24 work results

17) 0323 cat. 1008-07-WABI-60 Fishing East Coast
Fishing scene including men in small boat fishing on body of water and at bottom of falls, mountains in background, reeling fish in.
23) 0353 cat. 1020-20-WABI-62 Fire Tower on Bald Mountain
Shots of fire tower including man climbing up it and looking at view through binoculars, pans of the countryside, Maine Forest Service Fire Control man talking on his car radio,...
31) 0356 cat. 0048-17-WABI-62 Plane Crash in Mt. Waldo
Mt. Waldo: Plane crash scenes include mountain, police car, wreckage, damaged foliage, helicopter picking up a man and lowering something to police officer.
4) 0364 cat. 0051-08-WABI-62 Fire Tower on Bald Mountain
Man climbs steps of Fire Tower on Bald Mountain and looks at view. Shots include MS profile of him looking through binoculars, pans of landscape, MS and CU of Maine Forest Servi...
26) 0384 cat. 0072-05-WABI-63 Two Rescued at Mt. Katahdin
Rescued pair are brought in by helicopter, carried on stretchers to ambulance, and taken away.
9) 0386 cat. 0069-10-WABI-63 Mt. Katahdin Search
Men in a search party packing equipment for search, inside a building warming themselves with coffee, more men outside march into falling snow to look for missing person.
11) 0386 cat. 0069-12-WABI-63 Mt. Katahdin Search
Aerial view of Mt. Katahdin including 'Knife's Edge' hiking trail and some small lakes.
26) 0400 cat. 0082-10-WABI-64 Mt. Katahdin
Helicopter lands at base of mountain, and a body is transferred from a helicopter to an ambulance.
9) 0400 cat. 0082-14-WABI-64 Katahdin Victim Brought Out
Body is transferred from helicopter to ambulance. Helicopter takes off. Shots of mountain.
32) 0400 cat. 0082-15-WABI-64 Mt. Katahdin
Search for Hildreth including men looking at map, plane flying overhead, vehicles at search site, search dog.
32) 0401 cat. 0080-10-WABI-64 Mt. Katahdin
Shots of Mt. Katahdin including the Knife's Edge and three men carrying an empty stretcher.
49) 0431 cat. 0039-14-WABI-62 Leavitt Open Ski Tow
People being towed up a mountainside at the Bud Leavitt Open. Shots of couples.
34) 0431 cat. 1012-07-WABI-61 Sugarloaf
Sugarloaf Mountain, small cabins, direction sign.
35) 0432 cat. 1045-06-WABI-65 Fire at King's Mountain
Orrington: Fire fighters battle of blaze including smoke in woods, firefighters with hoses, a tractor and bulldozer.
36) 0439 cat. 1048-11-WABI-66 Mt. Katahdin Rescue
Mt. Katahdin: Rescue operation including men looking at maps, pilot walking to helicopter, LS and MS of group on rocky side of 'Knife's Edge' at Katahdin.
16) 0450 cat. 1055-09-WABI-67 May Weather Summary on Pickard Mountain
Pickard Mountain: Two men stand holding weather information chart, as one of them reads statistics comparing May weather of June weather, and this year's weather compared to oth...
17) 0558 cat. 0059-12-WABI-62 Renault Automatic
Commercial for Renault's new push button automatic automobile. CU finger pushing the drive button, LS of car cruising along various roads, stopping for a boy and dog to cross ro...
28) 0644 Animated Snow Scene
Animated snow scene with trees and mountains. Was used on B & A Christmas commercial.
28) 1191 Governor & Exec. Council Meet Atop Sugarloaf Mt.
No description available
15) 1191.1854 [Muskie's Home Movies & Vietnam Comments]
Senator Edmund Muskie chides President Nixon on renewed Vietnam bombing; Muskie films super-8mm movies at Sugarloaf; skiing/skiers.;A truck with snow tracks, with the ‘Sugarloaf’ logo on the door. A man (Senator Edmund Muskie) with a camera films through a window. Senator Edmund Muskie speaking into a microp...
2) 1191.1855 [Muskie Skiing Holiday]
Senator Edmund Muskie enjoys skiing holiday at Sugarloaf Mountain, takes photos.;Skiers gathered outside the Sugarloaf ski lodge. Shots of Senator Edmund Muskie. A snow covered cross. Muskie with a camera. A cameraman films Muskie and several other people in...
4) 1191.1857 [Muskie Interviewed on His Absence]
Senator Muskie, on vacation at Sugarloaf Mountain, rebuts Margaret Chase Smith's absenteeism charge in interview.
16) 1191.1864 [Muskie on Sugarloaf Vacation]
Senator Edmund Muskie interviewed at Sugarloaf Mountain, speaks on skiing and politics.
17) 1191.1868 [Muskie Skis]
Senator Edmund Muskie skis around kids while on vacation at Sugarloaf Mountain.;Senator Edmund Muskie and others riding in a trail groomer at Sugarloaf. Muskie putting on skis. People on skis with cameras. Muskie and others skiing. [End of Reel]
Next 36