9 work results

1) 0836.0002 [Log Rolling Contest]
Donor's titles in quotes: 'Fireman's Convention at the Balsams, 1944.' // Box captions: 'Br. Co. log roller.' // Title card reads: '22nd Annual Conference, New England Associati...
5) 0836.0004 [Protect Young Growth Titles]
Donor's titles in quotes: 'Experimental film on Process work with Brown Company Woods 'Seal', Save the Young Growth, etc., 1949.' // Box captions: 'Work done on notes of June 7 ...
1) 0836.0005 [The Forest and The Woodsman--outtakes]
Donor's titles in quotes: 'The Forest and the Woodsman (footage).' // Box captions: 'Oct 1953. Traveling truck etc. Long log at Dumner[?] yard. ...for introduction material for ...
4) 0836.0006 [It's Not the Axe, It's Joe--rough cut]
Donor's titles in quotes: 'First version (no title) of Old Town, Maine, showing of 'It's Not the Axe, It's Joe.'' // Box captions: 'First version (no titles) we took to Old Town...
34) 0836.0007 [Moose Hunting Trip]
Donor's titles in quotes: 'Moose Hunting Trip, Oct 1954.' // Box captions: 'Not too interesting. Oct 1954. Hunting movie trip. Part not used by Bill De Roin.' // Footage of Brow...
7) 0836.0033 The Forest and the Woodsman
The Forest and the Woodsman. // Date from edge code - may be 1961. // Fomerly: 'Reel 33.'
7) 1442 [So You Want To Be a Woodsman? production masters]
Video production materials for NHF 's 'So You Want To Be a Woodsman?' 1. VHS assembly tape dated 9/3/96 (? min.), containing: a. It Pays To Be Trained b. It's Not the Axe, It's ...
8) 1442.0001 So You Want to be a Woodsman?
Edited Betacam SP master for NHF 's 'So You Want To Be a Woodsman?.'
1) 1443.0001 [Timber is a Crop production masters]
Video production materials for NHF's 'Timber is a Crop.' 1. VHS rough cut tape dated 9/4/96, containing same segments as on final version but unedited 2. 3/4 in. tapes containin...
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