12 work results

29) 1229.0006 [Charles Gilbert--home movies] NHF Reel 006
NHF cataloguer's notes as follows. Intertitles in quotes; film box notes/dates in parentheses. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. Reel 6: (Football: Maine vs. Bowdoin). (1929). (24:...
2) 1229.0012 [Charles Gilbert--home movies] NHF Reel 012
NHF Cataloguer's notes as follows. Intertitles in quotes; film box dates/notes in parentheses. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. Reel 12: (Football Maine vs. Colby). (1929). (51:00...
3) 1250.0012 [NHF Compilation - Football Selections]
NHF compilation of football game scenes made for Archival Moment, 1/2001. // Footage comes from Charles Gilbert Collection reels 6 and 12 (acc. 1229).
28) 1327.0017 [Whipple--home movies] Reel 17
Reel 17: Fade in. Young girl speaking to camera. Driving down road. Man now standing in center of road. (Still camera.) Another man enters frame. Shakes other man's hand. Car dr...
5) 1375.0003 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 3
3. Aug-Nov 18th, 1928--Agaro, boat races, clam bake, Chrysler, Kiwanis golf, cement driveway, races [loeequalvie].;NHF cataloguer's notes for Reel 3, 6/1/99, JS: (32:49) Toddler has man's hat on head. He removes hat and places it first on elderly man's head then on woman's head. 33:06. Man s...
14) 1375.0004 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 4
4. 1928--Tom on sulkey, chickens, G'wood Lake, first suit on Barringer, E.P. game, 2nd birthday, Newton, Christmas sled.;NHF cataloguer's notes for Reel 4, 6/1/99, JS : (00:02) Two men wheeling infant on ricksha-like device. Man walks forward while holding reins of fully-blanketed horse. Toddler a...
24) 1375.0009 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 9
9. 1929--Kiwanis outing, Tom watering mama['s] garden, Hartegins, Kiwanis, Rufus winning Oct 12th, Tom on phone, Tom, Ned and Dick, Brown-Princeton game, Tom and Robert, Nov 9th...;NHF Cataloguer's notes for Reel 9: (30:00) Tag team foot races. Diving in outdoor pool. Boat house on river. (35:00) Golfers posing. Trotting horses with driver. Trotting races....
32) 1375.0012 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 12
12. May Kiwanis outing 1930, Kiwanis, Memorial Day parade ending with flag at sandbox, June Sunday, Kiwanis picnic June 1930.;NHF Cataloguer's notes for Reel 12: (26:00) Men playing baseball in field. Men with golf clubs in front of club house. Men playing golf. (29:00) Men standing by camp fire near l...
25) 1930.0004 Harvard-Dartmouth game and Montpelier winter scenes, 1929--Fitch family--home movies. Reel 4
Black-and-white home movie of 1929 Harvard-Dartmouth game and winter scenes of the Fitch family around Montpelier, Vermont.;Notes on can: "H[arvard]-D[artmouth] football, Colony Hills, Montpelier, cocktail party, everyone." ;Intertitle: "'Harvard-Dartmouth 1929, Dartmouth 36, Harvard 7." Harvard University marching band on football field; football players running onto field, warming up; male cheerl...
10) 2791.0008 Yale - Army Football Game in Yale Bowl
Yale - Army 1929 (print) Opening title:” Phelpsfilms, Inc presents the Yale - Army Football Game in Yale Bowl, October 26, 1929”;Title Card: ‘PHELPSFILMS, INC. present the YALE – ARMY FOOTBALL GAME In Yale Bowl, October 26, 1929 Copyrighted 1929.’ Shot of a football stadium, with people on the field. Scen...
9) 2925.0001 [Reid Family--home movies] Reel 1
Leader - "Minn's house party" Can - "Minn's house party, Army Game, Smith & Vassar Colleges";A group of people walking out of a house and across a field. A man carrying a stick pauses to dramatically look around. People pop out from behind the rocks and bushes. The man ...
7) 3040.0001 1929-Wheaton College-Worcester Tech.-Kingswood
1929-Wheaton College-Worcester Tech.-Kingswood
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