7 work results

2) 0730.0001 Diane
Onsite reference only. // Documentary about actress Diane de Lorian.
4) 0736 Spirits of the Polar Night
Onsite reference only. // Documentary on Aurora Borealis including scientists, Alaskans, Eskimo art, the borealis.
3) 0798.0001 Shinto
Onsite reference only. // Outtakes, negative and workprint of 'Shinto,' a documentary about the Shinto religion.
4) 0798.0002 The Isfahan of Shah Abbas
Onsite reference only. // Documentary about Iranian city of Isfahan during the time of Shah Abbas (17th century)
17) 0799.0001 So We Will Stand and Fight
Onsite reference only. // Concerns Native American land claims.;Produced by WKGB TV Boston A Kaiser-Globe News Presentation
1) 1663.0001 A Basin of Life: the Union River Watershed
Documentary on the Union River. ONSITE REFERENCE ONLY
9) 2259.0001 Invisible
Invisible master tape.
Next 36