182 work results

24) 0284.0070 [Meyer Davis--home movies] Reel 70
Can note: 'Macy Parade '66.' // NHF Cataloguer's Notes: Parade: Smokey the Bear float, also Underdog and Donald Duck. Sign for Tessie O'Shea (?), Charleston High School band. Si...
2) 0308 cat. 0007-01-WABI-60 Hume Cronyn
Hume Cronyn is interviewed at the Bangor airport, Northeast Airlines. He is asked about his part in the film 'Sunrise at Campobello.' He comments on Roosevelt, his part. Ref. 300.
30) 0308 cat. 1002-01-WABI-60 Ralph Bellamy at Northeast Airlines
Interview with actor Ralph Bellamy by George Gonyer regarding theater strike. CUs of actors.
9) 0309 cat. 0007-06-WABI-60 Thunderbirds
Bangor : Airplanes on the ground and Thunderbird jets in formation flying overhead. Air Force demonstration. Airplanes parked on the ground in a row. Ref. 300.
29) 0317 cat. 0011-14-WABI-60 Evacuation of Dow Air Force Base
Dow Air Force Base. Low angle shots of jets taking off.
37) 0317 cat.0011-15-WABI-60 T-Birds at Orphanage
Five T-Bird flying aces speak to children, then ride in stagecoach as part of a horse show.
36) 0321 cat.0014-05-WABI-60 Nixon in Bangor
Bangor: Dick and Pat Nixon presidential campaign stop. Boarding and arrival of their incoming plane, then boarding and departure of their outgoing plane. Speech at reception hal...
23) 0323 cat. 0017-16-WABI-60 Boeing 707 at Dow
Bangor : Dow Air Force Base: Shots of people standing around and working on a Boeing 707 airplane.
32) 0323 cat. 0017-17-WABI-60 Civil Air Patrol Cadets at Dow
CAP cadets boarding, exiting, and exploring a troop carrier.
35) 0324 cat. 0017-03-WABI-60 Armed Forces Day
Silent footage of Armed Forces Day at Air Force Base; Troop Carrier Aircraft 975, deboarding servicemembers and about two dozen uniformed bystanders.
25) 0325 cat. 0018-01-WABI-60 BOMARC and Base Dedication
BOMARC Missile Base dedication ceremonies. Shots include '30th Air Defense Missile Squadron' sign, speakers platform, ribbon cutting, crowd, soldiers, missile.
34) 0325 cat. 1008-09-WABI-60 Evacuation of Dow Air Force Base
Shots of large jets taking off.
35) 0325 cat. 1008-10-WABI-60 T-birds at Orphanage
T-birds flying group's visit to orphanage including men talking to children.
28) 0327 cat. 0017-06-WABI-60 B-52 G at Dow
Dow Air Force Base: Christening of plane 'Maine Dow'neaster.' Shots of plane flying, landing, troop formations approaching bomber, pilot greeting welcome committee, woman christ...
22) 0329 cat. 0019-09-WABI Paul Bunyan Parade
Bangor : parade and unveiling of Paul Bunyan statue. Crowd including WABI reporter Dick Bronson, Norm Martin with a beard, Governor Closson, Norm Martin, celebration director Da...
26) 0336 cat. 0023-06-WABI-61 Bozo Parade
Scenes of Bozo the clown dancing and waving to spectators as part of a parade.
19) 0337 cat. 0023-04-WABI-61 101 B Crash
Recovery of crashed 101 Bomber. Shots of search party, crash site, forest, wreckage.
28) 0338 cat. 1009-13-WABI-61 Plane Crash at Dedham
Dedham: 101 bomber crash including sections of airplane and trees scattered on ground, path gouged into woods, people standing around, an official speaking.
39) 0339 cat. 0026-06-WABI-61 Plane Crash at Dow
Crash at Air Force Base with plane stranded on train tracks.
40) 0339 cat. 1010-03-WABI-61 Armed Forces Day
Silent footage of the event day at Dow Air Force Base including base sign, people stopping at checkpoint, exhibits and spectators, missiles and airplanes including a 'Quail GAM7...
12) 0341 cat. 0026-12-WABI-61 Fair Cattle Judging
Cattle contest including parade of owners and cattle, interviews with winners, WABI personnel.
49) 0341 cat. 0026-16-WABI-61 Dow Air Force Base Open House
Open house including adults and children looking at planes and sign reading, 'Quail GAM 72 Decoy Missile.'
34) 0341 cat. 0026-17-WABI-61 Missile Men
Missile Men pose with their bomber planes.
27) 0343 cat. 0029-02-WABI-61 Drowning at Brewer Lake
Penobscot Sheriffs Department searches for drowning victim. Sheriffs in boat and planes.
36) 0344 cat. 0027-13-WABI North East Airlines
Silent footage of a North East Airlines executive meeting; shots of a large model jet; pan shots of dining hall seating for a presentation; tight shots of the speak and comments...
21) 0344 cat. 0027-19-WABI-61 Aerial Traffic Spotters
Police use small plane to spot traffic violators. Shots of plane taking off, flying by, aerial view of road, pilots in cockpit, police officer in patrol car, UM football field.
33) 0345 cat. 0032-01-WABI-61 Santa Parade
Bangor: Parade featuring school marching bands from Bangor, Brewer, Bucksport, Hermon, Ellsworth and Orono. Also Santa and reindeer float, Bangor fire truck, and crowds.
24) 0347 cat. 0030-10-WABI-61 North East Airlines
Shots of a North East Airlines plane and people talking.
9) 0350 cat. 0032-18-WABI-61 United Fund Parade
Bangor: Parade shots include cars, floats, marching bands, poster girl float, majorettes, spectators.
24) 0350 cat. 0032-23-WABI-61 Plane Crash in Albion
Small single engine plane crash in Albion including damaged plane, helicopter standing by, Federal Aeronautics Commission inspection, warning to people not to touch wreckage.
51) 0350 cat. 0033-01-WABI-60 Santa Claus Parade
Parade including Nativity and Christmas Countdown floats, Jaycees, Santa and reindeer, Newport and Bangor marching bands and majorettes.
137) 0350 cat. 0033-09-WABI-60 Down East Classics
Down East Classics players (basketball) arrive and get off of a plane.
26) 0350 cat. 0033-10-WABI-60 Senator Smith at Dow Air Force Base
Senator Margaret Chase Smith arrival via a wheeled helicopter includes helicopter wheeling to a car, which Senator Smith gets into.
27) 0352 cat. 0047-03-WABI-62 Maine's Junior Miss
Shots of Junior Miss with family and friends and boarding plane.
9) 0353 cat. 1020-07-WABI-62 Helicopter at Dow Air Force Base
Bangor: Base fire fighting crew flies in two-propeller helicopter to pick up a water tank and fly to a fire, where they use hoses to put it out, and the helicopter picks up a man.
9) 0355 cat. 0048-08-WABI-62 Camp Drum
Military camp scenes include men getting off of a plane, troops marching, helicopter taking off, award presentation, troops with a flag.
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