118 work results

29) 0309 cat. 0007-04-WABI Hounds Playing
Three dogs playing on a lawn and in water, including one of the dogs struggling to reach the dock.
26) 0316 cat.0011-01-WABI-60 Forestry Service Olamon
State Forest Nursery: Young trees are moved to other planting ground. Scenes include removal, bundling and transportation of trees. Also Smoky the Bear talking, a stump costume,...
6) 0317 cat.0011-15-WABI-60 T-Birds at Orphanage
Five T-Bird flying aces speak to children, then ride in stagecoach as part of a horse show.
22) 0322 cat.1007-09-WABI-60 Farm and Home Week at Univ. of Maine
Live broadcast including UM sign, a WABI interview, people seated and listening, baby animal playing.
20) 0325 cat. 1008-11-WABI-60 Horse Show at Dow Air Force Base
Show including horses jumping over barricades, a clown with a water hose, a stagecoach loaded with Air Force men and cowboys, crowd in stands.
26) 0325 cat. 1008-13-WABI-60 Maine Exposition at Portland
Portland: Governor John Reed's visit to expo including his arrival, shaking hands, looking at lobster replica, Smokey the Bear mannequin, speaking with young woman wearing crown...
17) 0332 cat. 0020-02-WABI Deer Killed by Dogs
A deer dying from dog attack.
45) 0334 cat. 0024-11-WABI-62 Waterville Fire
Waterville: Building on fire, fire fighters, confused dog, spectators.
46) 0334 cat. 0024-15-WABI-62 Deer
Several dead deer lying on ground as men inspect them and crowd watches.
10) 0335 cat. 0025-05-WABI-61 Racing at Bangor Fair
Horse and buggy race including an accident.
16) 0341 cat. 0026-09-WABI Suburban Farm?
Salesman helps couple looking at stuffed toy dog in store.
32) 0341 cat. 0026-12-WABI-61 Fair Cattle Judging
Cattle contest including parade of owners and cattle, interviews with winners, WABI personnel.
33) 0343 cat. 0029-01-WABI-61 Harness Racing
Bangor: Horse race at Bangor Harness Raceway.
14) 0343 cat. 0029-23-WABI-60 Republican Women at Auditorium
Governor Reed attends women's meeting, poses, shakes hands. A poodle on a chair with a banner reading, 'Re-Elect McIntire to Congress.'
26) 0343 cat. 0030-05-WABI UM Farm and Home Week
Orono : Meetings, livestock, displays, WABI News interviews.
33) 0344 cat. 0028-03-WABI-61 Webber Oil
Webber Oil truck makes delivery. Shots of the truck's Esso Oil logo, dog on top of cab, truck driving.
17) 0350 cat. 0033-01-WABI-60 Santa Claus Parade
Parade including Nativity and Christmas Countdown floats, Jaycees, Santa and reindeer, Newport and Bangor marching bands and majorettes.
18) 0352 cat. 0047-02-WABI-62 Sentry Dogs at Dow
Dogs demonstrate their attack skills.
33) 0356 cat. 1021-22-WABI-62 Stable Fire -- Bass Park
Nighttime fire including fire fighters with hoses, cows and horses the next morning, ruined building, cow being milked.
34) 0359 cat. 0049-22-WABI-62 Santa Parade
Parade including Orono, Bucksport, and Newport school bands along with floats and Santa with reindeer.
31) 0360 cat. 0088-04-WABI-62 Christmas Lights
Night shots of Christmas lights, a nativity scene at a church, and a Santa Claus with reindeer.
60) 0361 cat. 0047-17-WABI-62 Fawn Deer at Humane Society
Fawn runs around society building, is caught by man who points to deer's neck and belly and pets it, then carries it away. Also CU of deer's face.;Silent footage of dawn bounding into low growth;
6) 0361 cat. 1021-05-WABI-62 Bear in Bangor
Bangor: Police arrive to shoot a black bear out of a tree, causing him to fall. They strap hin to a car as spectators watch.
76) 0361 cat. 1021-14-WABI-62 Bull Auction at Univ. of Maine
Orono: Bull auction including parade of animal, bidders watching.
17) 0362 cat. 0052-02-WABI-62 Bear in Tree
Bangor: Police officers shoot black bear out of tree and strap it to a car.
3) 0362 cat. 0052-08-WABI-62 Bull Auction at UM
Cow and bull auction including parade for bidders. CU, MS, and LS of bull.
28) 0363 cat. 0044-15-WABI-62 UM Snow Sculpting
Fraternities sculpt a beaver, squirrel, a giant teacup, a giant lobster, a map of Maine, and a tower.
28) 0363 cat. 0044-18-WABI-61 Harley Deer
Men displaying a fresh deer kill.
2) 0363 cat. 0045-18-WABI-61 Fire on Ohio Street
Fire at 1274 Ohio St. including smoke, fire, fire fighter climbing up ladder to window, bunny saved from fire.
734) 0364 cat. 0051-05-WABI Bozo's Cartoon Machine
Bozo's entertainment of children including tricks, mock fight, man in dog costume.
31) 0371 cat. 0059-03-WABI-62 Children Sliding
Various shots of children sliding down a snow covered hill on skis and toboggans. Shots include MS and CU as the sleds come straight at the camera.
34) 0379 cat. 0062-10-WABI-63 Snow Travelers at WABI
Skiers and snow travelers prepare for trip on lawn of WABI.
31) 0381 cat. 0003-22-WABI-63 Farm and Home Week at UM
Event including interviews with participants, farm animal.
18) 0382 cat. 0071-14-WABI-63 Friendly Bear
Small bear begs group of people for food, and is escorted away by park rangers.
24) 0382 cat. 0071-20-WABI-63 Bear Capture
Men use food to lure bear into box.
33) 0382 cat. 0071-22-WABI-63 Late Snow
Late snow including covered roads, houses, shrubs and cars, a man clearing a path, a cold dog.
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