57 work results

20) 0290.0010 [Frank Nash--home movies] Reel 10
Amateur: Pan of coast. Animals in distance. Family picnic. Girl on swing, riding tricycle. Family ice skating. Large group of laughing girls pose in yard. LS of boat in bay. Pan...
14) 0291.0013 [Coronation of King George VI]
Mix of amateur color and b&w reversal footage and commercially-produced b&w footage, possibly from Castle Films. First portion is color Kodachrome, slightly faded, som...;A procession of guards in dress uniform, horses, and carriages, filmed over the heads of other people in the crowd. Drummers and a band on horseback. The King and Queen in an or...
23) 0738.0005 [Unidentified—home movies] Reel 5
Shot of children dressed up, standing together holding rolled paper with ribbons tied around documents (diplomas or certificates). Dark shot of boys in tuxedos or suits standin...
3) 0738.0006 [Unidentified—home movies] Reel 6
Hockey. Intertitle: “THIS TEAM, ‘THE BOYS’ PLAYED HARD.” followed by shot of boys’ team. Intertitle: “BUT THIS TEAM, ‘THE FACULTY’ WON.” followed by shot of faculty team. Foo...
5) 0780.0030 [Sawyer--home movies] Reel 030
NHF cataloguer's notes as follows (box/reel notes in quotes, reel numbers are NHF-assigned). Reel 30: 'ski jumping at Rumford, McMillan's voyage ; no date'. Length: 2:44. col.;Ski jumping, ski racing, snowshoe racing, ice skating. Shots of harbor and boats. (Donald Sawyer says this may be departure of Donald MacMillan to Arctic from East Boothbay, Me.)
4) 1050.0002 [Quincy Market Centennial] Version 1
One of two films sponsored by the Faneuil Hall Markets Century Celebration in 1926. The film gives an overview of the history of Boston, the markets and the centennial celebrat...
2) 1050.0003 [Quincy Market Centennial] Version 2
One of two films sponsored by the Faneuil Hall Markets Century Celebration in 1926. This industrial film details the history of the markets, and showcases industries surroundi...
6) 1318.0018 Friends, Ronan sworn judge, 1938--Samuel B. Horovitz--home movies. Reel 18
Compiled color home movies of friends and judges in the Massachusetts courts; includes a civic event attended by Governor Hurley and others.;Written on can: "Sept. 1938 Friends, Judges...Ronan, Cox, Lummus";Reviewed 8/23/65 first really good all color, 27 years old! A- FRIENDS JUDGES Sept. 1938 new excellent title SAMOGRAMS C.J. Fields + wife (Miss Mont[...]H.S. teacher) Gov (to b...;Main title: “Samograms” card surrounded by flowers. CUs of people. Meeting, American flag. One child, various adults. Woman in checked outfit with striped feather in her ha...
14) 1375.0036 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 36
36. Kodacolor--Nov 6, 1935, Halloween costumes, Nov 8, pumpkins and San's pie, Re San Paul & Tom. Nov 9, San in soldier suit, Nov 24, San and Tom in first snow. Bonus pan--D...;NHF cataloguer's notes:Bogart. Reel 36. 35:46. Two children in Halloween costumes at front exterior of home. Tall child is ghost. Shorter one wears mask on face. Smaller one tur...
14) 1375.0037 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 37
37. 1936--Feb 2, skating, Feb 9, snow man, Feb 11, San and snowman's hat, Feb 15, on Robert's toboggan, Apr 19, new Dodge, Apr 20, on swing, Apr 22, Tom planting potatoes, kids ...;NHF cataloguer's notes:Bogart. Reel 37. 00:02. Children playing in snowbank by garage. One slides down snowbank. Children enter coupe car. Point-of-view ride down highway in car...
30) 1375.0041 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 41
NHF cataloguer's notes, 7/96 (reel numbers assigned by donor or creator): Reel 41: woman in choir robe w/ hymnal on front steps of brick house; (20:00) boy w/ football & hel...
7) 1515.0019 [Oscar R. Houston—home movies] Reel 19
Footage of a man and a woman skiing amidst snow covered trees. Footage of a man and two women having a picnic on the rocks by a lake. A few shots of the garden in front of a l...
36) 1515.0025 [Oscar R. Houston—home movies] Reel 25
Intertitle: “Bodnath and its Lama” A few shots of the Lama of Baudhanāth Stupa and the stupa itself. Intertitle: “Baláji and the Reincarnate Vishnu.” A few shots of a sculptu...
26) 1515.0030 [Oscar R. Houston—home movies] Reel 30
Reel 30 consists of footage shot in Nepal with intertitles throughout. A shot of a map of Nepal and the surrounding area followed by a few shots of Mt. Everest. Footage of men...
19) 1515.0046 [Oscar R. Houston—home movies] Reel 46
A shot of clouds and water taken from a plane. Intertitle: “A glimpse of the mountains and the sea on the South Coast of Kyushu” A few shots of a garden pond and the surroundi...
16) 1638.0022 England--Robert N. Lupfer--home movies. Reel 22
This reel contains amateur footage and two purchased reels. 1. Amateur footage England: Harrow on the Hill train station. Street, women walk, toddler in stroller. Town vie...
6) 1650.0001 Scenes of Easton and Portage Lake, Maine
Amateur footage. Can notes: Winter Carnival. Horse racing on ice at Prestile Stream. W.J., Alice, Neil eating in kitchen, chicken pie and butterscotch pie. Neil and Alice planti...
4) 1688.0006 [Annie Wood Nowell--home movies] Reel 6
Notes from can: 2B. Semi-good trips, etc. Mixed; Ben Block's horses. Win. '27; Maribel Vincent, World Champion before Sonja Henie, skates at Win. (M.L.'s play.); Picnic at Saqui...;A man training a horse. Intertitle: 'Red Rover, another Ben’s prize horses.' A man leading Red Rover. People skating, including Maribel Vincent. Close up of a woman with skating...
6) 1902.0006 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 6, Accession 1902
Notes from titles: "Boston Skating Club Carnival 1937 and 1938" Intertitle: "Boston Skating Club Carnival 1937" Choreographed dance of young women in pink tulle costumes dancing...
7) 1902.0007 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 7, Accession 1902
Can note (and on title): "Boston Skating Club Carnival, 1939" Intertitle: "Boston Skating Club Carnival 1939" Skaters dressed as toy soldiers, toreros, majorettes, and horses s...
36) 1902.0008 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 8, Accession 1902
Can note: "Lake Placid, Feb. 1932" The Winter Olympics took place in Lake Placid, NY, February 4-15, 1932, with 14 events in 8 sports. Views of skaters in an outdoor rink, espe...
12) 2114.0039 [Everett Greaton--home movies] Reel 39, Accession 2114
Footage of a young boy and girl dressed as a king and queen stepping out of a horse drawn buggy, posing for photographers and then leaving in the buggy, including a few other pe...
13) 2114.0056 [Everett Greaton--home movies] Reel 56, Accession 2114
Footage of a small town, including a farm, a bridge, houses, streets and a road with mountains in the distance. Footage of well-dressed people standing by their cars along the ...;Donor Notes: “Andover”
1) 2148.0014 [Fred Hafer--home movies] Reel 14
Reel T6. // Donor notes:
17) 2148.0017 [Fred Hafer--home movies] Reel 17
Reel T9. // Donor notes:
29) 2152.0016 [Sawyer Family--home movies] Reel 16
Box label: '(?) + Skating + Skiing (12 Yrs Old).'
12) 2178.0008 [Albion Emery--home movies] Reel 8, Accession 2178
A few shots of the remnants of a building after a fire. A few shots of children riding a toy tractor pulling a wagon through Emery’s Cottages. A shot of people cooking in a ki...
1) 2179.0005 [Solon and Betty Bailey--home movies] Reel 5
Donor's notes (abridged - see collection folder): Large Reel #5. Winter 1962: Marguerite skating, visiting Emily Johnson in Danby, VT; Milton Hoosic Club holiday party; 1963 Eas...
31) 2197.0007 [Milford Baker Films] Reel 7
Wyman Dam construction. Dedication ceremony. Crowd of people, a man addresses the crowd. Men smoke cigars. Woman with a dog. A dead deer being dragged. Two men and a boy p...
30) 2386.0001 [Nashua, NH Films] Reel 1
A crowd is seated in bleachers under a ‘Gregg for Governor’ banner behind a man approaching a microphone. A photographer stands on top of a car. Another shot of the crowd. A ...
9) 2399.0005 [Clayton P. Hodgkin--home movies] Reel 5, Accession 2399
Mary and Clyde Hodgkin raking hay. People in and around tractors and a pickup truck on a farm. Connie and Marilyn Rathbun, Lily Cady and Forest Hodgkin on the beach at Martin’...
25) 2399.0006 [Clayton P. Hodgkin--home movies] Reel 6, Accession 2399
Marilyn Rathbun riding a go-cart. Douglas Hodgkin driving his Volkswagon (VW) Beetle, or Bug. People posing at Douglas and Phyllis’ wedding. The White Mountains, including vi...
6) 2447.0003 Richard Hale Collection Reel 3
A shot of University of Maine graduates in their caps and gowns. A shot of a faculty member in a cap and gown. Guests arrive at the commencement ceremony. A faculty member in...
22) 2491.0012 [Clayton P. Hodgkin--home movies] Reel 12, Accession 2491
A man getting in his car, including Forest Hodgkin picking his nose and one of the family collies. Mary and Clyde Hodgkin playing with another boy inside. Clyde, Forest and Br...
21) 2507.0002 [S.D. Kelsey--home movies] Reel 2
Can notes: " Reel #2 1947-1948. Marj's party 47, Popolopen 47, Snow 48, Gene (Boston) 48" "Stevie's second Xmas 1944, Boston in Spring of 1946 Mari's first birthday 1946, Wes...;REEL TWO 1943-1946 Stevie's first Christmas, is the opening scene. Daddy is at war. Mother and Stevie are still living in Brooklyn and laughing and hugging each other unde...
15) 2507.0005 [S.D. Kelsey--home movies] Reel 5
Can notes: " 1) Graduation Parade 2) Turtle in yard qtrs. W.P. 3) South Apartments 4) Delafield Summer 1947 5) Jim Wilcox - Anne Marie 6) Lois McGregor 7) Phil Flo + Aunt...;REEL FIVE 1947 West Point Military Academy graduation ceremonies, 1947. The precision, grandeur and military discipline is never more on display than at a West Point gradua...
Next 36