2 work results

1) 2716.1403 Sunday - Last Show #54
Sunday X2725 Last Show Rec. 11/23/92 Air. 12/27/92;Slate: “Sunday :10 promo vtr: 15217 Sunday Show air date 12/27/1992 Valerie Navy”. Slate: “Sunday ID vtr: 15217 Sunday Show air date 12/27/1992 Valerie Navy”. Slate: “Sunday Fin...;Credits: Produced By: Valerie Navy-Daniels; Directed By: Donna Hennessey; Associate Producers: Lin Schreiber, John Farrell; Associate Director: Jim Lowell; Technical Director: K...
14) 2716.3004 Chronicle - Television
Aircheck;Television; commercials included; a brief review of what sorts of shows are offered on broadcast television provides a contrast to the other sorts of offerings available to view...
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