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Outdoor Life
1) 0140.0001-.0012
[various videotapes]
35 tapes from Acc. 0140-0142 moved from Blue Hill to NHF, 7/2002. Individual tapes identified when possible, otherwise labeled '0140-0142'. Various segments on: [Iowa farm famil...
2) 0141
[videotapes on religion, health, and education]
35 tapes from Acc. 0140-0142 moved from Blue Hill to NHF, 7/2002. Individual tapes identified when possible, otherwise labeled '0140-0142'. Various factual works with interviews...
3) 0142
[Interview with Joseph Millett]
35 tapes from Acc. 0140-0142 moved from Blue Hill to NHF, 7/2002. Individual tapes identified when possible, otherwise labeled '0140-0142'. Filmed conversation with Joseph Mille...
329) 0247.0001-.0006
Orff-Schulwerk: American Odyssey
'An initial look at Orff-Schulwerk in America; filmed at seventeen schools in seven states. A cinematic and candid study, documenting students at various stages of the learning ...
5) 0659
Salt Marshes (Program 5)
No description available
12) 0659
Whales (Program 3)
No description available
7) 0659
Upbeat Downeast
Dated 9 January 1978. Series examining public affairs from humanistic perspective focusing on values. Interviews with Mayor Taliento on balancing time in his job, balancing cons...
18) 0659
Gulls and Terns (Program 4)
No description available
19) 0659
Eagles (Program 6)
13 April 1978
9) 0659
Sea Fever: Maritime Preservation
Dated April 5, 1978. Show documenting history of preserving maritime-related objects and buildings. All visuals are still photographs, sketches or paintings. Includes shots of s...
36) 0659
Adaptive Reuse -- Old Houses
Portland : Reuse of old buildings focusing primarily on Portland. Map of Tower of London. Photo of same. Stills of Portland's Union Station, Grand Trunk Station, St. Stephen's C...
20) 0659
Winter Bird Feeding (Program 1)
No description available
24) 0659
Learning About Winter (Program 2)
No description available
34) 0822.0040
[Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 40
Same as 39 plus fishing and man sitting on outdoor toilet.;People loading and launching canoes. Canoes on the river. Men in a campsite. A man fetching water from the river. A man sitting beside the water. A man sitting on a latrine. A m...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 40 (1970): -Fishing trip; Dennis Erinakis in glasses -How to build a latrine or what men do to entertain themselves on a fishing trip
1) 0848.0001
[Frank Hamabe--home movies]
NHF viewing notes for 'Reel 1': Consolidated School (elementary school). Children on playground. Playing baseball. Filing outside. On slide, jungle gym. Dog, woman, man behind p...
2) 0848.0002
[Frank Hamabe--home movies]
NHF viewing notes for 'Reel 2': (first half is defective, no image). Kiddie railroad passing by. Children on springy playground toys. Rooster. Sign: 'Aqualand Wildlife Park.'
5) 0896.PC1
To Kayak
To Kayak (1975) describes the history of kayaking, types of boats, paddles, safety equipment and kayaking techniques, and includes scenes of slalom and whitewater kayak racing.
45) 0904.0001
[Log driving, oil spills, pollution]
Footage of log driving, the 1970s Tamano oil spill, environmental pollution.
1) 0966.0001
Dead River Rough Cut
FOR REFERENCE ONLY. // 3/4 in. transfer was originally a Duplication Master. // Four seasons in a remote wilderness of northern Maine, two middle aged men live in a tarpaper sha...
2) 0966.0002
Dead River Rough Cut
FOR REFERENCE ONLY. // This is the 30 minute version of the film. // Four seasons in a remote wilderness of northern Maine, two middle aged men live in a tarpaper shack, hunting...
36) 0988.0001
Finest Kind
Vinalhaven Island lobstering. Includes interviews with Vinalhaven residents.
23) 0993.0005
Colby Woodsmen 1977
'Colby Woodsmen 1977' (20 min.). Original footage is 800 ft. of 16 mm. film. Shows men and women on the Colby woodsmen team competing in various events. NHF cataloguer's notes: ...
1) 1140.0074
[Weymouth on School Spending]
Don Carrigan interview with Albert (Al) Weymouth on school committee spending. Discusses budget limits and set revenues. Believes law LD 1994 will restrict Bangor's ability to g...
1) 1140.0300
[Fruit Street School Arts and Crafts]
Children engaged in arts and crafts activities at Fruit Street School in Bangor. Part of weekly Friday afternoon series.
13) 1140.3351
[School Lunch]
Line of school children getting served lunch in cafeteria on trays. Footage of Hood milk crates and milk boxes. Attendants serve food to children, many shots of children eating ...
14) 1191.0001
[School Superintendent]
School Administrative District (SAD) 54 Superintendent Robert Brown and reporter Gordon Manuel in front of buildings (stander upper) talk about the problem of teacher vacancies ...
54) 1274.0001-.0002
[Archie Stewart--home movies] Reels 1-2
Mary Stewart Hafer notes: Reel 1 Bedford, MA, my house. Dark, poor. Ann H. Dick Maguire playing piano. Fire in fireplace. Doc Hafer talking about dividends and stock. Thanksgi...
17) 1315.0004
[Ralph White--home movies] Reel 004
Amateur footage of family and friends' activities. Donor's intertitles in quotes followed by donor's viewing notes. Reel numbers assigned by NHF. Reel 4: 'Canoe/camping--Raquett...
16) 1377.0016
Go Scouting (NHF Reel 16)
BSA training film.
19) 1377.0020
An American Passage (NHF Reel 20)
BSA training film.
22) 1468.0001
Disaster at Holden
Disaster preparedness training film made for Phil Whitney by Rhode Island School of Design, to be used in his emergency planning/lecture business. Filmed in May 1970 on Manning ...
2) 1515.0036
K2 The Savage Mountain
K2 The Savage Mountain is a film about a British expedition to K2 led by Chris Bonnington in 1978 which also includes a history of previous expeditions to date. Chris Bonningto...
214) 1515.0068
[Charles S. Houston—home movies] Reel 68
Reel 68 contains footage that was used for Charles S. Houston’s series of talks, “Fifty Years of Going Higher,” which relates to a study on the effects of high altitude on human...
27) 1515.0069
[Charles S. Houston—home movies] Reel 69
Reel 69 contains footage that was used for Charles S. Houston’s series of talks, “Fifty Years of Going Higher,” which relates to a study on the effects of high altitude on human...
27) 1515.0070
[Charles S. Houston—home movies] Reel 70
Reel 70 contains footage that was used for Charles S. Houston’s series of talks, “Fifty Years of Going Higher,” which relates to a study on the effects of high altitude on human...
11) 1656.0016
Dead River Rough Cut
Commercial production. Description from 1988 film catalog: Shot in the backwoods of Maine over the course of a year, this film documents the lives and philosophies of two woodsm...
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Bangor Historical Society/WABI Collection (1)
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Dice, Peg Collection (2)
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Hamabe, Frank Collection (2)
Houston, Charles S. Collection (4)
Katahdin Area Council Boy Scouts of America Collection (2)
Maine State Library Collection (1)
Meader, Abbott Collection (1)
Searls, Richard Collection (3)
Steputis, Gladys Collection (1)
Stewart, Archie Collection (1)
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Abbott Meader (1)
Bob Wagg (3)
Bruce Williams (1)
Frank Hamabe (2)
Joshua W. Curtis, Jr. (2)
Walter Lane (3)
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