16 work results

1) 2747.0003 The Great Discrepancy
Amateur stage play directed by Roger Clapp and starring Dorothy Stebbins;“Infamous Players Present The Great Discrepancy”, “Or Roaming on the Foaming”, “Under the Patronage of”, shot of a woman wearing a cloche sitting in a car. “With a distinguishe...
36) 2747.0004 Japan & China, 1927--Dorothy Stebbins Bowles--home movies. Reel 1
1927 Dorothy Stebbins - Round the World trip Japan and China #1 / "Empress of Asia";Vancouver B.C. Harbor aboard the S.S. Empress of India: Gangplank of ship being withdrawn. People throwing paper streamers. Shot of crowd waving on the pier. The ship pulls a...;Dorothy bought her camera for this trip around the world. In a letter home to her mother on 10/12/1927 Dorothy wrote, "I went to an Eastman store and got instructions on how to...
3) 2747.0005 Indo-China, 1927--Dorothy Stebbins Bowles--home movies. Reel 2
1927 Dorothy Stebbins - Round the World Trip - Indo-China (Thailand, Cambodia) / Indo-China, 1927 - Angkor, [Phnom] Penh, Ream, Ream to Bankok on S.S. Bhanunangsi, Bankok;A western woman and an Asian boy walk toward the camera. A young woman in cloche hat (Kay) filming the boy and talking to the woman. Saigon?: Street scenes. Horse carts and c...
4) 2747.0011 Sailing Trips, 1934-1937--Dorothy Stebbins Bowles--home movies. Reel 8
Sailing, 1934-1937: Mañana, Nordly - Newfoundland, Cape Breton, weekend sails, Bermuda; Steb, Chet, Charlie Young, Jim Rogers, Semaphore, sextant.;Rough water in the harbor. Man bailing water out of a dinghy in the pouring rain. Loads luggage onto the boat. Dinghy leaves. Pan of the deck. Man spear fishing off the bow...
11) 2747.0012 Sailing Trips, 1935-1938--Dorothy Stebbins Bowles--home movies. Reel 9
Sailing Trip to Cape Breton/Nordlys, 1935 Steb, Chet, Charlie Young, Jim and Marvel Adams Ct. River: mouth of river, Saybrook light houses and railroad bridge 2-3 masted schoone...;Unsteady shot of the mast, pan down to the deck and the water. Quick shot of Dorothy at the helm. Several shots of the boat. Footage taken from halfway up the mast. (High Co...
25) 2747.0015 Saybrook family activities and sailing, 1934-1937--Dorothy Stebbins Bowles--home movies. Reel 12
Film 10B: 1934 - B and Ches 1936 - Saybrook: Topsy, George, Ches rowing 1937 - Saybrook: Ches birthday, swimming, fishing, beginning of sailing trip with Lunds, Devil's Hopyard...;[Emulsion peeling so image appears to have fractals over it] Chester and Barbara at the beach with another little girl. Chester finds a crab and shows it to the camera. Group ...;Notes from the family: "Stone structure is old Fort Tyler, located at eastern end of Long Island. Dates to the Spanish-American War when it was built as a defense for New Yor...
31) 2747.0016 Saybrook family activities, 1937-1938--Dorothy Stebbins Bowles--home movies. Reel 13
1937-1938 Saybrook: B, Ches, Cynnie, Sally Cyn's 1st birthday (Frannie, Grmummy Bowles, Uncle Allen) Swim Meet Hadlyme ferry Skiing, sledding, playing football River at Saybrook...;Baby Cynthia outside in a play pen. A woman comes over and resituates her. Cynthia smiling at the camera. Cynthia in playpen on porch, Chester plays with a balloon nearby. P...
8) 2747.0017 Saybrook, 1938-1939--Dorothy Stebbins Bowles--home movies. Reel 14
Mainly Seabrook, 1938-1939 Hurricane: Saybrook and Esex (Dyke's, Dauntless Shipyard, Steamboat Dock) Cynnie, Sally, B, Ches on stilts, Ches playing ball with Chet Woods at Hayde...;Color: Damage from the hurricane of 1938. Chet and another man move limbs out of the yard. Children walk down the road, pan to down power line poles, uprooted trees, and broke...
15) 2747.0020 Sailing trip and family activities in Essex, 1940--Dorothy Stebbins Bowles--home movies. Reel 17
1940 - Essex and Sailing #15 Cynnie, Sally, Sam Ox up-rooting bush, goat Nurse Ellen Clearing Pond Putting up flag pole Making tennis court and playing B, Ches, Nana, Papa, Fran...;B&W: Sally walking in the grass, behind her men are digging up a tree. Also in the scene are an ox and a goat. Sally petting the goat. Ox starts to pull the tree up, but ...
18) 2747.0021 Sailing trip and family activities in Essex, 1940-1941--Dorothy Stebbins Bowles--home movies. Reel 18
1940-1941 - Essex and sailing B, Ches, Cynnie, Sally, Sam Chet and B playing football Rock at Selden's Creek Ches, Jim, and Honey Lou Rogers building dam across marsh Charlie Yo...;B&W Cynthia and Sally in raincoats holding hand walking in front of the house toward the camera. Cynthia and Sam in the backyard, Sam is carrying a deflated football. Shot...
7) 2747.0022 Washington D.C. and Essex, CT, 1945-1950--Dorothy Stebbins Bowles--home movies. Reel 19
Washington D.C. and Essex, 1945-1950 1945: Ball Game (OPA families) at Washington monument Essex: St. Bernards (Jimmy), skating, bringing in Christmas tree, skiing, Doug Bennet ...;Color: Baseball game on the national mall in Washington DC. The Washington Monument and the Smithsonian in the background. Families on blankets along the sideline watching. K...
3) 2747.0024 India, 1951-1952--Dorothy Stebbins Bowles--home movies. Reel 21
India, 1951-1952 Village Development Project - Stahwah, UP: pump, village, carpenter shop, meeting Taj Mahal Kerala: bullock cart, wild baby elephant in trap, work elephants Ker...;Village Development Project: Chet talking to some Indian men by an irrigation system. Pan of Indian village. Cows in stables, a man working on a wooden wheel, camels. Dark fo...
10) 2747.0025 India, Bangkok and Bagnio, 1952--Dorothy Stebbins Bowles--home movies. Reel 22
1952 - India, Bangkok, Bagnio North India Fair Spinning Steb, Chet, Sally, Sam - vacation in Kashmir, houseboat, shikara Shalimar gardens Trip to Bangkok - life on and around th...;Large crowds gathered at a fair. Women wearing colorful saris and headdresses. People on camels. A woman sitting on a blanket spinning yarn. People rowing boats full of flow...
14) 2747.0032 Trip to Southeast Asia, 1953--Dorothy Stebbins Bowles--home movies. Reel 29
1953 - Steb, Chet, Sally, Sam Trip to Java and Bali (rice/fish) Saigon (street/bicycles) Hong Kong (harbor) Taiwan;Chet in a large brimmed hat sitting in a small boat. Deck of a larger boat (schooner) Chet sitting on the deck. Dorothy in a large brimmed hat with sunglasses on sitting on th...
5) 2747.0035 Family, 1953-1957--Dorothy Stebbins Bowles--home movies. Reel 32
Family 1953-1957 1953: Roque Island 195?: May 30th Baseball 1954: Essex - skating, Sam, Steb, Coolidges; Symes, Debbie 1956: North Haven- Coolidges, Panteleonies, Sally's frie...;A small sailboat. Sally and a friend on the deck of Tara. Sam in a sailor hat. A boat hauling a raft with horses. People on a pier. A baseball game in a field (played by ki...
36) 2747.0037 Trip to Pakistan, Russia, and Germany, 1957--Dorothy Stebbins Bowles--home movies. Reel 34
1957 - Steb and Chet trip: Pakistan to Germany Peshawar to Kabul Kabul: grain elevator, Russian housing project, Pouladas Tashkent, Samarkhand: school, Tanelaine's Tomb, marketp...;Mountains. People walking in front of a wall. Dark footage. Men walking down the road with camels and donkeys. Men building a bridge, laying down the bricks. Snow covered m...
Next 36