386 work results

1) 0898.0001 White Heron, The
Sarah Orne Jewett's story of Sylvy, a solitary girl caught between the admiration she feels for a young hunter and her love of nature. She is unable to help the hunter kill the ...;White Heron' citations: LC list 1991, Maine--Fiction. not in LC collection. Maine State Library. UMO Film Library (1983). Portland Press Herald, 8-29-77, p. 9. Maine Sunday Tele...
2) 1000.0001 Dream
Title on film: 'Dream.';A paper sign title card: ‘DREAM’. An upside-down shot of a woman. A bass plays. Backdrop: ‘1620 vs. 1920’. Close up of an embossed cover of the ‘Holy Bible’. First page: ‘Direct...;Preservation answer print made from Super 8 archival master funded by 2007 Women's Film Preservation Fund grant. Lab work done by Brodsky and Treadway, Chace and Cineric. Work c...
1) 1000.0002 Blaine/Lipstick/Horse Show
A man driving through an arid landscape. A gate with a sign: ‘No Trespassing’. Drives past a sign: ‘ALL ADULTS 50’. Man smoking as he drives past cows. Lumber. Cattle. Man tossi...;UNCLE BLAINE Reel #1 LIPSTICK 74 Reel #2 Nat'L Horse Show 204 P.M. Reel #3
4) 1000.0003 Fang Gang, The
Preservation answer print made from Super 8 archival master funded by 2007 Women's Film Preservation Fund grant. Lab work done by Brodsky and Treadway, Chace and Cineric. Work c...;Title card: ‘THE FANG GANG’. Music plays. ‘KATHY S., BOB G., BONNIE M., FRANK K., KATHY R.’ Panning shot of a field and barn. People drive a car while a man with a gun clings to...;Title on film: 'The Fang Gang.' // Vampire film.
3) 1000.0004 Christmas in Boston
'Christmas in Boston.';Title card: ‘Christmas in Boston’. Shot of wreaths and Christmas trees. A Christmas tree made of lights on top of a building. ‘Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town’ plays. People on th...
1) 1000.0005 Sporting Event
Boys playing baseball. A man grooming a horse. The man on horseback. Sunset over mountains. A soccer game. Shot of a toy elephant sitting on the ground. Cut back to the soccer g...
15) 1000.0006 Review Nat’l Horse Show
An arena where a horse and rider are show jumping. Close shot of a horse jumping. A different horse and rider. Sped up footage of horse and rider. Shots of various horses jumpin...;Morrison Horse Show
8) 1000.0007 Lipstick '74
Date from edge code on film. // Label on film can: 'Lipstick '74.';A woman reading a magazine and drinking coffee. Washing dishes. Contains nudity, images of erotica and other photographs. Simple animation. The woman leaving the house. [End of ...
9) 1000.0008 N.Y., N.Y.
Shots of the street from above. Cars and bicyclists on the street. A dog on the sidewalk. Close ups of car wheels and feet. People on the sidewalk. Children playing. Sped up foo...;Not Transferred N.Y.N.Y. REEL 8 July #2 N.Y N.Y 247 p. 50
10) 1000.0009 Animation 74
Hand drawn animation done with marker on paper. Blurry shots of colored lights. [End of Reel];Reel 9 JLB
15) 1000.0010 N.Y., N.Y. Extra Footage
American flag seen through tree branches. A statue. Shots of people on the street, cars and buildings. Close up of a moving tire. Street seen from above. A group of Hare Krishna...;Morrison AE Hare Krishna Outtakes Reel 10 JLB N.Y. N.Y. Extra Footage
12) 1000.0011 Light Bulb Animation
Hand drawn animation, marker on paper. Moving geometric shapes. A blurry, flashing light. [End of Reel];Light Bulb Annimation Reel 11 JLB Jane Morrison 18 Gramercy Parks N.Y, N.Y. 10003
13) 1000.0012 Leaves Titles
A title card decorated with leaves: ‘LEAVES’. A leaf is moved to obscure the shot. Card decorated with leaves: ‘THE END’. Close up of leaves. [End of Reel];Leaves Titles Reel 12 LB
10) 1000.0013 Home on the Farm
Close up of a black cat in the grass. A barn and field. A garden. A dog. Pigs. Shot of the barn. Laundry drying on a line. Shots of the barn. The house and cars. [End of Reel];Home on the Farm Reel 13 JLB
12) 1000.0014 Lipstick Outtakes
A woman washing dishes in a sink. Sped up footage of the woman brushing her hair and applying makeup. A bunch of roses and a book shelf. A desk with paper and markers. A bunch o...;Jane Morrison Test Roll # 2 Squirrels (illegible) Shots Reel 14 JLB
16) 1000.0015 Light Effects
Various shots of rooftops, buildings, vents, chimneys, and windows. Car headlights in the dark. Windows in the dark. A pair of sandals in a patch of light on the floor. Flag in ...;Test Roll #3 Lighting St. lights effects Reel 15 JLB
17) 1000.0016 Lipstick [excerpt]
A woman leaving the house. The woman indoors putting on her jacket and selecting a flower from a vase. Multiple shots of the woman exiting the house. [End of Reel];End Backstage Reel 16 JLB
16) 1000.0017 Test Roll
A propped up sheet of lined paper that reads: ‘STABILIZATION’. A seashell on a sheet of paper: ‘At Edges of frame, of photo.’ A blurry shot of a painting of rocks. (‘Verticle St...;Jane Morrison 1. Statue 2. building tower 3. bleached out stuff Test roll #1 Reel 17 JLB
8) 1000.0018 Nat’l Horse Show – Outtakes
Shots of horses in the ring. Some close ups, some out of focus. Horse and rider jumping. A different horse and rider. [End of Reel];Outtakes Nat'l Horse Show Reel 18 JLB
1) 1000.0019 Henry Strater: American Artist
Rocks Nudes and Flowers: A Portrait of Henry Strater, American Artist (1896- ). 'A portrait of life and works of prolific realist painter who has found in Maine the subjects he ...;Title card: ‘ROCKS NUDES AND FLOWERS’. Title: ‘a portrait of Henry Strater American Artist (1896- )’ Henry Strater, sitting on a rock wall by the water, talking about his youth ...
2) 1000.0020 In the Spirit of Haystack
'A film by Jane Morrison.' Made with funds from the Maine State Commission on the Arts during the filmmakers artist in residency at WCBB 1979 (per credits). Portrait of Haystack...;A man standing in front of the ocean puts a sheet of clay over his face and imprints a design with his fingers. Title card: ‘IN THE SPIRIT OF HAYSTACK, A film by Jane Morrison, ...
19) 1000.0021 Muscongus Pond: A Potters's Place
Potter Connie Romero at work. She talks about relationship between her work and her cabin on the pond. Closeups of potters wheel, hands, pots being created. Fall at pond. Romero...;Shot of a rocky island in a pond. Title: ‘MUSCONGUS POND a potter’s place’. A porch by the pond. Narration over footage of a woman, Connie Romero, at an outdoor potter’s wheel. ...
23) 1000.0022 Children of the Northlights: A portrait of Ingri and Edgar d'Aulaire
Portrait of children's book creators. Authors describe spending five years on Greek myths book. Travel with their children. One of their first books, Ola, about a Norwegian boy,...;Illustrations of trolls and other images. Title Card: ‘CHILDREN OF THE NORTHLIGHTS’. A child reading a picture book. Title: ‘a portrait of INGRI and EDGAR D’AULAIRE’. Ingri and ...
24) 1000.0023 EUE Optical/White Heron
#1 EUE Optical/ White Heron 26.00 3/15/78
28) 1000.0024 The White Heron roughout
“The White Heron” roughout 30 minutes 11/10/77 Morrison, Jane The White Aeron IFP 78 #2 of 2
29) 1000.0025 Collage-Interview '79
Collage-Interview ‘79 Jane Morrison Interview Maine Educational T.V. Mike Lewis – Interview;Scene from ‘The White Heron’: An old woman, a young man (the hunter) and a young girl (Sylvie) sit on the porch, discussing birds. Sylvie and the hunter searching for the white ...
27) 1000.0026 Rockamerica Demo Reel
Rockamerica Demo Reel CBS Core Presentations: The Manhattans Process and the Doo Rags Michael Bolton Gladys Knight and the Pips Palladium Animation Processional 7/19/85
28) 1000.0027 Jo's Bed-Sty Barbers Shop Reel 1
Jo’s Bed-Sty Barbers Shop Reel 1;A copy of 'Joe's Bed-Stuy Barbershop: We Cut Heads', an independent film by Spike Lee, produced as his master's thesis for the Tisch School of the Arts.
29) 1000.0028 Harlan County Reel 1
Harlan County Reel 1 Rewind II A
30) 1000.0029 Harlan County Reel 2
Harlan County Reel 2 II B
31) 1000.0030 Peña Fidel y La Religión
Peña Fidel y La Religión GAMMA 234 DOBLAJES Dimension Juvenil Flans Peña en Downbeat Collage I
18) 1000.0031 [Two Worlds of Angelita Interview with Jane Morrison, 1983]
Boston T.V. ‘83 Interview Angelita Two Worlds of Angelita Angelita Interview – Channel 5 T.V. Boston ‘83 Jane Morrison;A countdown. Title: ‘Aqui Presenta’. Intertitle: ‘The Two Worlds of Angelita’. Maria Morales interviews film maker Jane Morrison, subtitled in Spanish. They talk about the proce...
33) 1000.0032 Two Worlds of Angelita Part 1
1 Jane Morrison Prods. “The Two Worlds of Angelita Part #1 10/22/85 DUB J#12841 98-V #2 Morrison
34) 1000.0033 Two Worlds of Angelita Part 2
2 Jane Morrison Prods. “The Two Worlds of Angelita Part #2 10/22/85 DUB J#12841 98-V #1
9) 1000.0034 The Two Worlds of Angelita PSA
The Two Worlds of Angelita PSA;Title: ‘Coming October 28th for a limited two week engagement CARNEGIE HALL CINEMA’. Intertitle: ‘An unusual new film by an unusually talented new director’. Close up of a girl ...
36) 1000.0035 Film Clips - Angelita
Film Clips – Angelita Jane Morrison Angelita Film Clips Scene 1. Puerto Rico – grandmother, mother, Angelita 46 sec. / Drugs + Crime that’s what you find in NY 1.40 sec 2. Puert...;Tape case contained a letter from the Athens Center for Film and Video, July 31, 1985
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