36 work results

1) 0143/0144.0020 [Robert M. Hume, Sr.--home movies]. Reel 20: Christmas
Box notes: 'Orono Xmas 1949. Bob III & Bill.' NHF cataloguer's notes: Christmas: tree, presents, children.
4) 0759.0013 [Margaret Cummings Bean--home movies] Reel 13
Christmas lights, horses, low water, horses, cars on ice, pung, Janet, Christine in snow (about 6 years old), Agassiz.;A covered bridge. A Christmas tree covered with lights. A girl and a dog in the snow. Horses and people in the snow. Horses and trucks on the ice. A horse drawn sleigh. Children...
31) 0895.0005 [David L. Knowlton--home movies] Reel 5
NHF cataloguer's notes, 8/97 (notes are divided into 9 parts due to length, donor's notes are inserted in brackets): [Location possibly Greenville, Maine or Knowlton, Quebec, Ca...
21) 1023.0003 Family, Christmas, Vinalhaven, Maine, 1940-1942--Cameron A. Rae--home movies. Reel 3
"Family V. Haven";Compiled black-and-white and color home movies including scenes of extended family at Christmas, summer shore and boating scenes shot from the Penobscot Bay ferry W.S. White, an...;In black-and-white, four men indoors in suits, boys and girl seated on floor by Christmas tree; cut to outdoors, extended family portrait in winter coats. Cut to color, man in ...
4) 1059.0004 [George E. Whitmore--home movies] Reel 4
Film can/box notes as follows (reel numbers are NHF-assigned). 4. Christmas.
26) 1108.0054 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 054
Reel 54: Archie Stewart can notes: Sound. Mary sings Solveig's song. Poorer odds & ends. Xmas tree. AES, TWS. Roy & Sadie. Grandpa & Ma Barnes. Otto, Ann & Geo. ...;SOUND Screening notes: CU on Mary singing (room lighting cast shadow on face). Grandma Stewart writing on lap in front of Christmas tree. Archie narration 'Grandma Stewart's bir...
22) 1108.0065 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 065
Archie Stewart notes: Compilation reel of 'Annie Bannie' early childhood scenes over several years. [Ann Stewart Sauls, born April 18, 1930] Intertitle: 'Member Amateur Cinema...
24) 1108.0107 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 107
Reel 107: Archie Stewart can notes: Temporary Xmas season pictures, 1949-1950. Start with Ann & Bob, end Ann & Mary's Xmas party. Storm damage, fall 1950. Small strip To...
31) 1196 [Shaw--home movies]
Videotape copy of nine Shaw family home movies. (Segment #1 is Brady Gang segment described in separate ProCite record.) 2. Civil Rights Parade, Bangor, Main St. Dated early 196...
21) 1375.0054 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 54
NHF Cataloguer's notes for reel 54:36:01. CU Christmas wreath with large pink bow on door of home. Man hangs wash on lines hung between two trees. He pins black trousers to line...
31) 1375.0060 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 60
NHF Cataloguer's notes for reel 60. Coupe being backed out of garage. 36:04. Car is motored down driveway. Car stops at side of academic building. Cigarette in hand, man emerges...
5) 1388.0004 [Wright Family--home movies] Reel 4
Box notes for Reel 4: Caroline Aagot Wright, aged two or three, 1947? By Christmas tree and riding tricycle. Last segment: Roger and Beverly and lambs.;Donor's notes [for wedding segment]: 'Shot by Walter Woodman Wright, father of the subject [bride], in Haverford, PA.';A toddler (Caroline Aagot Wright) eating at a small table outside. Caroline on a slide. Caroline next to a Christmas tree, posing with toys. Caroline riding a tricycle on the si...
13) 1688.0022 [Richard Clark--home movies] Reel 4
Processing notes: 'Christmas '47, Snow of '48.' // Very good condition. // Christmas scenes.;People in front of a Christmas tree. An older couple walking in the snow. Shot of a dog. Shots of people, including Katharine, walking through the snow. An old woman waves at th...
24) 1688.0026 [Annie Wood Nowell--home movie transfer with narration]
VHS copy of 17 reels donated with film, stored in vault. // Videotape has narration. // VHS video notes: 1928 - Powder Point house renovations, Duxbury, MA. 1927 - Nancy 1 year ...
1) 1695.0002 Beach scenes, coastal Maine, children, Christmas, 1941--Donald Taylor--home movies. Reel 2
"Sunset / Dad's House / Kittredge Rd. and Flowers / 1941: Sandy Point & McGlatturies / Kids on Beach / colored Christmas";Reel #2A: Cape Elizabeth. Fletcher and Laura Means. Marcia Means and Nanna M[?]. S. Portland. Sunset - Penobscot Terrace. Croquet. Ships, S. Portland. Peonies. Swing - Sandy Poi...;Family on rocks by ocean- Rubye, Don, the twins (Jo and Sue) and another family with a girl and boy. Picnic on rocks. Portrait shot of woman in yard. Sunset (dark footage). ...;Compiled black-and-white and color home movies of the family at the beach and hiking around Maine; and color footage of the twins playing with their presents Christmas 1941.
16) 2152.0009 [Sawyer Family--home movies] Reel 9
Can label: '1st Xmas 1947 and Summer 1948 / Xmas 1948 / Winter + Spring 1949 / Nantucket Trip Aug 1948 / [?] and Dick's Wedding 1947.'
9) 2167.0009 Patsy 12 to 18 months--King Family--home movies. Reel 9
On can: "1940-41 Patsy 1 Year to 1 1/2.";Title: "Christmas 1940" color. Decorating tree with tinsel and ornament on top. Presents underneath Dog. Patsy crawls across room. Patsy gets stocking, pulls out toys. Pat...;Color home movies of Patsy King's second year, beginning with Christmas 1940, compiled with black-and-white intertitles.
10) 2167.0010 Christmas, Birthdays--King Family--home movies. Reel 10
1941 edge code on film. // Label on can: 'Billy 1941 - Patsy's 2nd Birthday. Xmas 41.';b&w, woman and baby in bed. Baby is crying and very small. Baby in bath still crying. Baby looking at camera seriously, no longer crying ECU. Sequence of head shots of baby. Ba...
26) 2167.0017 Watermelon, Christmas--King Family--home movies. Reel 17
1946 edge code on film. // Label on can: 'Summer '46. Bob Brand and HK at ANCC. Second Pony Ride. LPK Boarding Plane for SD. Xmas 1946.';Color: Boy on playground equipment, upside down. Girl with pink boy and pink playsuit on swing (dark). Boy in blue playsuit next to her, child standing on swing, far right. Gi...
30) 2167.0026 Birthdays and Christmas--King Family--home movies. Reel 26
VINEGAR SYNDROME // Dates from edge codes on film. // Label on can: 'Dec 42 - March 43. Jim + Elinore Dec 42. Patsy's 3rd Birthday. Christmas 42. Billys 2d Birthday Spring 43. B...;b&w Soldier walks outside house with family members, poses with mother? Wife comes out of house. Soldier in overcoat puts out hand to shake (it's not shaken). He is preparing t...
21) 2186.0051 [Herbert F. Sturdy--home movies] Reel 51
Label: 'Xmas 47/Moon/Sunset/Leaving Ranch/St. Fe (Santa Fe?)/Nancy Hi Chair' '48/Nancy Walks With Toots/Friends/ 3/48 /Wheels/Wild Frs/Shepiarch/Playing Grownup 1948/ 7/4 Balboa...
22) 2186.0054 [Herbert F. Sturdy--home movies] Reel 54
Label: '5/1/49 Westlake / Xmas 1949 / Nanc 12/1/50 / 12/25/50 / Mud 1/52.' // VINEGAR SYNDROME - IN VINEGAR STORAGE. // Kodachrome.
23) 2186.0071 [Herbert F. Sturdy--home movies] Reel 71
Label: 'Xmas 46/Sally 4.' // Film has very slight vinegar odor. // Excellent Kodachrome color. // Dates from edge code.
24) 2186.0093 [Herbert F. Sturdy--home movies] Reel 93
Label: 'Eastern Trip Detroit to New Haven '49.' // Slight vinegar odor. // Kodachrome. // Includes footage of Mohonk Mountain House hotel in New Paltz, NY.
28) 2261.0006 [Joshua W. Curtis, Jr.—home movies] Reel 6
Family drives to top of cliff for a picnic. Waves crash against the rock. Woman feeds food to squirrel. This is probably Schoodic peninsula, part of Acadia National Park. Men ...
14) 2298.0014 [Manley Nelson--home movies] Reel 14
1948 edge code on film. // Box label: 'Xmas 49. Bridge Party.' ;Three generations of family sit near Christmas tree and a young boy shows his new gun. Men play cards at table. Several tables of women play cards, probably a bridge game.
27) 2310.0008 [Milton Dowe—home movies] Reel 8
Intertitle: "Home Movies Presents 'The Flood' Spring of 1940" 49:12- 50:37 Views of rushing water on village streets, running down embankment by small bridge and into stream b...
24) 2310.0010 [Milton Dowe—home movies] Reel 10
Intertitle: "Home Movies Presents Thanksgiving 1946" 16:39-18:41 Color views of family around table laughing and eating. Young girls also eating (same two as seen before). Sm...
15) 2329.0002 [Virginia Lee Viall--home movies] Reel 2
Virginia Lee Viall 5th birthday - June 20, 1952;Shot of a calendar. A toddler (Virginia Viall) seated at an outdoor table, with a birthday cake and gifts. Virginia pushing a doll in a stroller. A calendar for ‘September 1949’...
3) 2351.0017 "Sea Coast Mission" Reel 3
Intertitle: "When a doctor's call from the mainland may cost $75, the services of a nurse in the winter months are desperately needed. She is sponsored jointly by the Mission a...;THE MAINE SEA COAST MISSIONARY SOCIETY Bar Harbor, Maine INTRODUCTORY REMARKS (May be omitted if desired): The idea of making this movie of the work of the Maine Sea Coast Mi...
1) 2507.0002 [S.D. Kelsey--home movies] Reel 2
Can notes: " Reel #2 1947-1948. Marj's party 47, Popolopen 47, Snow 48, Gene (Boston) 48" "Stevie's second Xmas 1944, Boston in Spring of 1946 Mari's first birthday 1946, Wes...;REEL TWO 1943-1946 Stevie's first Christmas, is the opening scene. Daddy is at war. Mother and Stevie are still living in Brooklyn and laughing and hugging each other unde...
27) 2523.0006 [Philip W. Hussey--home movies] Reel 6, Accession 2523
Man works on trailer hitch. Men gather around outside of a storefront with ads in windows, smoke cigars, work together to move a sailboat out of a storefront door, put the boat...
33) 2659.0004 [Marguerite Larock--home movies] Reel 4
Christmas at 417 Main & at Charlotte’s, 1944. The Goudeys, Collins’ & 2 Larocks. Christmas music 1945, dancing “au natural.” Marcia’s 4th birthday party one rainy day ...;Christmas 1944. Children, including Marcia, opening presents near a Christmas tree. Marcia is given a doll. Shot of the people gathered around the tree (“The Goudeys, Collins’ &...;12/44
34) 2659.0007 [Marguerite Larock--home movies] Reel 7
Denny one year old. Red Cloutier plus the waste can. Flying Dutchman? The first snow of Christmas 1948. Early in the morning at 417 Main st., 14 months old. Br-r-r-r cold s...;A baby (Dennis) walking, at one year old. A little girl (Marcia) and Dennis walking, holding hands. A man, Red Cloutier, sweeping. Dennis walking around a car. Cut to Dennis in ...;October '48
7) 2659.0008 [Marguerite Larock--home movies] Reel 8
At Moosehead Lake with Grandpa & Grandma. The Farm. Gramp going for Berries. Grandma knitting a stitch, & Denny doing what comes naturally. At Camp. Denny can almost sw...;A boy (Dennis) sitting in a birch tree. A man standing next to the tree. Dennis and the man walking in the grass, towards a flag pole. Panning shot of the lake. Shot of the hous...;Summer '49
36) 2747.0021 Sailing trip and family activities in Essex, 1940-1941--Dorothy Stebbins Bowles--home movies. Reel 18
1940-1941 - Essex and sailing B, Ches, Cynnie, Sally, Sam Chet and B playing football Rock at Selden's Creek Ches, Jim, and Honey Lou Rogers building dam across marsh Charlie Yo...;B&W Cynthia and Sally in raincoats holding hand walking in front of the house toward the camera. Cynthia and Sam in the backyard, Sam is carrying a deflated football. Shot...
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