3 work results

35) 2157.0003 "Mission By Sea"
Collection Notes: Script " MISSION BY SEA Titles View form Cadillac Mountain This is the country which the Sea Coast Mission serves-- a country of deep-cut bays and rock...;Screening notes: Intertitle: "This film tells the dramatic story of The Maine Sea Coast Mission which has, on a year-round basis, since 1905 served the scattered people of the...
34) 2157.0005 "Cruising with the Sunbeam"
Intertitle: "The Maine Sea Coast Missionary Society Presents" Intertitle: "Cruising with the 'Sunbeam'" Intertitle: "Along the coast of Maine are scattered many lighthouses -...
6) 2351.0011 "Salt Water Parish"
Title: "Salt Water Parish" Views of ship Sunbeam III at anchor in calm waters. Intertitle: "Navigation in Maine waters is varied and hazardous." shots of radar scope turnin...
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