5 work results

9) 0720 Smiff Brothers--Sandwich Fair
Sandwich Fair: Clif Reynolds (wearing cowboy hat) plays primitive string bass-type instrument along with Smiff Brothers on guitar and harmonica.
2) 1567.0062 [Ossipee Valley Fair Opens]
Clif Reynolds visits site of the opening of the first ever Ossipee Valley Fair. Governor Joseph Brennan speaks to crowd at Fair's opening and cuts ribbon. Scenes at fairground. ...
7) 1567.0093 [Preparing for Ossipee Valley Fair]
Reynolds visits the future site of the Ossipee Valley Fair in Hiram. Fair was formerly located in Cornish, but outgrew the site. Community is heavily involved in providing volun...
3) 2111 Fryeburg Fair
No description available
5) 2113 Smiff Bros. Sandwich Fair
Sandwich Fair: Musician brothers play guitar and harmonica.
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