220 work results

34) 2394.01660 New Hampshire Primary
30) 2394.01800 I95, Businessmen Organize
6) 2394.03286 Hockey
Description from Assignment Sheet: "Schoolboy Hockey - In the afternoon/ ECAC at night.";Hockey 3/9/1979;Crowd cheers and winning shots in exhibition play between Raiders and CA team members.
23) 2394.06419 BAA Marathon Finish
Jack Fultz, winner of the 1976 Boston Marathon, surrounded by reporters and being interviewed at the finish line. The interview with Fultz is followed with shots of other runne...
5) 2394.06490_Bruins [Bruins - Dave Forbes]
I Bruins Dave Forbes 2/17/76;Bruins highlights from multiple games followed by an interview with player Dave Forbes.
6) 2394.06490_Gabriel [Gabriel on Busing]
Gibson Gabriel (1);Interview with a woman on how ROAR (Restore Our Alienated Rights) is causing hatred and division in the city.
7) 2394.06490_Hockey [Hockey Harvard]
Hockey game footage
8) 2394.06490_Swimming [Boston College Swim Meet]
BC Swimming Meet 2-16-76 (Greater Boston Athletic);Footage of a few highlight from a swim meet.
9) 2394.06532 [Hockey Awards]
Hockey Awards 3/16/1976;Silent players standing, chatting amongst themselves, dressed in street clothes. Possibly Gilles Gilbert receiving a trophy on behalf of team.
36) 2394.08220_Fenway Fenway
2. Fenway - B-roll of a park, some buildings, traffic, and people walking down the sidewalk in a neighborhood. Interview with a woman about the community. Mix of sound and sil...
7) 2394.09332 [South Boston High School]
magnetic sound, color, circle=1976. Anti-busing signs, school classroom, man talking, school busses and police, *cut out slug,* reporter in front of the school, *short white ...
4) 2394.09365_Aquarium [Aquarium Election]
On can: 10/4/76 On leader: Aquarium Election;"Otters For Jimmy Dolphin" and "Beavers for Jerry Seal" signs above cages with an otter and a beaver. People pet the animals. Women hand out ballots to people on the street.;Description from Assignment Sheet: "Aquarium "Political Rally" for Favorite Animals - Fish"
13) 2394.09365_Economist [FED Economist]
On can: 10/4/76 On leader: FED Economist
14) 2394.09365_Kraemer [Kraemer pt. 1]
On can: 10/4/76 On leader: Part One E.N.G. Kraemer 10/4/76 On other leader slugs: #2 [5?];B-roll footage of a man threading a camera, driving up to WCVB, processing film, editing film, behind the scenes at WCVB, loading film into projector, news van, camera man and r...
7) 2394.09365_Lynn [Lynn Murder]
On can: 10/4/76 On leader: Lynn Murder 10/4/76;Description from Assignment Sheet: "Lynn Minister Murder - Film of scenes involved in murder of black church minister and the kidnap of his wife by black suspect in custody at ...;B-roll of exterior of a church, house, Lynn Savings bank, and street.
8) 2394.09365_Medicaid [Medicaid]
On can: 10/4/76 On leader: Medicaid
17) 2394.09365_Plumber [Plumber]
On can: 10/4/76 On leader: Plumber Lincoln, MA
18) 2394.09365_Yom Kippur [Yom Kippur]
On can: 10/4/76 On leader: Yom Kippur 10/4/76;From Assignment sheet: "Yon Kippur Services - At nursing home in West Roxbury."
19) 2394.09368 [Third World - Contractors pt. 1]
On can: 12/14/76 A On leader: #50 1 3rd World 1 12/14/6;Interview with a man about affirmative action. See Acc. 2394.09372
20) 2394.09372 [Third World - Contractors pt. 2]
On can: 12/14/76 A On leader: #50 2 3rd World 2 12/14/6;Outdoor construction yard. Shot of a black man working. Footage of non-white contractors around the site. See. Acc. 2394.09368
7) 2394.09390 [ERA Truthmobile pt. 2]
Description from Assignment sheet: "ERA N.C. [News Conference] - University women hold a n.c. [news conference] to talk about the ERA amendment.;Press conference. A woman speaks about how the issue of abortion is unrelated to the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). Cut to a different woman who says that the equal rights amen...
22) 2394.09393 Southie
Description from Assignment sheet: "Southie Problems - Lotsa black suspensions as the kids realize it's the end of the week and fights broke out inside the building, even though...
23) 2394.09394 [ERA Truthmobile pt. 1]
Description from Assignment sheet: "ERA N.C. [News Conference] - University women hold a n.c. [news conference] to talk about the ERA amendment.;Patriotic music plays while women stand by a car with "The American Association of University Women...ERA Truthmobile sign" on side and "vote yes on ERA" on the roof. B-roll of...
24) 2394.09400 McDonalds Safety
25) 2394.09467_MIT M.I.T. Commencement
10. M.I.T. Commencement - Students and faculty process in the MIT commencement ceremony. Silent, 30 ft. (Boston TV ID 2394.09467.10
26) 2394.09500 New Franklin Park Zoo
27) 2394.09596 [Wellesley High School]
"Wellsely High School - Gloria 10/18/76";Reporter stand-up. Interview with a couple men on the school committee. Shot of kids playing soccer. Camera films out a window while the car drives down the street. Intervie...
28) 2394.09597 [Wellesley High School]
Description from Assignment sheet: "Is on probation and may lose its accredidation.";Students in front of school. B-roll of library and kids in halls between classes. Mix of sound and silent.
29) 2394.09600 Transportation Exhibits
30) 2394.09636 Charlestown Busing Mom
31) 2394.09641 Queen Elizabeth 2 arriving
Description from Assignment sheet: "Comes to Boston for repairs."
32) 2394.09700 Fiedler
Fiedler, sil [Fielder?]
33) 2394.09789 Busing Rally
Description from Assignment sheet: "Charlestown Busing March - Starts at seven"
34) 2394.09790 WX Film
Description from Assignment sheet: "Cool people walking on cold morning downtown."
35) 2394.09800 G.M. Framingham
36) 2394.09806 [Southie Meeting]
People, including Louise Day Hicks and Mayor Kevin White, meeting in a room. Interview with a man (Mr. Dinsmore) about getting a parade permit for the 29th.
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