Amer...;Jayne Kennedy Overton, Karl Nurse, Steve Hemingway, Barbara Browne, Rodney Grace, David Skillicorn, Alice Daly, Alan Pratt, Dave Teixeira, James Fripp, Ellen Boyce, Lisa Borge, ...
13) 2716.0180 City Streets - Spec. (Olympics) Olypics
X-465 - City Streets - Spec Olypics [Olympics] - Master;Work tape; clips from the City Streets Special Olympics episode.
14) 2716.0181 City Streets/ Black History - Black Documentary
3915 X2474 City Streets Black Documentary 1983;1983; James Earl Jones; Those Who Dare; voice over with black screen; scholarship around Black history is given voice; same video/audio as Acc.# 2716.0099 and Acc.#27616.0176l T...
9) 2716.0182 Cityline - Campus Racism; Pen Pals; Channels
Cityline - Campus Racism; Pen Pals; Channels; X4928; WCVB code 32; Rec. 8-30-88; Air date: 9-4-88;[Includes racial slurs.] Slate: “Cityline VT: x-4928 Campus Racism/Channels Pen Pals Air: 9/4/88 Rec: 8/30/88 Dir: Hennessey”. Title: “Cityline”. Karen Holmes hosts. Valerie N...;Credits: Produced by Karen Holmes; Directed by Phil Rubin; Associate Producer: Valerie D. Navy; Assistant Director: Emmons S. Levine; Production Assistant: Vella Akyolcu; Techni...
22) 2716.0188 Cityline - Oxfam Special
Cityline - Oxfam Special; X4363; WCVB code 19; Rec. date: 9-12-89; air date 9-17-89;Cityline - Oxfam Special Oxfam Special; Viewer warning: explicit video of starving and distressed children. Special reporting on Namibia; Founded in 1970, Oxfam serves populati...;Credits: Produced by: Karen Holmes; Directed by: Phil Rubin; Associate Producer: Valerie D. Navy; Assistant Director: Brian Pellicano; Technical Director: Carie Wysocki; Audio: ...
1) 2716.0267 Discover New England - September Edition
Discover N.E. September Edition; X5797; WCVB code 31; Rec. date 9-7-91;Mystic Seaport features ship building; a steamer Sabino ride ferry ride is part of the river tour; a tour down east of light houses includes West Quoddy Head, near Lubec, Maine,...;Credits: Reporters: Peter Mehegan, Mary Richardson; Producer: Ted Reinstein; Executive Producer / N.E. Program Network: Peggy Allen; Field Producers: Pat Bates, Art Donahue, Ted...
3) 2716.0269 Discover New England - November Edition
Master: Discover N.E. November Edition; X5856; WCVB code 29; Rec. date 11-12-91; Air date 11-24-91;Commercials are included in the taping; Discover N.E. November; Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream creators are interviewed; Swan's Island, Maine, is visited; Cape Cod indigenous people, M...;Credits: Reporters: Peter Mehegan, Mary Richardson; Producer: Ted Reinstein; Field Producers: Mark Mills, Kathy Bickimer, Andrea Hall, Lynn McCrea, Ted Reinstein; Videography: A...
10) 2716.0286 Discover New England - April '93 Edition
Master; X6127; WCVB code 2; Discover N.E. April 1993 edition;Commercials included in the taping; Discover New England April 1993; the Boston Marathon route in two minutes as a video tour, beginning in Hopkinton; walking is explored as an ...;Credits: Reporters: Mike Barnicle, Andria Hall, Mary Richardson; Producer: Ted Reinstein; Field Producers: Pat Bates, Art Donahue, Frank Konesky, Peter Mehegan, Ted Reinstein, G...
4) 2716.0674 Health Beat Special - Will I Ever Have A Baby?
Health Beat Special: Will I Ever Have a Baby?;Health Beat Special: Will I Ever Have a Baby?; Infertility and the ethics of invitro-fertilization are discussed; the process of invitro-fertilization is demonstrated; other for...;Credits: Produced by: Ramsay G. Trussell; Directed by: Phil Rubin; Segment Producers: Alison Mosher, Maggie Harper; Photographer: Judi Guild; Editors: Craig Pizzo, Debbie Therri...
125) 2716.0675 Health Beat Special - Will I Ever Have a Baby? #6
Health Beat 6; Will I Ever Have a Baby?; Channel 5;Health Beat #6; Will I Ever Have a Baby?; Infertility and the ethics of invitro-fertilization are discussed; the process of invitro-fertilization is demonstrated; other forms of...;Credits: Produced by: Ramsay G. Trussell; Directed by: Phil Rubin; Segment Producers: Alison Mosher, Maggie Harper; Photographer: Judi Guild; Editors: Craig Pizzo, Debbie Therri...
3) 2716.0676 Health Beat - Vital Signs
Master; Health Beat; Special: Vital Signs; Health Beat; Special: Vital Signs; the aging process is largely determined by lifestyle; exercise can be a benefit any time it is begun; weightlifting is always a benefit; diet...;Credits: Senior Producer: Debra Shapiro; Directed by: Phil Rubin; Segment Producer: Alison Mosher; Associate Producer: Tom Masterman; Videographers: Judi Guild, Carl Veiera, Ted...
35) 2716.0788 Jabberwocky - Dishonesty #J55
Jabberwocky J55 "Dishonesty"
3) 2716.1373 September Song: An American Autumn
Master September Song X5344 Updated Corrected Master Rec. 11/19/89 Air. 11/23/89;Natalie Jacobson hosts as special about events in New England during autumn. Includes interviews with pilot Steve Bean and guide Skeet Davenport in Maine; Fred Matthews of Manch...;Credits: Producer: Jerry Kirschenbaum; Editor: Jeff Brawer; Photography: David Skillicorn; Sound: Ellen Boyce; Associate Producer: Susan Bredhoff Cohen; Additional Videography: ...
20) 2716.1409 This Was America - There's A Photographer Coming--Episode 01 (1991)
Master This Was America X5806 There's A Photographer Coming Show #1 Rec. 9/23/91;Slate: “This Was America Show 1 “There’s A Photographer Coming”. Title: “This Was America with William Shatner”. William Shatner hosts an episode about early photography in Amer...;Credits: Produced by Steve Schlow, Claude Pelanne, Arnie Reisman’ Written by Matin W. Sandler, Steve Schlow, Sherry Reisner, Claude Pelanne, Arnie Reisman; Main Title Sequence: ...
19) 2716.1410 This Was America - On the Move--Episode 02 (1991)
Master This Was America X5807 "On The Move" #2 Rec. 9/23/91;Slate: “This Was America Show 2 “On the Move”. Title: “This Was America with William Shatner”. William Shatner hosts an episode about transportation in America. Uses historical ...;Credits: Produced by Steve Schlow, Claude Pelanne, Arnie Reisman’ Written by Matin W. Sandler, Steve Schlow, Sherry Reisner, Claude Pelanne, Arnie Reisman; Main Title Sequence: ...
27) 2716.1411 This Was America - On the Move--Episode 02 [1979]
This Was America X1497 Master Dub BBIC "On the Move" #2;[This episode was rereleased in 1991, with newer footage of William Shatner. See acc. 2716.1410] Slate: “Date 1-26-79 Length 30:00 Title #2 On The Move Product This Was America...;Credits: Music by Robert Cavicchio, Dennis Larosee, John Keihl; Written by Marting W. Sandler, Steve Schlow; Produced by Steve Schlow; Photographs compiled by: Martin W. Sandler...
22) 2716.1412 This Was America - Learning to Play--Episode 03 [1991]
Master This Was America X5808 "Learning to Play" #3 Rec. 9/23/91 black w/code;Slate: “This Was America Show: 3 “Learning to Play”. Title: “This Was America, Learning to Play”. William Shatner narrates over a montage of still photographs about the evolutio...;Credits: Produced by Steve Schlow, Claude Pelanne, Arnie Reisman; Written by Martin W. Sandler, Steve Schlow, Sherry Reisner, Claude Pelanne, Arnie Reisman; Main Title Sequence:...
29) 2716.1413 This Was America - Learning to Play--Episode 03 [1979]
Master Dub BBIC This Was America Learning to Play #3 ;Slate: “1/30/1979 Learning to Play This Was America WCVB-TV”. Title: “Learning To Play”. William Shatner narrates over a montage of still photographs about the evolution of leis...;Credits: This Was America with William Shatner; Written By: Martin W. Sandler, Steve Schlow; Music By: Robert Cavicchio, Dennis Larosee, John Kiehll; Executive Producer: Steve S...
23) 2716.1414 This Was America - Gospel of Wealth--Episode 04 [1991]
Master This Was America X5817 "Gospel of Wealth" #4 Rec. 10/7/91;Slate: “This was America Show: 4 “The Gospel of Wealth”. Title: “The Was America with William Shatner”. William Shatner hosts an episode about poverty, workers, child labor, and...;Credits: Produced by Steve Schlow, Claude Pelanne, Arnie Reisman; Written by Martin W. Sandler, Steve Schlow, Sherry Reisner, Claude Pelanne, Arnie Reisman; Main Title Sequence:...
31) 2716.1415 This Was America - Gospel of Wealth--Episode 04 [1979]
This Was America X1492 BBIC "Gospel of Wealth" Rec. 11-6-81;Slate: “Date 3/16/79 Length 18:30 Title This Was America Client WCVB-TV #5”. Title: “The Was America with William Shatner”. William Shatner hosts an episode about poverty, worke...;Credits: With William Shatner; Music by Robert Cavicchio, Dennis Larosee, John Kiehl; Written by Martin W. Sandler, Steve Schlow; Produced by Steve Schlow; Photographs Compiled ...
24) 2716.1416 This Was America - A Family Album--Episode 05 [1991]
Master This Was America X5826 "Family Album" 5 Rec. 10/21/91 black w/code;Slate: This Was America Show: 5 “A Family Album”. Title: “This Was America with William Shatner”. William Shatner hosts an episode about the ideas of home, family and gender rol...;Credits: Produced by Steve Schlow, Claude Pelanne, Arnie Reisman; Written by Martin W. Sandler, Steve Schlow, Sherry Reisner, Claude Pelanne, Arnie Reisman; Main Title Sequence:...
4) 2716.1417 This Was America - Family Album--Episode 05 [1979]
This Was America X1500 Master Dub "Family Album" #5;Slate: “Date 5/3/79 Title A Family Album Product This Was America Client WCVB-TV”. Title: “This Was America with William Shatner”. William Shatner hosts an episode about the ide...;Credits: With William Shatner, Written by Marting W. Sandler, Steve Schlow; Music by Robert Cavicchio, Dennis Larosee, John Keihl; Produced by Steve Schlow; Photographs compiled...
25) 2716.1418 This Was America - Visions of America--Episode 06 [1991]
Master This Was America X5841 Master #6 Vision of America Black w/code;Slate: “This Was America” Show: 6 “Visions of America”. Title: “This Was America with William Shatner”. William Shatner hosts an episode talking about photographers and photogra...;Credits: Produced by Steve Schlow, Claude Pelanne, Arnie Reisman; Written by Martin W. Sandler, Steve Schlow, Sherry Reisner, Claude Pelanne, Arnie Reisman; Main Title Sequence:...
29) 2716.1419 This Was America - Visions of America--Episode 06 (1982)
This Was America "Visions of America" Show #6 1/14/82;Slate: “This Was America” Show: 6 “Visions of America”. Title: “This Was America with William Shatner”. William Shatner hosts an episode talking about photographers and photogra...
36) 2716.1420 This Was America - Visions of America--Episode 06 (1982)
This Was America X1501 BBIC Visions of America #6;This Episode is a duplicate. See Acc. 2716.1419 for content description
1) 2716.1421 This Was America - Spirit of Invention--Episode 09 [1992]
Master This Was America X5844 #9 Show "Spirit of Invention" Black w/code;Slate: “This Was America Show: 9 “Spirit of Invention”. Title: “This Was America with William Shatner”. William Shatner hosts an episode about inventions. Uses historical photog...;Credits: Produced by Steve Schlow, Claude Pelanne, Arnie Reisman; Written by Martin W. Sandler, Steve Schlow, Sherry Reisner, Claude Pelanne, Arnie Reisman; Main Title Sequence:...
2) 2716.1422 This Was America - Spirit of Invention--Episode 07 [1980]
This Was America X1502 BBIC "Spirit of Invention" #7;Slate: “Date 12/9/80 Length 1/2 hour Title This Was America Product #7 “Spirit of Invention” Client WCVB-TV Boston”. Title: “This Was America with William Shatner”. William Shat...;Credits: Research and Photographs Compiled by Martin W. Sandler, Sherry Reisner; Editing: Dave Teixeira; Animation: Gary Granato; Director of Cinematography: Ed Dadulak; Assista...
18) 2716.1423 This Was America - Growing Up--Episode 08 [1992]
Master This Was America X5843 "Growing Up" Rec. 1/7/92 Black w/code;Slate: “This Was America Show: 8 “Growing Up”. Title: “This Was America with William Shatner”. William Shatner hosts an episode about children, child labor and education in the ...;Credits: Produced by Steve Schlow, Claude Pelanne, Arnie Reisman; Written by Martin W. Sandler, Steve Schlow, Sherry Reisner, Claude Pelanne, Arnie Reisman; Main Title Sequence:...
4) 2716.1424 This Was America - Growing Up--Episode 08 [1980]
This Was America X1503 "Growing Up" #8;Slate: “Date 11/10/80 Title: This Was America Product Growing Up Client WCVB-TV”. Title: “This Was America with William Shatner”. William Shatner hosts an episode about children...;Credits: With William Shatner; Written by Martin Sandler, Claude Pelanne, Sherry Reisner; Music by Robert Cavicchio, Edward Korvin; Executive Producer: Steve Schlow; Produced by...
5) 2716.1425 This Was America - The Sea--Episode 07 [1991]
Master This Was America X5842 Master 7 "The Sea" #7 black w/code;Slate: “This Was America Show: 7 “The Sea””. Title: “This Was America with William Shatner”. William Shatner hosts an episode about the transition from sail to steam powered shi...;Credits: Produced by Steve Schlow, Claude Pelanne, Arnie Reisman; Written by Martin W. Sandler, Steve Schlow, Sherry Reisner, Claude Pelanne, Arnie Reisman; Main Title Sequence:...
6) 2716.1426 This Was America - The Sea--Episode 09 [1981]
This Was America X1504 BBIC #9 The Sea;Slate: “Date 3/24/81 Length 24:52 Title: This Was America “The Sea” Product Master Client WCVB-TV Boston”. Title: “This Was America with William Shatner”. William Shatner hosts ...;Credits: With William Shatner; Written by Martin Sandler, Sherry Reisner; Music by Robert Cavicchio, Edward Korvin, Ron Frangipane; Executive Producer: Steve Schlow; Produced by...
7) 2716.1427 This Was America - Faces of America--Episode 10 [1992]
Master This Was America X5845 Show #10 "Faces of America" Black w/code;Slate: “This Was America Show: 10 “Faces of America”. Title: “This Was America with William Shatner”. William Shatner hosts an episode about the experiences in America of Europe...;Credits: Produced by Steve Schlow, Claude Pelanne, Arnie Reisman; Written by Martin W. Sandler, Steve Schlow, Sherry Reisner, Claude Pelanne, Arnie Reisman; Main Title Sequence:...
5) 2716.1428 This Was America - Faces of America--Episode 10 (1980)
This Was America X1404 International Dub Version BBIC Faces of America #10 -No Animation on end ;Slate: “Date 12/23/80 Length 23:25 Title This Was America “Faces of America” Product Master With Titles Client WCVB-TV Boston Broadcasters Inc.”. Title: “This Was America with W...;Credits: With William Shatner; Written by Martin Sandler, Sherry Reisner; Music by Edward Korvin, Ron Frangipane; Executive Producer: Steve Schlow; Produced by Claude Pelanne; R...
5) 2716.1429 This Was America - The Land--Episode 11 [1992]
Master This Was America X5846 Show #11 "The Land" Rec. 2-3-92;Slate: “The Was America Show: 11 “The Land””. Title: “This Was America with William Shatner”. William Shatner hosts an episode about westward expansion at the turn of the centur...;Credits: Produced by Steve Schlow, Claude Pelanne, Arnie Reisman; Written by Martin W. Sandler, Steve Schlow, Sherry Reisner, Claude Pelanne, Arnie Reisman; Main Title Sequence:...
10) 2716.1430 This Was America - The Land--Episode 11 [1981]
This Was America International Version BBIC "The Land" #11;Slate: “Date 2/24/81 Length 24:04 Title This Was America #11 The Land Product Master Client WCVB-TV Boston”. Title: “This Was America with William Shatner”. William Shatner host...;Credits: With William Shatner; Written by Martin Sandler, Sherry Reisner; Music by Edward Korvin, Ron Frangipane; Executive Producer: Steve Schlow; Produced by Claude Pelanne; P...
31) 2716.1431 This Was America - Hometown--Episode 12 [1992]
Master This Was America X5849 Show #12 "Hometown" Rec. 2-3-91 black w/code;Slate: “This Was America Show: 12 “Hometown”. Title: “This Was America with William Shatner”. William Shatner hosts an episode about the idea of an American small town at the tu...;Credits: Produced by Steve Schlow, Claude Pelanne, Arnie Reisman; Written by Martin W. Sandler, Steve Schlow, Sherry Reisner, Claude Pelanne, Arnie Reisman; Main Title Sequence:...
12) 2716.1432 This Was America - Hometown--Episode 12 (1981)
This Was America BBIC Hometown #12 12/9/81;Visible mold on tape
13) 2716.1433 This Was America - Hometown--Episode 12 (1981)
This Was America X1507 International Version "Hometown" #12 "International version/ No animation";Slate: “Date 3/24/81 Length 23:25 Title This Was America #12 Hometown Product Master Client WCVB-TV Boston ”. Title: “This Was America with William Shatner”. William Shatner hos...;Credits: Photographs Compiled by Martin Sandler, Sherry Reisner; Animation: Gary Granato; Editing: David Teixeira; Director of Photography: Ed Dadulak; Associate Producer: Peter...
14) 2716.1434 This Was America - 1929: There's A Photographer Coming--Reel 1
This Was America: 1929 Reel 1;1,800 ft, double perf on core
15) 2716.1435 This Was America - 1940: On the Move--Reel 2
This Was America - 1940; Reel 2;1,800 ft, double perf on plastic core
16) 2716.1436 This Was America - 1947; Reel 3
1,800 ft, double perf on plastic core
17) 2716.1437 This Was America - Ep. 04 Learning to Play
1800 ft double perf on plastic core
18) 2716.1438 This Was America - Ep. 05 A Family Album
1400 ft double perf on plastic core
19) 2716.1439 This Was America - Ep. 06 Visions of America
1900 ft double perf on plastic core
20) 2716.1440 This Was America - Ep. 07 Spirit of Invention
1700 ft double perf on plastic core
6) 2716.1441 This Was America - Ep. 08 Growing Up
1800 ft double perf on plastic core
22) 2716.1442 This Was America - Ep 09 The Sea
1800 ft double perf on plastic core
8) 2716.1443 This Was America - Ep.10
1400 ft double perf on plastic core
24) 2716.1444 This Was America - Ep. 01 1929 There's a Photographer Coming
900+ ft single perf on plastic core
25) 2716.1445 This Was America - Ep. 01 1929 There's a Photographer Coming
M&E Only;;900+ ft single perf on plastic core
26) 2716.1446 This Was America - Ep. 02 1940 On the Move
900 ft single perf on plastic core
27) 2716.1447 This Was America - Ep. 02 1940 On the Move
M&E Only;900 ft single perf on plastic core
28) 2716.1448 This Was America - Ep. 03 Gospel of Wealth
900+ ft single perf on plastic core
29) 2716.1449 This Was America - Ep. 03 Gospel of Wealth
M&E Only;900+ ft single perf on plastic core
30) 2716.1450 This Was America - Ep. 04 Learning to Play
900+ ft single perf on plastic core
31) 2716.1451 This Was America - Ep. 04 Learning to Play
M&E Only;1000 ft single perf on plastic core
32) 2716.1452 This Was America - Ep. 05 A Family Album
900+ ft single perf on plastic core
33) 2716.1453 This Was America - Ep. 05 A Family Album
1000 ft single perf on plastic core
34) 2716.1454 This Was America - Ep. 06 Visions of America
M&E Only;900+ ft single perf on plastic core
35) 2716.1455 This Was America - Ep. 06 Visions of America
900 ft single perf on plastic core
36) 2716.1456 This Was America - Ep. 07 Spirit of Invention
M&E Only;900 ft single perf on plastic core
1) 2716.1457 This Was America - Ep. 08
M&E Only;900 ft single perf on plastic core
2) 2716.1458 This Was America - Ep. 09
M&E Only;900 ft single perf on plastic core
3) 2716.1459 This Was America - Ep.10
M&E Only;900 ft single perf on plastic core
4) 2716.1460 This Was America - Ep. 11
M&E Only;900 ft single perf on plastic core
5) 2716.1461 This Was America - Ep. 12
M&E Only;900 ft single perf on plastic core
18) 2716.1474 This Was America - Ep. 07
M&E Only
19) 2716.1475 This Was America - Ep. 08
M&E Only
20) 2716.1476 This Was America - Ep. 09
M&E Only
21) 2716.1477 This Was America - Ep. 10
M&E Only
22) 2716.1478 This Was America - Ep. 11
M&E Only
23) 2716.1479 This Was America - Ep. 12
M&E Only
24) 2716.1508 Cambodia: Does It Have A Future?
Special Project X1047 Cambodia: Does it have a Future? Rec. 6-13-80 Air. 6/26/80 6/21/80 Master;[Includes footage of mass graves.] Ed Asner talks to a group of students about Cambodia. Footage of Cambodia. Includes footage of the Vietnam War and American bombing of Cambod...
169) 2716.1512 [Cambodia Reel #4]
Special Project X1037 Cambodia Reel #4 Rec. 5-13-80;[Includes images of mass graves.] Raw footage of Cambodia for Ed Asner special. (see Acc. 2716.1508) Includes footage of countryside, buildings, shots of markets, trucks, aid d...
26) 2716.1580 Watching Birds
"Watching Birds" 60 min;Watching Birds; BBI Communications and Houghton Mifflin Company Present Birds; Roger Tory Peterson is the host; birds in a variety of activities with a voiceover that reports bi...;In the studio Allen Morgan, Bill Sweney, Dick Borden, Mildred Morse-Allen, Karl Maslowski, Steve Maslowski, Allen Morgan, Alvah Sanborn, Edgar T. Jones, Robert Booking, Bill Swe...
27) 2716.1618 Auschwitz and the Allies
Master Specials X4095 Auschwitz Part 1 Rec. 2/16/84;[Includes footage from within Auschwitz. Graphic images of prisoners. Some nudity.] Opens with interview with Reuven Dafni. Title: ‘Auschwitz and the Allies with Edward Asner’....;Credits: A BBC production in association with NDR based on the book “Auschwitz and the Allies” by Martin Gilbert. The BBC wishes to thank: Associated Press; Auschwitz Museum, Po...
3) 2716.1677 The House on Salem Street
Master;Title: “The House on Salem Street with Natalie Jacobson”. Natalie Jacobson hosts a special tracing the Mostone family from the town of Melito, Italy, and other immigrants to Bos...;Credits: The House on Salem Street; Produced and Written by Jerry Kirschenbaum; Editor: Jeff Brawer; Videography: John Baynard, Dick Dunham; Audio: Doug Dike; Associate Producer...
14) 2716.1682 [Immigrant Special - B-roll]
Specials X2610 Immigration Special 1994;B-Roll stills, black and white film clips silent, silent color film clips of politicians and sports figures being celebrated an celebrating achievement; black screen breaks with...
30) 2716.1705 Senior Year
Master Specials - Milton High Senior Year;Title: “Senior Year with Mary Richardson”. Mary Richardson hosts a special that follows students at Milton High School through their senior year. Includes students Amy Ford, [El...;Credits: Senior Year; Produced & Written by Stan Leven; Host: Mary Richardson; Editor: Jeff Brawer; Principle Videographer: Steve Colvin; Principle Sound: Lisa Borge; Title Sequ...
31) 2716.1711 My Best Ability
Master CC Closed Captioned X3551 Public Service - My Best Ability Rec. 3/29/85 Air. 3/31/85;Slate: “My Best Ability Closed Captioned Best Ability Rec 3/25/85 Air 3/31/85”. Title: “My Best Ability”, “hosted by: Ted Kennedy Jr.”. Ted Kennedy Jr. introduces a series of st...;Credits: Produced by Eileen Collins; Directed by Gregg Kidd; Hosted by Teddy Kennedy, Jr.; Switcher: Emeric Feldmar; Audio: Rod Adams; Video: Lenny Spaulding; Camera: Vern Colem...
6) 2716.1717 Norman Rockwell and the Saturday Evening Post
Master Programming: Norman Rockwell and the X4728 Saturday Evening Post Rec: 11/3/87;Title: “Video Arts Inc. presents Norman Rockwell and the Saturday Evening Post”. A look at the life and work of artist Norman Rockwell. Includes interviews with Kenneth James St...;Credits: Produced By: Lew Sayre Schwartz and VIA Inc.; Executive Producer: John J. Bradley; Associate Producers: A.J. Calkins, William Logan; Written By: Richard M. Marschall, L...
33) 2716.1724 A Private Peace
Master Specials: Private Peace Vietnam X3842;Title: “A Private Peace, with Mike Barnicle”. Mike Barnicle travels to Vietnam with three Vietnam War veterans, John M. Hurley Jr., Thomas J. Vallely, and Ernest “Ernie” Washing...;Credits: Producers: Mike Barnicle, Lisa Schmid; Written By: Mike Barnicle; Editor: Jeff Brawer; Videographer: Bill Hartigan; Sound Recordist: James Fripp; Associate Producer: Ju...
34) 2716.1738 Franklin: From Santa Domingo With Love
Master;Jorge Quiroga reports on a Maine couple (Robert and Sharon Raymond) who bring a child (Franklin Perez) from the Dominican Republic to live with them. Quiroga and his team film’s...;Credits: From Santo Domingo With Love; Produced and Directed by Bob Nesson; Associate Producer/Editor: Julia Dixon Eddy; Reporter: Jorge Quiroga; Camera: Bob Nesson; Production ...
105) 2716.1754 [Terror - Final American Version]
Master;Slate: “Terror Show 1 Final American Version Revised July 18.85 P.R.S”. Title: “Terror”. Arthur Hill hosts a special about various extremist and terrorist groups. Groups discuss...;Credits: Host: Arthur Hill; Director: Stephen Segaller; Camera: Brian Kelly; Additional Filming; Jerry Pantzer, Nigel Wheeler, Graeme Galton, Shmuel Kalderon; Sound: David Lerne...
18) 2716.1809 [Black Inventors]
Master X-2441;Black inventors are long a part of U.S. history but were denied patents; Inventors are noted for their accomplishments; among them are Booker T. Washington; George Washington C...
181) 2716.4536 Specials - No Fish Tomorrow
WCVB TV - 5 special "No Fish Tomorrow" Note inside: "Sent to Mr. Crystal at Request of Pete Twaddle, former Program Manager of WCVB-TV as an example of documentary work complete...;Title: “No Fish Tomorrow”, “Produced By WCVB-TV”. Joe Day hosts a special discussing changes to the New England fishing industry and the results of over-fishing. Competition wit...;Credits: No Fish Tomorrow; Producer: Frederick Schilpp; Assoc. Producer: David Stephenson; Director of Photography: Chip Proser; Location Sound: Raymond Cajuste; Film Editors: B...
2) 2868.0001 The Voice of the Pribilofs, [Harry H. Webb Films] -- Reel 1
The Voice of the Pribilofs Produced by Northern Telescenics - Don Knudsen and Frank Brink 16 mm safety film, color, sound ?. one 14" reel Features the island of St. Paul and it...
2) 2868.0002 [Harry H. Webb Films] Reel 2
[No title] 16 mm safety film, B&W, silent with titles, one 7" reel. [Fragment put back onto reel w/ rest of film] Possibly a commercial film, features clips on early aviatio...
35) 2925.0035 Kletterschuh--Part 1, Reel 35
Kletterschuh - Climbing in the Dolomites;Title card: ‘Kletterschuh Climbing in the Dolomites’. Intertitle: ‘As demonstrated by: Giuseppe Dimai, Angelo Dimai, Celsa Degasper, Giovanni Demetz’. Intertitle: ‘SELECTED FOR ...;KLETTERSCHUH CLIMBING in the DOLOMITES Scene I – Swiss Alps – The Matterhorn from the Riffelalp showing the East Face left (never climbed) The Hornli Ridge (regular route) and t...
3) 2925.0036 Kletterschuh--Part 2, Reel 36
Film II Kletterschuh - Climbing in the Dolomites;Title card: ‘KLETTERSCHUH CLIMBING IN THE DOLOMITES as demonstrated by three guides from Cortina D’Ampezzo – Angelo Dimai, Guiseppe Dimai and Celsa Degasper Scenario by Giuseppe...;Reel II Scene II – Valley of St. Christina – Scene II – Langkofel Scene III – Guide – Giovanni Demetz showing route of Adang Kaminn Scene IV – 5th Degree Chimney – The traverse...
33) 2955.0001 Anyplace Wild
Box 1: ANYP Season 1, 1” – PBS Masters Box 2: ANYP Season 1, 1” Masters Box 3: ANYP (APW) ODDS & ENDS as of 2004, various betas-promo, etc., (8) 1” masters – Season 1, (5) b...;8 boxes of various 1" reels, BetacamSP tapes, Digibetas and other assorted formats. All versions of the TV show "Anyplace Wild", which first aired on PBS around 1997. Boxes 1-3...
187) 2991.0016 “SEBAGO DOCKSIDE” Made in U.S.A Presents an Adventure in Shoemaking
Property of Hiram Historical Society 2018-020 Adventure in Shoe-making “SEBAGO DOCKSIDE” Made in U.S.A Presents an Adventure in Shoemaking. (Copy) H.H.S. Not for Sale
188) 2991.0025 B.H Railroad Narrow Gauge
2018-033 Bridgeton & Harrison B.H Railroad Narrow Gauge Donated By: Edward C. Pierce Property of the Hiram Historical Society Not for Sale 2018-033 B&H B.H Railroad H&am...
5) 3124.0153 [Turbyne--home movies] Reel 153
News Parad - MacArthur Liberates Manilla

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