214 work results

16) 0720 Harvey Howell Dowsing at Bowdoin
Harvey Howell demonstrates 'dowsing for North' with Clif Reynolds on campus of Bowdoin College and talks about dowsing at home. Howell worked in advertising, became author.
30) 0753 [Various news footage]
No description available
18) 0753.0001 Cohen on China
24 minute interview with William Cohen at Senate Recording Studio, 1/18/1979. Discusses China policy, President Carter's Korean policy and the recognition of Taiwan. Several min...
4) 0853.0001 [New Female Register of Deeds]
// Item from can 221, labeled 01/07/1975 - 01/15/1975.;Nutter interviews woman who has recently been elected Register of Deeds, briefly discusses Watergate scandal, says 'being a woman' may have helped her win, admits that she does ...
16) 0853.0002 [Illegal Police Commission Appointment]
Official government meeting/inauguration ceremony, Al J. Alberty (sp?) appointed illegally to Police Commission to test legality of laws. // Item from can 221, labeled 01/07/197...;Official government meeting/inauguration ceremony, Al J. Alberty (sp?) appointed illegally to Police Commission to test legality of laws.
6) 0853.0003 [Layoffs in New Hampshire]
// Item from can 221, labeled 01/07/1975 - 01/15/1975.;Taylor outside New Hampshire Department of Employment Security, reads report on layoffs.
7) 0853.0004 [Oil Refinery Development Hearings]
// Item from can 221, labeled 01/07/1975 - 01/15/1975.;Interview with man from 'FOIL' organization in front of wall of photographs, talks about hearings on oil refinery development proposal, man beside him silently smokes a pipe.
33) 0853.0005 [Martin on Committee Selection Process]
// Item from can 221, labeled 01/07/1975 - 01/15/1975.;Interview with Speaker of Maine House, John Martin on committee assignments and the selection process.
27) 0853.0006 [Longley Critical of Executive Council]
// Item from can 221, labeled 01/07/1975 - 01/15/1975.;Murray reads report in House chamber about spat between Governor James Longley and Carl Cianchette. Longley criticizes Executive Council at news conference and Carl Cianchette r...
10) 0853.0007 [Executive Council Meeting]
Meeting of the Executive Council. // Item from can 221, labeled 01/07/1975 - 01/15/1975.;Silent footage of men at a large table discussing and shifting paperwork, while a woman off to the side takes notes;
11) 0853.0008 [Cumberland County Civic Center Groundbreaking]
// Item from can 221, labeled 01/07/1975 - 01/15/1975. // Label on film says 01/08/1975.;Groundbreaking ceremony for new Cumberland County Civic Center in Portland, businessman George Lewis is primary funder of the construction project, holds shovel and shovels snow...
12) 0853.0009 [Robert Hall Department Store Closing]
// Item from can 221, labeled 01/07/1975 - 01/15/1975.;Interior and exterior footage of 'Robert Hall' department store in South Portland. Interview with store manager on stores in the chain that are closing, discusses layoffs. Foota...
13) 0853.0010 [Ski Conditions & Savings Plaza Opening]
// Item from can 221, labeled 01/07/1975 - 01/15/1975.;Interview with unidentified man on conditions and snowmaking at ski areas throughout the state. // Unrelated Yates story on opening of Maine Savings Plaza in Portland (One City ...
25) 0853.0011 [IRS Tax Filing Season]
// Item from can 221, labeled 01/07/1975 - 01/15/1975.;Interview with Internal Revenue Service (IRS) official on outlook for tax filing season. Display of IRS forms behind him.
15) 0853.0012 [Right To Read & Storm Forecasting]
// Item from can 221, labeled 01/07/1975 - 01/15/1975. // Label on film says 01/08/1975.;Interview with woman in front of curtain on 'Right To Read' literacy conference aimed at preventing reading problems. Unrelated story with man/weather forecaster speaking about ...
27) 0853.0013 [Rolde on Travel Expenses]
// Item from can 221, labeled 01/07/1975 - 01/15/1975. // Label on film says 01/09/1975.;Interview with State Senator Neil Rolde in front of state House chamber in Augusta on controversy stemming from travel expenses accumulated by Environmental Protection Agency (E...
17) 0853.0014 [Dependent Child Aid Program]
Unidentified man speaks at press conference about aid program for families with dependent children. // Item from can 221, labeled 01/07/1975 - 01/15/1975.;Unidentified man talks during a press conference about the aid program for families with dependent children; he says that in 1973 there were about 20,000 families in the state t...
18) 0853.0015 [Longley on Dispute With Carey]
Murray reports on dispute between Governor James Longley and state representative Richard 'Spike' Carey. Longley apologizes to Legislature, calls Carey 'a friend,' says they all...;Murray reports on dispute between Governor James Longley and state representative Richard 'Spike' Carey, summarizing the thread of the conflict; footage of Longley, standing bef...
19) 0853.0016 [Carey-Longley Dispute]
State Representative Richard 'Spike' Carey talks about his meeting with Governor James Longley and their dispute, says state representatives wanted to 'shock (Longley) into real...;State Representative Richard 'Spike' Carey talks with reporter Jean Murray about his meeting with Governor James Longley and their dispute; he says that state representatives wa...
31) 0853.0017 [Portland Apartment Building Project]
Progress report on construction project for new Union Mutual apartment building in Portland's East End. Interview with project supervisor Ted Bernard. // Slightly faded. // Item...;Footage of water views and a progress report on the construction project for a new Union Mutual apartment building in Portland's East End; an on-site interview with project supe...
28) 0853.0018 [Lawyer on Sentencing Procedures]
Portland attorney Urban Bennett discusses sentencing procedures for criminals, prison reform study during interview in his office. // Slightly faded. // Item from can 221, label...;Portland attorney Urban Bennett talks about sentencing procedures for criminals and a prison reform study during an interview in his office with reporter John "Jack" Curran; he ...
22) 0853.0019 [Lewiston Water Main Break]
Water main breaks on Lincoln Street in Lewiston due to boulder shifting. Night footage of repair crew/workers, water pump. // Slightly faded. // Item from can 221, labeled 01/07...;Footage of a night-time water main break under Lincoln Street in Lewiston when a boulder shifts and leaving 50 families without water for about 12 hours, reports Dick Gosselin d...
23) 0853.0020 [Tapley on Bigelow Mountain]
// Slightly faded. // Item from can 221, labeled 01/07/1975 - 01/15/1975.;Interview in television studio with Lance Tapley on Bigelow Mountain referendum petition drive and upcoming meeting in Portland. Features vivid set design with sun pattern on wall.
24) 0853.0021 [Energy Policy]
// Item from can 221, labeled 01/07/1975 - 01/15/1975.;Representative Neil Rolde talks with reporter Jean Murray about the effect of Governor James Longley's apology to the legislature; reporter Murray interviews an unidentified wom...
25) 0853.0022 [Muskie on His Committee Assignments]
Senator Edmund Muskie talks about changing his Senate committee assignments at press conference. // Slightly faded, slightly scratched. // Item from can 221, labeled 01/07/1975 ...;Senator Edmund Muskie at a press conference talks about the changes his Senate committee assignments requires; he explains the reasons for his decisions for selecting the commit...
72) 0853.0023 [Agricultural Trade Show Preview]
// Slightly faded. // Item from can 221, labeled 01/07/1975 - 01/15/1975.;An unidentified man talks with reporter Jean Murray about the upcoming 34th annual Agricultural Trades Show to be held at Augusta Civic Center, while standing next to a poster o...
27) 0853.0024 [Thin Ice in Portland]
Interview with man in Deering Oaks Park in Portland about dangers of thin ice in city's parks. 'Danger Thin Ice' signs in ice. // Slightly faded. // Item from can 221, labeled 0...;Footage of an iced-over pond with warning signs posted; 'Danger Thin Ice' signs in ice; a voice-over of an unidentified Portland parks and recreation officer talking about the c...
28) 0853.0025 [Milk Program Honors Brophy]
// Item from can 221, labeled 01/07/1975 - 01/15/1975.;An unidentified Maine Milk Program official honors Jake Brophy who hosted a radio and then a television program of agriculture news, with a certificate of recognition;
29) 0853.0026 [School Funding Law]
Man wearing green bow tie speaks about difficulties facing Portland schools due to new school funding law, will require elimination of many teaching positions if changes are not...;Footage of an unidentified man sitting in an office who talks about the budget cuts that Portland schools will face under the new school funding law, worst of which, he says wil...
30) 0853.0027 [Longley on Scrutiny of Nominees]
Governor James Longley speaks at press conference on government service and public scrutiny of his nominees. // Item from can 221, labeled 01/07/1975 - 01/15/1975.;Governor James Longley at a press conference talks about government service and public scrutiny of his nominees; he is critical of the lack of recognition for the system of publ...
31) 0853.0028 [Hathaway on Inflation & Economy]
// Item from can 221, labeled 01/07/1975 - 01/15/1975.;United States Senator William Hathaway in his office talks about inflation as "our most acute problem"; he says the mild recession may help cure inflation, but a much greater in...
59) 0853.0029 [Legislature Report]
// Item from can 221, labeled 01/07/1975 - 01/15/1975.;Jean Murray reports from State House on the week's business of strategizing and maneuvering in the Legislature, and the status of the three political parties that make up the st...
33) 0853.0030 [Kennebec Journal Anniversary]
// Item from can 221, labeled 01/07/1975 - 01/15/1975.;150th anniversary of the Kennebec Journal (1825-1975); a banner, that reads 150 Anniversary Kennebec Journal, behind Jean Murry and editor "Dick", in an interview with an uniden...
9) 0853.0031 [Snowstorm on Turnpike]
// Item from can 221, labeled 01/07/1975 - 01/15/1975.;Silent footage from the inside-looking-out of a car driving in a snowstorm on the Maine Turnpike; cars off the road, accidents, ambulances, tow truck near the Portsmouth exchang...
35) 0853.0032 [Lumber Company Fire]
Fire at Tri-State Lumber Company in Auburn, firemen hose down smoldering wreckage. // Item from can 221, labeled 01/07/1975 - 01/15/1975.;Silent footage of the aftermath of a fire at Tri-State Lumber Company in Auburn; firemen with hoses dampen down smoldering wreckage that is surrounded by snow-covered landscape.
11) 0853.0033 [Oil Prices]
Curran report on oil prices, footage of oil tanks and truck in South Portland. // Item from can 221, labeled 01/07/1975 - 01/15/1975.;In a voice-over Jack Curran reports that President Ford favors a per barrel tax increase on oil prices; the Maine caucus met and decided to oppose any new duties on imported oil...
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