5 work results

20) 2177.0020 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 20
Label: 'Jun. Hill+Family Bl+Wh 1935-1936.' // Film has 1934, 1935, 1940 date codes.;Man runs away from camera. Winter. Horse and rider in snow. Intervale, NH? Cantering down driveway. Construction on large building, possibly hotel, behind them. [Could be The...
23) 2177.0024 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 24
Label: 'Cape Cod B+W 1931 KCHROME 1940.';DVD slate: Reel 24, Cape Cod, B&W 1931, Kodachrome 1940. Waves on beach, b&w, film is dirty. Woman in bathrobe walks toward camera and past. Various shots of breaking w...
4) 2177.0044 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 44
Box label: 'Juniper Hill - Black + White, family + dogs - 1937-1940.' // Film is warped. // Film was moldy - cleaned.;DVD slate: Reel 44, Juniper Hill Family, 1937-1940. Baby propped on sofa, soft focus. Baby is naked, it is a boy baby and he has a blanket. Man's hand holds foot briefly. Woman...
13) 2177.0045 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 45
Label: 'Family - Dogs, Horses, Color 1938.' // Color is faded.;DVD slate: Reel 45. Family, Dogs, horses, 1938. Color: small girl in dress outside. Airedale dogs. Maple branch, ECU out of focus. View of house through branches. Flowering sh...
5) 2177.0060 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 60
Label: 'Dobsis Color 38.';DVD slate: Reel 60. Dobsis, 1938. Color: indistinct tree. Sunset from a boat (unstable camera position), various shots. Storm clouds. Lake views, motor canoe. Man with rope,...
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