53 work results

1) 0014.0001 Rockland Buildings--Walter V. Mitton--home movies. Reel 14
Title, 'Rockland has many fine Federal, County and City public buildings in well kept and attractive settings.' Color, White house with columns around front door and balcony abo...
8) 0135/0136.0001 Cutting Ice
Cutting with gas-powered saw (Model T engine) and using hand tools. Using tool to push ice block. Various views of conveyor carrying blocks up from pond into ice house. Scraper ...
5) 0156.0001 Sociography: How Mainers Work, Live and Play
'A record of the travels of the pioneer sociography class of the Farmington State Teachers' College 1947 Summer Session.' 'Through Maine sociography one learns at firsthand of M...;Tape is in good condition, but transfer is EXTREMELY poor quality. // Original footage is 16mm. Film donated to University of Maine. See collection folder. // Factual film recor...
4) 0252.0089 [Howard Kane--home movies] Reel 89
NHF notes as follows. Can/reel/box annotations appear in quotes. Reel 89: (300 ft.) 'Vacationland 1939-40.' Color. Washington Normal State School. Sign: Joe Burnham's Inn. Scene...
3) 0759.0001 [Margaret Cummings Bean--home movies] Reel 1
Fall foliage, sunset, Frank at Greenleaf Place, Tom and Murial's wedding, deer, Portland Bay, Fryeburg, building dam.;Driving on a dirt road in the mountains, filmed from a moving vehicle. Dark shot of the moon. Trees in autumn. A dam. Machinery. A tree in front of a house. Wooden buildings und...
4) 0759.0005 [Margaret Cummings Bean--home movies] Reel 5
Cape flowers, ditch digging at Lodge, Cape boats, farm equipment, fields, etc.;A trellis with morning glory flowers. Flower garden. Shot of landscape with mountains in the distance. A tractor cutting a trench for a pipe. Panning shots of lakes and landscap...
4) 0759.0008 [Margaret Cummings Bean--home movies] Reel 8
Ice cutting at Cape, [dogs and puppies on ice, children sledding on ice].;People cutting ice. A dog on the ice. (Film changes to black and white) People cutting ice and loading it on the trucks. A mechanical saw cutting ice. A man scoring the ice. Loa...;'Big reel, ice harvest.'
11) 0759.0011 [Margaret Cummings Bean--home movies] Reel 11
Garden on front lawn, haying at farm, off to church, closet Janet, Rowdy & Bull, winter yard.;A garden. A girl walking through the garden. A tractor. A man cutting grass with a scythe. A girl driving horse drawn farm equipment. The man with the scythe. A truck piled with...
5) 0759.0028 [Margaret Cummings Bean--home movies] Reel 28
1947, building Bud's barn, garden on lawn, Steve.;A barn under construction. Lumber by a dirt road. Women holding a baby. People walking with a dog. Trees and houses filmed from a moving vehicle. A garden. A turtle in the garde...
32) 0759.0030 [Margaret Cummings Bean--home movies] Reel 30
Combine at Greenleaf Place, the (7,8) Sherban Birches.;A man with a dead raccoon. A dog. A man tips his hat to the camera. A truck load of corn. An orchard. A tractor pulling a combine, mowing a field. Close up of a baby. Panning sh...;'Mills, kid, coons, dog, Mike, combine Pinnacle.'
33) 0759.0031 [Margaret Cummings Bean--home movies] Reel 31
Picking peas, ? husking corn or ? cows at Pinnacle, Peter and John Laban at Lodge, sleigh at Cape, snow plow.;A farm field. People outdoors. People husking corn. Dark shots of people outdoors. A boy carrying a bottle. A person on horseback. Men getting into a car. A deer strapped to the...
26) 0762.0026 [Edward M. Graham, Sr.--home movies] Reel 26
Home movies of fishing and hunting in Maine. NHF cataloguer's notes below. (Reel notes from donor are in brackets; reel numbers are donor-assigned.) Reel 26: [Square Lake. Troll...
13) 0762.0028 [Edward M. Graham, Sr.--home movies] Reel 28
Men walking through woods with paddles and packs. Man in water standing in canoe. Women in hat and scarf on shore sharing drinks and jokes with men. CU of man smiling and smokin...;Home movies of fishing and hunting in Maine. NHF cataloguer's notes below. (Reel notes from donor are in brackets; reel numbers are donor-assigned.) Reel 28: [Moosehead Lake 193...
14) 0780.0036 [World War Two footage] Reel 036
NHF cataloguer's notes as follows; reel numbers are NHF-assigned: Reel 36: Length 1:33. b&w.;Shows German soldiers building a track in the woods in order to move a piece of equipment on wheels.
8) 0780.0037 [World War Two footage] Reel 037
NHF cataloguer's notes as follows; reel numbers are NHF-assigned: Reel 37: Length 2:53. b&w.;German soldiers on foot and on horses. Horse drawn wagons carrying military equipment. Motorcycle with sidecar, and trucks.
3) 0780.0038 [World War Two footage] Reel 038
NHF cataloguer's notes as follows; reel numbers are NHF-assigned: Reel 38: Length 2:52. b&w.;Soldiers marching on foot. Horse drawn wagons and carts.
1) 0780.0039 [World War Two footage] Reel 039
NHF cataloguer's notes as follows; reel numbers are NHF-assigned: Reel 39: Length 2:12. b&w.;German soldiers marching through rural village. Close ups of soldiers' faces. Soldiers bathing in stream, many of them look very young.
11) 0785.0007 Knox County on Parade 1940 (Reel 7)
Original seven reels of 'Knox County on Parade' are 2800 ft. total. Reel contents received with the film as follows: Reel 7 of 7: Snow Bowl Ski Area, Vinalhaven Harbor and Stree...;Additional Notes, Jan. 6, 2023: Camden Snow Bowl Ski Area, Camden Outing Club Cabin / Lodge, Ice Skating, Sled Dog Race, Skiing, Ski Rope Pull, Truck with "H.H. Crie & Co. // Ha...
3) 0792.0001 New England
Video copy of film about New England. There are several themes in this film that focus on nature, lifestyle, work, architecture and geographical locations in New England. There ...
22) 0830.013 [Imperial Alberta]
NHF Reel 13 Can label: 'Portland Pipe Line Corp. 5/14/1949' Kodachrome NHF cataloguer's notes, 9/23/98 CH: (10:20) Large tanker, Imperial Alberta, docking in South Portland harb...
18) 0836.0002 [Log Rolling Contest]
Donor's titles in quotes: 'Fireman's Convention at the Balsams, 1944.' // Box captions: 'Br. Co. log roller.' // Title card reads: '22nd Annual Conference, New England Associati...
72) 0836.0003 [Animated Woodsmen Drawings]
Donor's titles in quotes: 'Safety film from animated drawings, 1947.' // Box captions: 'Experiments on animated drawings--made spring of 1947. Safety film work. Keep for study.'...
23) 0836.0004 [Protect Young Growth Titles]
Donor's titles in quotes: 'Experimental film on Process work with Brown Company Woods 'Seal', Save the Young Growth, etc., 1949.' // Box captions: 'Work done on notes of June 7 ...
24) 0836.0093 [Operation Sanmaur]
Title on film: 'Operation Sanmaur 1946. // Donor's title: 'Operation--Sanhaur.' // Can note: January 1947. Original film on mechanical hauling. // Date from edge code on film. /...
22) 0938.0002 Our New Home Office Building Under Construction (Film No. 2)
Videotape copy of New England Mutual insurance company film. FOR REFERENCE ONLY. Footage details received with film: - 'Our New Home Office Building Under Construction.' 1939-19...
5) 0964.0002 [unidentified--home movies]
Box notes: 'Trucks loading conveyer. Mill. Ralph Remick.'
65) 0964.0004 [unidentified--home movies]
NHF cataloguer's notes, 11/94: (2 min.) Wood yard. Lumber being moved around with cranes and trucks. (14 min.) Amateur rodeo, large gathering. Children running race and playing ...;From Facebook: Names of the ladies in the Queen's Court in the parade. Left front: Paula Eldridge, 2nd one up on the left is Rebecca (Gross) Gray. She was from Castine. Dana ...
11) 1108.0104 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 104
Reel 104: Archie Stewart can notes: The War Years. Screening notes: Faded color. Slo pan from rooftop of commercial area of unidentified town. Sign for Marks Furs in FG. [Prob...
25) 1164.0041 [Cameron Bradley--home movies] Reel 16
Amateur footage. Family's viewing notes as follows (reel titles in quotes are based on can/box notes, reel numbers are NHF-assigned.) 16. '[unlabeled] 1944.' Scenes of an antiqu...
30) 1382.0009 [John A. Stone--home movies] Reel 009
Donor's notes as follows: Reel 9: Mom looking at house lot with realtor, 103 Homestead Avenue, Weymouth MA, 1940. Steam shovel digging hole for house. Dad talking to workmen. Ho...
2) 1442.0001 So You Want to be a Woodsman?
Edited Betacam SP master for NHF 's 'So You Want To Be a Woodsman?.'
24) 1637 [Pawtucket industry and prosperity]
Documentary and promotional footage. Covers Pawtucket industry and prosperity including historical piece on Slater Mill and cotton mill industry. No detailed content description...
12) 1682.0008 Travels in New York and Canada, 1940--Robert Hoadley Whipple--home movies. Reel 8
On can: "Trip to Canada 1940, Muskoka Lake";Color home movies of the Whipple family's travels through New York and Ontario, Canada, including Niagara Falls, Toronto, the Muskoka Lakes region, and North Bay.;Reel opens on scenic vistas of the Allegheny Mountains in New York. Sign: "Roosevelt Highway/Wyalusing Rocks/Allegheny Mountains." Scenic overlook. Sign: "Watkins Glen State ...
9) 1682.0009 Quebec, Canada, 1942--Robert Hoadley Whipple--home movies. Reel 9
Color home movies of travels through Quebec province in 1942, including scenes in Saguenay, Murray Bay (now La Malbaie), and Quebec City. ;On can: "Saguenay, 1942"
27) 1682.0010 Poland Springs, Boston, and New York, 1943--Robert Hoadley Whipple--home movies. Reel 10
Color home movies including scenes of Boston, New York, and the Poland Spring House in South Poland, Maine. ;On can: "Poland Springs, Boston, New York 1943"
27) 1697.0027 Cape Cod, Patsy's seventh birthday--Mortimer B. Fuller, Jr.--home movies. Reel 27
On can: "Cape Cod 1939, Patsy's 7th birthday. 1940.";Compiled color home movies of family scenes at Cape Cod over 1939 and 1940.;Title: “Patsy’s 7th Birthday” (hand-written card) Clay-court tennis. A crudely hand-painted sign reads "Fair Grounds / Beware of Pickpockets / No Spitting” Group gatherin...;Cape Cod. Adult fun and games, PAF 7th birthday, Plymouth? 1940?
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