37 work results

15) 0659 Salt Marshes (Program 5)
No description available
12) 0659 Whales (Program 3)
No description available
18) 0659 Gulls and Terns (Program 4)
No description available
10) 0659 Eagles (Program 6)
13 April 1978
32) 0659 Winter Bird Feeding (Program 1)
No description available
9) 0659 Learning About Winter (Program 2)
No description available
36) 0776 An Eagle is Flying
Factual work by Fournier Film Co., Inc. for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. First successful eagle egg transplant from Minnesota to Maine, eagle nest building and other wild...
8) 0904.0001 [Log driving, oil spills, pollution]
Footage of log driving, the 1970s Tamano oil spill, environmental pollution.
1) 1000.0025 Collage-Interview '79
Collage-Interview ‘79 Jane Morrison Interview Maine Educational T.V. Mike Lewis – Interview;Scene from ‘The White Heron’: An old woman, a young man (the hunter) and a young girl (Sylvie) sit on the porch, discussing birds. Sylvie and the hunter searching for the white ...
8) 1108.0164 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 164
Archie Stewart can notes: Reel 164 1969-1970. Xmas Reunion at 388. T.W.s 21st birthday, Concord, Mass. Trip to Ann's 10 Feb - 4 March. Abby's 12th birthday, 31 March. Snowstorm,...;Mary Stewart Hafer notes: Christmas in Newburgh. Big snowstorm. Hafers, Saulses, and senior Hafers all present. Back yard at 388 Grand Street. Grandkids make snowman. Shoveling ...
6) 1108.0170-.0172 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reels 170-172
Archie Stewart can notes: Reel 170 Maharay's camp 12 Oct 1973. Abby's foot race 21 Oct 1973. Camp, via Bedford 2-18 Nov 1973. Trip California 16 Jan-21 Feb 1974. EA's kite, visi...
99) 1245.0056 White Heron--Jane Morrison--film elements. Reel 56
White Heron Print;Originally labeled 1245.001.078
1) 1315.0001 [Ralph White--home movies] Reel 001
Amateur footage of family and friends' activities. Donor's intertitles in quotes followed by donor's viewing notes. Reel numbers assigned by NHF. Reel 1: '1972. Lucerne-in-Maine...
20) 1315.0002 [Ralph White--home movies] Reel 002
Amateur footage of family and friends' activities. Donor's intertitles in quotes followed by donor's viewing notes. Reel numbers assigned by NHF. Reel 2: 'April 1973. Wappingers...
10) 1319.0010 [Bob Woodbury--home movies] Reel 010
Amateur footage. Donor's/creator's notes as follows (reel numbers are NHF-assigned): 10. 1970 & 1971 Vacations #4. 1970-Sebec, Eastport, Campobello, Quoddy, New Hampshire, Rhode...
11) 1319.0011 [Bob Woodbury--home movies] Reel 011
Amateur footage. Donor's/creator's notes as follows (reel numbers are NHF-assigned): 11. 1972, 1973, 1975 Vacations #5. 1972-Island View, Arnold Trail, back yard, Dolley's on co...
21) 1319.0012 [Bob Woodbury--home movies] Reel 012
Amateur footage. Donor's/creator's notes as follows (reel numbers are NHF-assigned): 12. 76 World Series, 77 & 78 Vacations, 79, #6.
1) 1319.0013 [Bob Woodbury--home movies] Reel 013
Amateur footage. Donor's/creator's notes as follows (reel numbers are NHF-assigned): 13. 79 & 82 Vacations, Big Lyford 1981, Steve-Gloria 1979.
25) 1321.0001-.0022 [Archie Stewart--home movies]
Amateur footage of Sauls family and Stewart family activities. Can notes follow; reel numbers are donor-assigned. 1. Goofy golf tricks--Xmas. Korea Military Maneuvers. Baby Mary...
13) 1536.0005 [unidentified--home movies] Reel 05
Amateur footage. Can notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF assigned. Reel 5: 1963 Vacation, Toddy Pond. Fred, Helen and Bovenizers. 1964 Vacation, Camden and Toddy Pond. Aug 4,...;From Bucksport Facebook Group asked if they recognized the names or places in this collection: "Hazelwood was the camp of Miss Hazel Woodworth on Alamoosook. (I believe that was...
11) 1656.0016 Dead River Rough Cut
Commercial production. Description from 1988 film catalog: Shot in the backwoods of Maine over the course of a year, this film documents the lives and philosophies of two woodsm...
9) 1942.0021 [McEwen Family--home movies] Reel 21
Footage of a man playing with a dog, and people outside with their cars.
13) 2160.0013 [Paul Robbins--home movies] Reel 13
Title: 'June 1975 Germany.' // Airport. City scenes.
13) 2160.0014 [Paul Robbins--home movies] Reel 14
Title: 'July 23, 1975.' // Transferred images are shaky. // City scenes. Landscape footage from car window.
18) 2160.0015 [Paul Robbins--home movies] Reel 15
Title: 'July 23, 1975 - Holland.' // Landscape footage taken from car. City scenes. Seaside town.
10) 2654.0005 [Labrador, 1970s. Joan Cartledge--home movies] Reel 5
Pinsent’s Arm, winter ‘75 Ontario trip, March-April ‘75 Pastor unloading church lumber Sports Day Mrs. Mitchell enroute hospital Mountie & start of search for jack hammer W...;A snowmobile approaching a building. A snowmobile dragging a sled. Wide shot of snowmobiles and a plane landing on an icy airstrip. Children playing near the airstrip. Shots of ...
13) 2656.0002 [Joan Cartledge--home movies] Reel 2
Summer 1972 Loud's Island, Maine w/ Elsie & Ina Lobster boat Nellie Fleirtt Canadian National Exhibition Charlottetown, Lab Shirl burning trash Winter 1973 - to Pinents Arm;Shot of a dirt road. Children sitting along the rail of a boat. View off the back of the boat. Shot of the coastline. View from the bow of a boat, approaching a dock and buildin...
22) 2656.0015 [Joan Cartledge--home movies] Reel 15
Labrador Elsie / Ina on trip - Winter in Bay Aug. '72 - Dec. '72;Two girls playing with a hose. A woman sprays the hose at the two girls. One girl tries to do a handstand. Two children hold a baby up in front of the camera. The baby crawling....
8) 2656.0016 [Joan Cartledge--home movies] Reel 16
June 1974 - scalloping with John Kippenhuck &Nellie Fleritt Trip on Bonavista John, Nancy, Shelly at home June 1975 - clinic, Evelyn's wedding, Williams on roundabout, pasto...;Scene of people in a boat, fishing with nets. Children sorting out scallops. A group of people on the dock. Shot of a boat at sunset. Different shot of a boat. A ship’s crane un...
24) 2656.0017 [Joan Cartledge--home movies] Reel 17
Vancouver, July ' 75 Capilano Canyon, suspension bridge Chinatown; Mt. Baker, Washington Hope Slide; Similkameen River Orchards; Kelowna Knox Mt., log boom Joan feeding Canada g...;A sailboat at sunset. A large ship seen from a distance with many small sailboats around it and mountains in the background. Close up of two donkeys. Several close ups of statue...
22) 2681.0141 [Albert G. and Mary Miller Dietrich--home movies] Reel 141
Box: Christmas 1969 / Winter scenes 1970;The family (Mary, David, Mark, and Mary Lou) having Christmas dinner. Trees and cars coated in ice. A bird feeder. Mary on the telephone. Trees and birds. [End of Reel]
25) 2681.0144 [Albert G. and Mary Miller Dietrich--home movies] Reel 144
Box: Denmark 1970 Frederiksborg Castle.;Inside the chapel at Frederiksborg Castle. (Hillerød, Denmark) Shots of the outside of the chapel and belfry tower. Panning shot of the castle. A woman (Mary) talking with a man...
6) 2681.0146 [Albert G. and Mary Miller Dietrich--home movies] Reel 146
Box: Denmark 1970 – 1st half blank, 2nd half at Tisvilde;Two people sitting in a car. A doorway with lion statues. A woman (Mary) walking down the street. View of a town from above. Indistinct images. A group of people, including Davi...
6) 2681.0149 [Albert G. and Mary Miller Dietrich--home movies] Reel 149
Box: Tampa Fla Spring 1971 (1/2 film);Inside the airplane cabin. Shot of clouds out of the airplane window. Shots of buildings in Tampa. A pool. [End of Reel]
14) 2681.0150 [Albert G. and Mary Miller Dietrich--home movies] Reel 150
Box: Mary Lou Graduation June 1963 (doesn’t match content or date);A busy street in Tampa, Florida. A billboard for ‘National Airlines’. Panning down the side of the ‘Exchange National Bank of Tampa’. A van parked outside the bank. A building w...
24) 2716.0708 Jabberwocky - Trips #J12
Jabberwocky; Trips; J12; J-112; Rec. date 12-79;Jabberwocky: Trips; Includes some commercials; Trina and Carl decide to go on a trip and leave Frank sitting next to the window; theme song; Frank decides to open a travel agenc...;In the studio Carl Thoma, Joanne Sopko, Peter Johnson, Bob Prosky, Fred Schilpp, Gail Frank, Dick Puttkamer, Michele Connors, David Lawless, Joseph Bailey, Jerome Kagan, Marshal...
Next 36