16 work results

30) 0548.0009 [Alfond Arena Completed]
Silent footage of exterior views of the newly completed unlandscaped Alfond Arena at the University of Maine in Orono.
2) 0659 Collage
Excerpts from 'A Question of Survival,' 'The First Mainers Meet the New Mainers,' 'Portland Historic Neighborhoods: The Western Promenade,' Phi Beta Kappa Conference at Colby Co...
27) 0659 Adaptive Reuse -- Old Houses
Portland : Reuse of old buildings focusing primarily on Portland. Map of Tower of London. Photo of same. Stills of Portland's Union Station, Grand Trunk Station, St. Stephen's C...
24) 0659 The Islands
No description available
35) 0952.0350 In and Out of Maine: The Island People
Examination of past and present lifestyles of islanders on North Haven and Vinalhaven. Focuses on island relations and traditional industries such as boatbuilding, clamming, lob...
2) 0988.0001 Finest Kind
Vinalhaven Island lobstering. Includes interviews with Vinalhaven residents.
76) 1000.0020 In the Spirit of Haystack
'A film by Jane Morrison.' Made with funds from the Maine State Commission on the Arts during the filmmakers artist in residency at WCBB 1979 (per credits). Portrait of Haystack...;A man standing in front of the ocean puts a sheet of clay over his face and imprints a design with his fingers. Title card: ‘IN THE SPIRIT OF HAYSTACK, A film by Jane Morrison, ...
9) 1140.3364 [Halfway House Restoration]
Report on repairs to and restoration of halfway house and funding for the project. Footage of restoration work and men stripping paint off exterior. Funded by Comprehensive Empl...
10) 1151.0001-.0002 Finest Kind
A&B rolls for documentary about Vinalhaven Island lobstering, completed February 1975. Synopsis received with the film elements: 'a candid look at life in a small fishing commun...
1) 1315.0001 [Ralph White--home movies] Reel 001
Amateur footage of family and friends' activities. Donor's intertitles in quotes followed by donor's viewing notes. Reel numbers assigned by NHF. Reel 1: '1972. Lucerne-in-Maine...
5) 1321.0001-.0022 [Archie Stewart--home movies]
Amateur footage of Sauls family and Stewart family activities. Can notes follow; reel numbers are donor-assigned. 1. Goofy golf tricks--Xmas. Korea Military Maneuvers. Baby Mary...
132) 1567.0006 [Swan Island]
Label on tape: 'Gene Dumont, Ass't. Regional Biologist, Inland Fisheries & Wildlife, Bob Whitman, Custodian.' // Reynolds travels by boat on the Kennebec River to Swan Island pr...
35) 1567.0085 [Hay Building to be Sold at Auction]
Hay's Drug Store in the H.H. Hay Building is closing due to restoration project planned for the building. Interview with store owner Bart Bartholomew about the business and havi...
30) 1656.0028 In and Out of Maine: The Island People
Examination of past and present lifestyles of islanders on North Haven and Vinalhaven. Focuses on island relations and traditional industries such as boatbuilding, clamming, lob...
16) 2190.0002 [Karl Austin--home movies] Reel 2
Label: '78 Seminary Window.' // Footage of the windows of the seminary building in Bucksport.
Next 36