25 work results

2) 0143/0144.0010 [Robert M. Hume, Sr.--home movies]. Reel 10b: Thanksgiving
Can notes: 'Thanksgiving 1931. (Walkers) (Children) Bowdoin & Maine, Nevins, Woodward, Seelye, Stockwell 1930.' Cataloguer's notes: Thanksgiving CUs of family members laughing a...
9) 0252.0029 [Howard Kane--home movies] Reel 29
NHF notes as follows. Can/reel/box annotations appear in quotes. Reel 29: (100 ft., dc 1932) 'Hunter's party.' '20th reunion class of 1912, Geo. Washington Univ. Med. School.' '...
35) 0252.0035 [Howard Kane--home movies] Reel 35
NHF notes as follows. Can/reel/box annotations appear in quotes. Reel 35: (400 ft., dc 1932) 'Bowdoin 25th '09 [reunion] Kane.' 'Color, Washington 1929-30, 1930-31.'
14) 0252.0036 [Howard Kane--home movies] Reel 36
NHF notes as follows. Can/reel/box annotations appear in quotes. Reel 36: (150 ft., dc 1932) '20th Bowdoin '09 Kane.'
6) 0818.0006 [Albert Conley--home movies] Reel 6
Date from edge code on film. // Kodachrome. // Notes from film tag: 'Early about 1936 Reunion at Orono' // Alumni gathering at University of Maine. Class of 1916 games, hitting ...
14) 0818.0044 [Albert Conley--home movies] Reel 44
1933 edge code on film. // Notes from film tags: 'Dartmouth; Mohawk Trail; Barge Canal; Century of Progress Exhibition; West Point (NY); titles are reversed' // Sign: ìPrivate G...
2) 0886.0001 [Middlebury Movie Queen]
NHF cataloguer's notes: Views of downtown Middlebury, VT, truck passes with milk cans in back. Catalog of churches. Woman crossing guard. CUs of young women. Kids. Houses, Railw...;Source of Information: Polly Darnell, Sheldon Museum, Middlebury, Vt. Sponsored by the Middlebury Chamber of Commerce, the film in this collection was shot on 1 November 1939. ...
8) 0951 [Westbrook Junior College]
Titled silent film, 'President Proctor and Rusty.' 'Registration in MacArthur Gymnasium.' 'Winter Carnival 1939.' 'Crowning the Snow Queen, Miss Catherine Chambers.' Includes go...
11) 96-034.0011 Cambridge University, 1931--Oscar R. Houston--home movies. Reel 11
Black-and-white home movies of a visit to Cambridge University in 1931.
5) 1026.0002 [Elizabeth Thompson Reed--home movies] Reel 2
Dobb - 1931. Bliss' Graduation Dobbs - 1931. Anne's Graduation Vassar - 1930 Commencement Hammonds + Edith Woolsey at Bishop St. Yale Ball Game Vassar 1930 Vassar 1935 Bliss Gra...;Women playing baseball/softball. People racing around a track, a large brick building in the background. A crowd of young women on a lawn/garden. People seated outdoors (graduat...
11) 1058.PC1 Colby College 1936-1937
Promotional footage. Colby College 1936-1937
8) 1058.PC2 Old Campus Film of Professors/Fraternities
Promotional footage. 'Old Campus Film of Professors/Fraternities'
9) 1058.PC3 Mayflower Hill Move: Volunteers Cleaning...
Promotional footage. 'Mayflower Hill Move: Volunteers Cleaning...'
35) 1108.0029 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 029
NHF cataloguer's notes, 4/96: Reel 29: Screening notes: Children in and around swimming pool. Wrestling in water with inflated toy. Pan of well dressed crowd at swimming meet. ...;Archie Stewart can notes: Mary Sr's reel. Swimming 1933. Wellesley 1934. Swimming 1934. Tennis 1937. Wellesley 1939. Mary's 15 [birthday], 20 October 1938. Costume Dec 1948. Goo...
15) 1286 [unidentified--home movies]
Reel note: 'Duplicate.' NHF viewing notes, 8/95: university graduation procession on campus, people in gowns and mortarboards walking through streets. Automobiles also in proces...
16) 1286 [unidentified--home movies]
Reel note: 'Brocato.' NHF viewing notes, 8/95: man and several campus-age young men leaving a building with axes in their hands, chopping small trees with hand-axes and saws, pu...
4) 1318.0005 Friends, Harvard and Elm street, 1936--Samuel B. Horovitz--home movies. Reels 5
"3(2) Friends. July 1936. 33 Elm st., 5 friends, Harvard classmates, Ingalls, Adler and Dr. Novak. Goldberg, Bob, Faye. Italian singers, Mrs. Lecher, gardens."
10) 1318.0011 Guests, friends, Wakefield, Harvard boat races, New York, 1937-1939--Samuel B. Horovitz--home movies. Reel 11
Compilation of home movie footage including many portraits of friends and colleagues, a Harvard regatta, and New York.;Written on can: "33 Elm St. - Mrs. Cartel, old Harvard Boat house (w/Oscar and Mary), NY: Uncle Aaron's store, New Yorkers: all the lives and scenes.";Main title: “Sam-O-Graphs” Intertitle: “Look who's here!” Older woman—Mrs. Cartel?—in close-up, shingled house, pan along convertible car, lawn, passing truck. Rural neighborho...
18) 1318.0020 Washington, D.C., Spring 1939--Samuel B. Horovitz--home movies. Reel 20
Compiled color home movies of friends and colleagues in Washington, D.C., including scenes at the law office of Houston & Houston and at the Howard University campus.;FRIENDS 1939 NATURAL COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY by SBH COLORED GROUP--FATHER HOUSTON --his office probably-SBH Reddish-Q simple original light MAX RABB, EUNA, CHARLIE, ZIMMER? whole WAS...;Title: “Natural Color Photography by Samuel B. Horovitz” Young woman eats ice cream with small spoon. Man to camera. African American group meeting in the law offices of Hous...;On can: "Wash D.C. Howard Law 1939 group, Euna, Charlie K?, J. Spiegel, group Manchester/1939 spring"
20) 1318.0044 York Harbor, Maine and West Virginia, 1937-1938--Samuel B. Horovitz--home movies. Reel 44
"15(2). York Harbor, Maine. 1937. W. Virginia. 1938";Oct 2, 1965 1937 IAIABC 15(2) B+: Title Natural Color Photography by SBH A-: Subtitle Convention of IAIABC York Harbor Maine, 1937 Subtitle Convention of IAIABC (held by Ba...;Titles: “Natural Color Photography by SBH,” “Convention of the IAIABC, York Harbor ,Maine 1937.” Chalk board sign held by someone “The I.A.I.A.B.C. at York Harbor Maine 1937.” ...
14) 1688.0016 [Annie Wood Nowell--home movies] Reel 16
Notes from can: 10A. K.V.C., H, Kay & Dick's wedding; Kay's & Helen's V.C. (Vassar College) graduations. K '32, H '36; Kay's wedding reception '36, taken by Dr. Ordway.;Intertitle: 'FILM NO. 13 Katharine’s Graduation Vassar, 1932'. Panning shot of a large group of women. Women carrying a garland of flowers. Close ups of the graduates marching. ...
1) 2170.0020 Williams College reunion, 1937--Simmons Brown--home movies. Reel 20
"Williams Reunion Class of 1912 - 1937"
7) 2447.0003 Richard Hale Collection Reel 3
A shot of University of Maine graduates in their caps and gowns. A shot of a faculty member in a cap and gown. Guests arrive at the commencement ceremony. A faculty member in...
57) 2925.0020 [Reid Family--home movies] Reel 20
Samoset Foliage, Graduation;Camp Samoset;A sign with a Scottish Terrier, saying: ‘CAMP SAMOSET FOR BOYS LACONIA N.H.’ Two young men carrying a bucket of ice. Intertitle: ‘Flag-raising’. A group of boys (campers) and yo...
22) 2925.0022 [Reid Family--home movies] Reel 22
3 London, Cambridge, Knole House, Oban + Mull, 1939;A map of England, Wales and Ireland, with arrows pointing to various locations. The base of a lamppost with the sign: ‘NATIONAL SERVICE, IT’S UP TO YOU, NATIONAL SERVICE, ENGLAN...
Next 36