47 work results

1) 2932.0012 [Zelma Williams -- home movies] Reel 12
Zel #3 - RC Racing Fort Knox ; Dad's Farm - King's Landing ; Mel starting to walk - in the tub. 1st BiD; 1st Xmas;A go-cart track. (Near Meriden, Connecticut) A boy puts on a motorcycle helmet. Go-cart racing. Indistinct lights in the dark. Two young children climbing on a giant cannon. A m...
13) 2791.0052 [Marie and LeGrand Cannon III--home movies] Reel 52
Horses 1973, Laura Cannon [Christmas sequence with 1961 edgecode, processed 3/64);A dirt bike race. A boy (LeGrand "Lee" Cannon IV) with a camera. Blurry shot inside a church. A man (LeGrand "Lee" Cannon III) and Lee IV in front of a building. Lee, a girl (La...
3) 2716.1095 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - A Christmas Story
Dub Captain Bob CB XM A Christmas Story Rec. 12/22/84;Slate: “Prod “Christmas Story” VT# 1348 Air: T.B.A Rec: 12/2/76 Dir: Frisbee”. Title: “A Christmas Story with Capt Bob Cottle”. Captain Bob tells a Christmas story about Jasper ...;Credits: A Christmas Story; with Capt Bob Cottle; Directed by Alex Frisbie; “Not A Whirlybird” by Capt Bob; Musical Direction: Maggi Scott; Produced at WCVB-TV Boston;
22) 2681.0141 [Albert G. and Mary Miller Dietrich--home movies] Reel 141
Box: Christmas 1969 / Winter scenes 1970;The family (Mary, David, Mark, and Mary Lou) having Christmas dinner. Trees and cars coated in ice. A bird feeder. Mary on the telephone. Trees and birds. [End of Reel]
19) 2656.0006 [Joan Cartledge--home movies] Reel 6
1974 Christmas program Teacher's residence Inside unfinished clinic yard sale at snack bar;Scene of a children’s Christmas pageant. A Christmas tree. A room with empty bed frames. Shots of several empty rooms, possibly in the clinic. Panning shot of building supplies....
309) 2654.0006 [Labrador, 1970s. Joan Cartledge--home movies] Reel 6
Telephone installation, Fall ‘75 Uncle Tom’s casket Cemetary Nov. fishing at Square Islands Aunt Mary Ann’s funeral Trench Blasting Mrs. Clegg Middle Pond, Sam, Leo Upper grades...;Fall '75 - May '76;A man working on a telephone pole. The same man on a ladder working on a house to install a telephone line. People line up to unload a coffin from a float plane and carry it up ...
6) 2509.0006 Shawn's Birthday, 1973--Linda Stearns--home movies, Reel 6
Children and adults opening Christmas gifts. A young man opens a gift to reveal a tool kit. A man holds up a new ax. Shot of the Christmas tree. Children sledding. A girl openin...;12/72 Shawn's birthday 1973
9) 2509.0003 Christmas '71, 1971--Linda Stearns--home movies, Reel 3
Adults and children seated in the living room. Children lying under a blanket around the Christmas tree. Children opening gifts. Pies and cakes. Children sledding. [End of Reel]
9) 2182.0018 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 18
Label: 'XMAS 1972, Charlene & Gay, Wendy's Wedding.' // 1969 date code on film.
33) 2182.0006 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 6
Label: 'Christmas 1971.' // Footage of Christmas.
31) 2182.0005 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 5
Label: 'Christmas 1971 & Tom's Birthday.' // Footage of Christmas and birthday party.
12) 2160.0016 [Paul Robbins--home movies] Reel 16
Title: 'Jan.10, 1975.' // Underexposed footage of ducks. Snow. Cat and Christmas decorations.
13) 2158.0003 [Fitzgerald Family--home movies] Reel 3
Label: 'Fall 1971, Christmas 1971, Brian Chopping Wood, Duke in Parade - Memorial Day, Karen's Wedding - June 10 1972, Fourth of July Parade 1972.'
54) 1861.0054 [John Frederick Hohmann--home movies] Reel 54
Title from label on original film can: 'Seth, 1973 and Christmas, 1968.' // This reel titled as reel 15 on 3/4in. and VHS transfer copies.;Raccoon and dog on deck; raccoon and dog (dachshund) in yard; mobile moving above crib; baby lying in crib; baby with stuffed animals; white bird on lake; close up of berries an...
29) 1861.0025 [Nancy Hohmann--home movies] Reel 25
Title from label on original film reel: 'Adam's Fifth Birthday and Christmas, 1979.' // On reel with Reels 22-24, 26-28.;Boy waving at camera; two boys at table; woman carrying cake with lit candles, boy blows out candles; boy riding bike in driveway; birthday party; decorated Christmas tree; boys...
32) 1861.0023 [Nancy Hohmann--home movies] Reel 23
Title from label on original film reel: 'Christmas, 1978.' // On reel with Reels 22, 24-28.;Group of people on sleds going downhill together (sled train); cutting down a Christmas tree; dark shots: candlelit table, opening presents; snow and trees; little boys in kitch...
35) 1861.0020 [Nancy Hohmann--home movies] Reel 20
Title from label on original film reel: 'Christmas, 1977.' // On reel with Reels 15-19, 21.;'Christmas in Maine, 1977'; boys on riding toys (Big Wheel); family with gifts; toy trains; little boy on skis in snow; sledding; little boy taking bath in plastic bucket; sledd...
30) 1861.0017 [Nancy Hohmann--home movies] Reel 17
Title from label on original film reel: 'Christmas, 1976.' // On reel with Reels 15-16, 18-21.;Sign: 'Christmas '76 VT'; dark shot of Christmas tree, presents, kids coming down stairs; man handing out stockings; getting gifts out of stockings; opening and playing with pre...
33) 1861.0011 [Nancy Hohmann--home movies] Reel 11
Title from label on original film reel: 'Christmas, 1975 #2.';Family in yard, little boy pulling toy truck; at water's edge, boy pulling toy boat; car ferry, boy on deck pulling toy truck; mailbox in snow; snowy landscape, house, boy pulli...
14) 1861.0010 [Nancy Hohmann--home movies] Reel 10
Title from label on original film reel: 'Christmas, 1975.';Little boys opening gifts, playing with toys; adults, dog in front of fire; little boy playing with bow; baby and older man playing with blocks; kids playing; blocks spelling 't...
27) 1861.0005 [Nancy Hohmann--home movies] Reel 5
Title from label on original film reel: 'Christmas, 1974.';Sign: 'Christmas 1974.' Dark shot of Christmas tree, presents, stockings; toddler, dog, man and baby come into room; toddler sitting on toy American Airlines airplane; baby in c...
30) 1734.0001 [Laura Nickerson--home movies] Reel 1
Adults and children playing in a field. A woman washing dishes. A man building a shelf. Children opening Christmas gifts. Shot of the Christmas tree, gifts and television. Dark ...
29) 1713.0015 [William Stone--home movies] Reel 15
1977, 1978, 1979 edge codes on film. // Can note: '1978-1981. 1978 skating in back with Amy Jane. February blizzard. Christmas. 1979 skating in Canada with Odette. At Jean's hou...
126) 1713.0014 [William Stone--home movies] Reel 14
1976, 1977 edge codes on film. // Can note: '1976-1977. December, 1976, Christmas. 1977 February storm. Jeffrey, Michelle, Chantal skating in back. Michelle birthday. Jeffrey bi...
23) 1713.0013 [William Stone--home movies] Reel 13
1975 edge code on film. // Can note: '1975-1976. Christmas skating on pond across tracks. 1976 Spring. Tall Ships.'
33) 1713.0011 [William Stone--home movies] Reel 11
1972 edge code on film. // Can note: '1972-1973. Christmas, 1972. Quebec. Ottawa. Summer, 1973. Michelle's birthday. Terace & Clement. Charly [Girlaine.? Cartsin?]. Lilly. Evau,...
31) 1713.0009 [William Stone--home movies] Reel 9
1971, 1972 edge codes on film. // Can note: '1971-1972. Summer, 1971. Terace [sic?], Carol, Mary. Jean [Charl?]. Chantal 2nd birthday. Christmas. Canada, 1972. Skidoo. Summer, 1...
28) 1713.0008 [William Stone--home movies] Reel 8
1969, 1970 edge codes on film. // Can note: '1970-1971. Summer, 1970, August, Serge & Raymond on boat and beach. Chantal first birthday. Thanksgiving. Christmas. 1971, Spring.'
29) 1713.0006 [William Stone--home movies] Reel 6
1969 edge code on film. // Can note: '1969-1970. 1969, Thanksgiving. Christmas. Spring, 1970, Michelle birthday. Chantal christening.'
4) 1695.0010 [Joanne Swift--home movies] Reel 10
A woman, a girl, and a dog playing next to a Christmas tree. A dog sitting in an armchair. Children opening Christmas gifts. People sitting around a large table. A girl riding a...
2) 1695.0009a [Joanne Swift--home movies] Reel 9A
Two women, a group of children, and a dog playing next to a decorated Christmas tree. A toddler hands a camera to a man. The toddler sitting at a piano. Children and the dog pla...
19) 1567.0015B [Christmas Eve PP&T Party]
On tape with 1567.0015A. // Christmas Eve party at the home of WCSH cameraman Barry Atwood in North Gorham. Christmas tree is decorated with numerous ornaments. Brief shot of WC...
33) 1567.0013B [Gray Senior Citizens' Christmas Party]
On tape with 1567.0013A. // // Label on tape: 'Hallowell Geese (Dominic Blodgett) / Gray Senior Citizens Xmas Party.' '4:25 / 5:25.' Additional labeling on tape for cut 2: '1. M...
69) 1490.PC7 [NHF compilation: Promo Reels 9 and 11]
1988 NHF compilation tape of news stories from BHS/WABI Collection. Tapecontains: Promo Reel 9 (all sof): 1. Maine woman in Miss America Pageant, [cat.no.????], dated 9/10/64 2....
8) 1323.0006 [Philip Thompson--home movies] Reel 6
Can notes: 'Eastern Prom--Portland West Side--Fort Georges--Eastern Prom--Farmers Market--Congress & 8th. 1972.' // Panoramic views of Portland shot from vehicle. Winter views o...
12) 1196 [Shaw--home movies]
Videotape copy of nine Shaw family home movies. (Segment #1 is Brady Gang segment described in separate ProCite record.) 2. Civil Rights Parade, Bangor, Main St. Dated early 196...
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