9 work results

2) 1567.0002 [Beer Can Collector]
Beer can collector Bob Crawley (sp?) covered his basement walls and ceiling with beer cans. Interview with Crawley about collecting cans. Cliff Reynolds hosts. // Image quality ...
3) 1567.0003 [Limington Antique Store]
Cliff Reynolds interviews the Springs at their store on Route 25 in Limington. Elderly woman makes aprons, pot holders and other crafts and man sells antiques.
4) 1567.0004 [Disco Contest]
Clif Reynolds visits club 'Page One' for a disco dancing championship. Disco soundtrack accompanies shots of the contestants dancing.
6) 1567.0005 [Morse's Sauerkraut]
Clif Reynolds visits Morse's Sauerkraut manufacturing and packaging plant in Waldoboro at harvest time. Interview with Mrs. Morse. Company was started by her father-in-law 65 ye...
6) 1567.0006 [Swan Island]
Label on tape: 'Gene Dumont, Ass't. Regional Biologist, Inland Fisheries & Wildlife, Bob Whitman, Custodian.' //;Clif Reynolds travels by boat on the Kennebec River to Swan Island preserve. Shots of deer on the preserve. Interview with officials about the history of the island and the orig...
6) 1567.0007 [Making Cider at Terison Orchards]
Clif Reynolds visits Terison Orchards in Cumberland and talks with apple grower Tom Terison about a poor crop and the process of making apple cider. Many shots of the cider-maki...
7) 1567.0008 [Washburn-Norlands Living History Center]
Label on tape: 'The Norlands, Billy.' // ;Clif Reynolds visits the Washburn-Norlands Living History Center, a 19th-century working farm offering educational and school programs on rural farm living. Shots of various typ...
12) 1567.0012 [Gymnastics]
Reynolds interviews gymnastics instructor Hal Marsh about his gymnastics class for children. Some students are as young as 5. Discusses training young gymnasts and the current s...
9) 1567.0048A [Needlepoint Artist Sally Nicoletti]
On tape with 1567.0048B. // Moderate dropout. // Interview with needlepoint artist Sally Nicoletti, author of book 'Weaving Designs for Needlepoint.' Nicoletti demonstrates the ...
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