235 work results

33) 0822.0023 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 23
Ocean Fishing ’70, Nancy + George ‘71 1970 Ocean fishing hanging fish to dry Cutting chum Seals 1971 building new garage? Nancy w/ big hair G packing VM Red VW;A man hanging fish. A boat’s wake. A man tossing chum in the water. Seals on the rocks. A building under construction. A woman waves at the camera. A woman with a Super 8 camera...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 23 (1970): -Ocean fishing -Red Volkswagon of Joan and George Postlethwait, Gladys’ niece from Prosperity, Pennsylvania along with Nancy and Gladys
28) 0822.0025 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 25
Fishing could date it from S’s graduation Dennis Erinakas more canoe fishing camp Larry Long Frank + Nancy Gladys good condition very nice scenery old farm house Susan Orono gra...;Two men fishing from a canoe. A man seated beside a campfire, with a tent in the background. A man fishing from a bridge. Two men in a canoe. Houses. A girl (Susan) in a white g...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 25 (1971): -Susan’s graduation from Orono High School -Thompson’s Point in Bar Harbor, eating lobster. Nancy, Frank Belsky (Nancy’s second husband, Glady...
7) 0822.0026 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 26
Nancy + Frank – Bar Harbor, Ruth Scherg? no date G + N @ Thunder Hole Acadia Park Jordon Pond sailboat G in short shorts! Nancy + Frank + Ruth Nancy’s Siamese cat, G + Ruth Sche...;People on the beach. People standing at the railing of Thunder Hole (Acadia National Park, Maine). Waves in Thunder Hole. A sailboat. Two women walking up a path. A man and a wo...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 26 (1971): -Sand Beach, Bar Harbor, Thunderhole -Gladys and Nancy B.(?) w/siamese cat at home -Linda with her daughter, Melanie, and Aunt Elsie Englefield
35) 0822.0035 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 35
Forest Sailing Trips, U of Mass ‘70 Forest Soils Conference U. of Mass. 1970 lobster boats;People seated on a railing along the edge of a beach. People gathered in the woods. Campus buildings. Fernald Hall (University of Massachusetts Amherst). People in the woods. A ...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 35 -Forest Service Conference UMO campus or Univ. of Pennsylvania campus(?) -fishing boat (don’t know where)
40) 0822.0040 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 40
Same as 39 plus fishing and man sitting on outdoor toilet.;People loading and launching canoes. Canoes on the river. Men in a campsite. A man fetching water from the river. A man sitting beside the water. A man sitting on a latrine. A m...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 40 (1970): -Fishing trip; Dennis Erinakis in glasses -How to build a latrine or what men do to entertain themselves on a fishing trip
6) 95-40.0055 Adolescence, then and now--Dassler family--home movies. Reel 55
Adolescence, then and now (B.T. studios 1972)
1) 1000.0001 Dream
Title on film: 'Dream.';A paper sign title card: ‘DREAM’. An upside-down shot of a woman. A bass plays. Backdrop: ‘1620 vs. 1920’. Close up of an embossed cover of the ‘Holy Bible’. First page: ‘Direct...;Preservation answer print made from Super 8 archival master funded by 2007 Women's Film Preservation Fund grant. Lab work done by Brodsky and Treadway, Chace and Cineric. Work c...
3) 1000.0002 Blaine/Lipstick/Horse Show
A man driving through an arid landscape. A gate with a sign: ‘No Trespassing’. Drives past a sign: ‘ALL ADULTS 50’. Man smoking as he drives past cows. Lumber. Cattle. Man tossi...;UNCLE BLAINE Reel #1 LIPSTICK 74 Reel #2 Nat'L Horse Show 204 P.M. Reel #3
4) 1000.0003 Fang Gang, The
Preservation answer print made from Super 8 archival master funded by 2007 Women's Film Preservation Fund grant. Lab work done by Brodsky and Treadway, Chace and Cineric. Work c...;Title card: ‘THE FANG GANG’. Music plays. ‘KATHY S., BOB G., BONNIE M., FRANK K., KATHY R.’ Panning shot of a field and barn. People drive a car while a man with a gun clings to...;Title on film: 'The Fang Gang.' // Vampire film.
5) 1000.0004 Christmas in Boston
'Christmas in Boston.';Title card: ‘Christmas in Boston’. Shot of wreaths and Christmas trees. A Christmas tree made of lights on top of a building. ‘Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town’ plays. People on th...
7) 1000.0006 Review Nat’l Horse Show
An arena where a horse and rider are show jumping. Close shot of a horse jumping. A different horse and rider. Sped up footage of horse and rider. Shots of various horses jumpin...;Morrison Horse Show
12) 1000.0007 Lipstick '74
Date from edge code on film. // Label on film can: 'Lipstick '74.';A woman reading a magazine and drinking coffee. Washing dishes. Contains nudity, images of erotica and other photographs. Simple animation. The woman leaving the house. [End of ...
13) 1000.0008 N.Y., N.Y.
Shots of the street from above. Cars and bicyclists on the street. A dog on the sidewalk. Close ups of car wheels and feet. People on the sidewalk. Children playing. Sped up foo...;Not Transferred N.Y.N.Y. REEL 8 July #2 N.Y N.Y 247 p. 50
10) 1000.0009 Animation 74
Hand drawn animation done with marker on paper. Blurry shots of colored lights. [End of Reel];Reel 9 JLB
15) 1000.0010 N.Y., N.Y. Extra Footage
American flag seen through tree branches. A statue. Shots of people on the street, cars and buildings. Close up of a moving tire. Street seen from above. A group of Hare Krishna...;Morrison AE Hare Krishna Outtakes Reel 10 JLB N.Y. N.Y. Extra Footage
2) 1000.0011 Light Bulb Animation
Hand drawn animation, marker on paper. Moving geometric shapes. A blurry, flashing light. [End of Reel];Light Bulb Annimation Reel 11 JLB Jane Morrison 18 Gramercy Parks N.Y, N.Y. 10003
13) 1000.0012 Leaves Titles
A title card decorated with leaves: ‘LEAVES’. A leaf is moved to obscure the shot. Card decorated with leaves: ‘THE END’. Close up of leaves. [End of Reel];Leaves Titles Reel 12 LB
20) 1000.0013 Home on the Farm
Close up of a black cat in the grass. A barn and field. A garden. A dog. Pigs. Shot of the barn. Laundry drying on a line. Shots of the barn. The house and cars. [End of Reel];Home on the Farm Reel 13 JLB
29) 1000.0014 Lipstick Outtakes
A woman washing dishes in a sink. Sped up footage of the woman brushing her hair and applying makeup. A bunch of roses and a book shelf. A desk with paper and markers. A bunch o...;Jane Morrison Test Roll # 2 Squirrels (illegible) Shots Reel 14 JLB
16) 1000.0015 Light Effects
Various shots of rooftops, buildings, vents, chimneys, and windows. Car headlights in the dark. Windows in the dark. A pair of sandals in a patch of light on the floor. Flag in ...;Test Roll #3 Lighting St. lights effects Reel 15 JLB
17) 1000.0016 Lipstick [excerpt]
A woman leaving the house. The woman indoors putting on her jacket and selecting a flower from a vase. Multiple shots of the woman exiting the house. [End of Reel];End Backstage Reel 16 JLB
9) 1000.0017 Test Roll
A propped up sheet of lined paper that reads: ‘STABILIZATION’. A seashell on a sheet of paper: ‘At Edges of frame, of photo.’ A blurry shot of a painting of rocks. (‘Verticle St...;Jane Morrison 1. Statue 2. building tower 3. bleached out stuff Test roll #1 Reel 17 JLB
19) 1000.0018 Nat’l Horse Show – Outtakes
Shots of horses in the ring. Some close ups, some out of focus. Horse and rider jumping. A different horse and rider. [End of Reel];Outtakes Nat'l Horse Show Reel 18 JLB
24) 1000.0023 EUE Optical/White Heron
#1 EUE Optical/ White Heron 26.00 3/15/78
25) 1000.0024 The White Heron roughout
“The White Heron” roughout 30 minutes 11/10/77 Morrison, Jane The White Aeron IFP 78 #2 of 2
16) 1108.0164 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 164
Archie Stewart can notes: Reel 164 1969-1970. Xmas Reunion at 388. T.W.s 21st birthday, Concord, Mass. Trip to Ann's 10 Feb - 4 March. Abby's 12th birthday, 31 March. Snowstorm,...;Mary Stewart Hafer notes: Christmas in Newburgh. Big snowstorm. Hafers, Saulses, and senior Hafers all present. Back yard at 388 Grand Street. Grandkids make snowman. Shoveling ...
12) 1108.0165 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 165
Archie Stewart can notes: Reel 165 1970 Visit Willard Beauchamp 23-24 May. Babysit for Mary-ah's reunion 4-8 June. Roses. Sauls, arrive 5 Aug. Birthday dinner 6 Aug. Birthday, B...;Screening notes: WS of ocean, pan to man standing on rocky shore. Pan up rocky cliff. Archie Stewart standing on shore, from behind. VS of men walking up wooded path. WS of tr...;Mary Stewart Hafer notes: A visit to Willard and Martha Beauchamp, who retired from military and live don the rocky shore of Maine coast near Ogunquit. Rocky shoreline scene. A...
6) 1108.0166 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 166
Archie Stewart can notes: Reel 166 Start reel, Thanksgiving 1970 at 388. Hafers from Bedford. Ann's Xmas 1970 through New Years 1971. Bedford 27 Feb. T.W.'s last civ supper 388,...;Mary Stewart Hafer notes: Newburgh, Thanksgiving at 388 Grand Street with Hafers present. Tom's girlfriend, later wife, Ann Sutphin, is present. California. Christmas at Ann an...
29) 1108.0167-.0169 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reels 167-169
Archie Stewart can notes: Reel 167 Kids to camp 17 Aug - 1 Sept 1971. Sept trip to camp. 19 Sept-30 Sept November trip 6 Nov-21 Nov. MWS & TAS spend Xmas at 388. Take new Je...
8) 1108.0170-.0172 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reels 170-172
Archie Stewart can notes: Reel 170 Maharay's camp 12 Oct 1973. Abby's foot race 21 Oct 1973. Camp, via Bedford 2-18 Nov 1973. Trip California 16 Jan-21 Feb 1974. EA's kite, visi...
30) 1245.0001 Lipstick
Lipstick (1974) 2 Prints;Title card: ‘Lipstick’. Fade in on a magazine cover. Images of a woman preparing for the day: washing dishes, applying makeup, brushing her hair, etc., superimposed with images ...
32) 1245.0040 Story of Sam--Jane Morrison--film elements. Reel 40
20) 1245.0056 White Heron--Jane Morrison--film elements. Reel 56
White Heron Print;Originally labeled 1245.001.078
28) 1274.0001-.0002 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reels 1-2
Mary Stewart Hafer notes: Reel 1 Bedford, MA, my house. Dark, poor. Ann H. Dick Maguire playing piano. Fire in fireplace. Doc Hafer talking about dividends and stock. Thanksgi...
35) 1282.PC4 Sandy River Line, The
'The Sandy River Line.'
35) 1311.0035 [Helen V. Bird--home movies] Reel 35
About Summer of 69. Going to school 1970.;Children playing in the snow. Children playing ball on the grass. A woman wiping a child’s face. Children playing. [End of Reel]
Next 36