5 work results

8) 3047.0118 Museum at Large “De Kooning at the Modern”
Museum at Large “De Kooning at the Modern” Color, 26 minutes 11/10/88
7) 3047.0146 Time to Care “Health & Illness in Old Age”
Wing Productions 8810 Time to Care “Health & Illness in Old Age” 28:30 #119105LF 8/10/88
4) 3047.0147 Time to Care Coping with Caring
Wing Prod. 8810 Time to Care Coping with Caring 28:30 117780 7/8/88
5) 3047.0157 “Finding the Right Person”
Wing Productions #8810 “Finding the Right Person” Training Your Home Care Worker A New York State Office of Advocate for the Disabled Presentation 10/4/88
4) 3047.0160 “Community Services & Legal Aspects of Care Giving”
Wing Productions 8810 Time to Care “Community Services & Legal Aspects of Care Giving” 28:30 #119105LF 8/10/88
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