35 work results

1) 1108.0002 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 002
NHF cataloguer's notes, 3/96 for Reel 2 Screening notes: Slate identifies as Feb, 1940. Experiments with new studio recorder. Sync sound generally good quality. Record player....
26) 1108.0009 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 009
Reel 9: screening notes: b&w, intertitles throughout. 'Bits of professional film sent with outfit. The following pictures are selected from a few of the hundreds of subjects...
75) 1108.0023 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 023
NHF cataloguer's notes, 4/96: Reel 23: Archie Stewart can notes: September 1932 Trip to Unknown Lake. Gop -- GG, Mary-ah. Fishing trip. [Mary Stewart Hafer notes that this reel...
31) 1108.0025 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 025
NHF cataloguer's notes, 4/96: Reel 25: Archie Stewart can notes: 1932 Xmas. Uncle Sam. Rob's wedding. Excellent. 1. Christmas 1932 (2-7 1933). 2. Rob and Howard's visit in Janua...
5) 1108.0030 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 030
NHF cataloguer's notes, 4/96: Reel 30: 1941. Trip to Maine, August. Screening notes: (Tractors?) moving across field (too dark to make out). WS and MCU of sea gulls lined up o...
11) 1108.0031 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 031
Can notes for Reel 31: Family to Maine. 1941. Good. Pictures OK. Sound very poor. Odds & ends but still valuable. SOUND NHF viewing notes, 6/96 for Reel 31: Synch, B&W...
7) 1108.0033 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 033
Can notes for Reel 33: Archie Stewart can notes: 1933 4th of July trip to Maine. Rob, Kitty, Dr. Simkhovitch & Johnson Motor. <-Mary's request). September trip. Deep sea ...
14) 1108.0035 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 035
Can notes for Reel 35: Winter 1933-34. Starts Xmas 1933. Grandpa the archer. Archie sleeping out. Kid's snow house. Willie Anderson. Kids at 350. Cameron's Packard. Nice. 1-Chri...;NHF viewing notes for Reel 35: Silent, B&W. Grandfather Warden and Archie kneeling on carpeted floor setting up toy train set. Pan of pile of presents beside Christmas tree:...
36) 1108.0042 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 042
NHF cataloguer's notes, 7/96: Reel 42 [Archie Stewart can notes: Good TAS [Thomas A. Stewart] Birthdays. Up ahead should like it. 1. Archie's birthday, 1929. Reading funneys (si...;NHF cataloguer's notes, 7/96: Reel 42 Screening notes: Intertitles throughout. Begins as above with titles for Amateur Camera League. 'Mary thinks up a surprise party for Archi...
25) 1108.0043-.0044 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 043-44
Reel 43 & 44 Archie Stewart can notes, 43: Kodak's first color. Faded after one year. They corrected it the following year. Before they faded these were some of the pretties...;NHF cataloguer's notes, 7/96 for Reels 43-44: Screening notes: Young couple and boy on steps of brick building with Mary. WS of Mary Stewart on lawn in front of large ivy-cover...
20) 1108.0046 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 046
NHF cataloguer's notes, 7/96: Reel 46 [Archie Stewart can notes: Party at McGrath's. Golf at Manchester. 27 March 1938. Newburgh from air. Fall Angola, s.o.f. Army-Navy 1938. 1....
26) 1108.0049 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 049
Reel 49: Archie Stewart can notes: 1. Mary, Mother, Father, Mary Jr. & self. 2. Mary Jr. & self in park. 3. Flowers in park. 4. Gang of us down by Miller's. 5. Game at W...
13) 1108.0050 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 050
KODACOLOR Reel 50: Archie Stewart can notes: Kodacolor. H. Kendall. Josh Self. Mary-Ah & Ann. TAS/MWS. Admiral Sims. To be shown with Kodacolor filter on projector lens. Fil...
14) 1108.0052 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 052
Reel 52: [Archie Stewart can notes: Sound, June 20-26, 1936. Rotary Club at Atlantic City.] ;SOUND Screening notes: Archie narration throughout. WS of colonnaded building with flag bunting draped from balconies. Pedestrians walking on boardwalk. WS of emblem of Rotary C...
15) 1108.0054 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 054
Reel 54: Archie Stewart can notes: Sound. Mary sings Solveig's song. Poorer odds & ends. Xmas tree. AES, TWS. Roy & Sadie. Grandpa & Ma Barnes. Otto, Ann & Geo. ...;SOUND Screening notes: CU on Mary singing (room lighting cast shadow on face). Grandma Stewart writing on lap in front of Christmas tree. Archie narration 'Grandma Stewart's bir...
16) 1108.0056 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 056
Reel 56: [Archie Stewart can notes: 1. Dec 8 strange bedfellows. 2. Golf, Miami and swimming, 1936. 3. Hose picnic.] ;Screening notes: MCU of grandmother looking out window (nice light). Miami: WS of harbor, boats, seagulls. Moving shots past Gulf oil storage tanks, bird on buoy; approaching dr...
35) 1108.0065 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 065
Archie Stewart notes: Compilation reel of 'Annie Bannie' early childhood scenes over several years. [Ann Stewart Sauls, born April 18, 1930] Intertitle: 'Member Amateur Cinema...
11) 1108.0066 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 066
Viewing notes: Reel 66: Archie Stewart can notes: 1. Sound, 1936. 1. Mother reading. 2. My birthday. 3. Ann's birthday. 4. Slippery Elm. 5. Pig. 6. 4th of July. 7. Christmas. 8....;SOUND Mary and Ann under Christmas tree discuss their presents. Archie Stewart narrates children skating, Powelton Club, flooded tennis courts. Children climbing over fence into...
19) 1108.0068 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 068
Viewing notes: Reel 68: Summer 1938 (silent). Screening notes: Mother and girls posing in summer frocks in garden, Mary's 8th grade graduation class. Setting off sparklers, fire...
20) 1108.0071 [animation and commercial shorts] Reel 71
Reel 71: [Archie Stewart can notes: Kids cartoon's and other animation.] Screening notes: Faded title drawing 'MJ Winkler presents Felix in the Swim.' Copyright 1927. Pat Sulliv...
21) 1108.0072 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 072
Reel 72: [Archie Stewart can notes: 'My big moving scrapbook.'] Screening notes: Title: 'Member of Amateur Cinema League, Inc' over clouds. 'The worldwide organization of amateu...
89) 1108.0076 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 076
Reel 76, Part I: Archie Stewart can notes: Mary-ah. Screening notes: B&W. Majority of footage is on other reels. Nice shots. Intertitle: 'First Cine Kodak pictures. Decorat...
23) 1108.0082 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 082
NHf cataloguer's notes: Reel 82: Archie Stewart can notes: Family trip to Maine, August 1942 (Part 2). Screening notes: WS of women and children in casual clothes standing with...
53) 1108.0085 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 085
NHF cataloguer's notes: Reel 85: Archie Stewart can notes: 1- Mary in Cornells garden. 2- Washing dishes 388. Uncle Sam, Mary. 4- Wes and Mary pulling with Judy. Bits of some co...;Screening notes: WS from boat of choppy water, Eastport Harbor, Maine. Slo mo of whale breaching. Flock of seagulls, fin of whale in FG. Pan of large white building, lighthouse...
19) 1108.0093 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 093
NHF cataloguer's notes: Reel 93: [Archie Stewart can notes: Wee Tommy.] Screening notes: Faded color. Mary hanging laundry on clothes line in yard. CU on baby being spoon fed,...
26) 1108.0095 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 095
NHF cataloguer's notes: Reel 95: Archie Stewart can notes: Take Ann to college, 1948-1949. [University of Michigan] Sunday supper Proper's Summer 1949. Roses. Experiments with n...
27) 1108.0107 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 107
Reel 107: Archie Stewart can notes: Temporary Xmas season pictures, 1949-1950. Start with Ann & Bob, end Ann & Mary's Xmas party. Storm damage, fall 1950. Small strip To...
34) 1108.0119 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 119
NHF cataloguer's notes: Reel 119: Archie Stewart can notes: Fall camp Nov 1955. Col G's 81st [birthday]. Xmas Arlington. 1954 followed on same reel with exact same scene one yea...
29) 1108.0122 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 122
Archie Stewart can notes: Reel 122 Trip to California January to March 1956. See Mary Lou plus trip taken by Ann in California of M & WB Summer of 1956. Screening notes: WS...
19) 1108.0129 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 129
Reel 129: Donor's can notes: 'Continuation of 1957-1958 winter trip. Starts 21 January 1958. MLWB's birthday. Willard's 9 February. Long's Apartments 27 February. 25th anniversa...
2) 1108.0142 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 142
Reel 142: Archie Stewart can notes: 1. Go to Quantico for kids 29-13 May. 2. Farewell at Fackler's 26 June. 3. To Pottsville for Maguire party 30 June - 1 July. 4. [No Pottsvill...
18) 1108.0152 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 152
Reel 152: Archie Stewart can notes: 1965. 1. Flowers 388 Spring. 2. Trip to Maryah's 25-28 June. 3. Digging the big well, July. 4. Kids to camp 7-20 August. 5. Family gathering ...;Mary Stewart Hafer notes: High climbing roses and garden roses at 388 Grand Street, Newburgh. Rhododendrons. Trip to my house, 1823 N. Harrison Street, Arlington, VA June 25-2...
34) 1108.0154 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 154
Reel 154: Archie Stewart can notes: 1966. 1. End of trip to Ann's. 2. Abby's birthday. 3. Gurnee Hart's wedding. 4. Camp 9-21 May. 5. Garden upon return from camp. 6. Kids to ca...;Mary Stewart Hafer notes: Mary Lou painting sunset scene. Family dressed up. Car departing. Rex bringing pecan pie to Archie for 64th birthday, Feb. 27. Trip back East. Car. Mot...
34) 1274.0001-.0002 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reels 1-2
Mary Stewart Hafer notes: Reel 1 Bedford, MA, my house. Dark, poor. Ann H. Dick Maguire playing piano. Fire in fireplace. Doc Hafer talking about dividends and stock. Thanksgi...
6) 1321.0001-.0022 [Archie Stewart--home movies]
Amateur footage of Sauls family and Stewart family activities. Can notes follow; reel numbers are donor-assigned. 1. Goofy golf tricks--Xmas. Korea Military Maneuvers. Baby Mary...
Next 36