9 work results

128) 1567.0002 [Beer Can Collector]
Beer can collector Bob Crawley (sp?) covered his basement walls and ceiling with beer cans. Interview with Crawley about collecting cans. // Image quality deteriorates severely ...
129) 1567.0003 [Limington Antique Store]
Reynolds interviews the Springs at their store on Route 25 in Limington. Elderly woman makes aprons, pot holders and other crafts and man sells antiques.
130) 1567.0004 [Disco Contest]
Clif Reynolds visits club 'Page One' for a disco dancing championship. Disco soundtrack accompanies shots of the contestants dancing.
131) 1567.0005 [Morse's Sauerkraut]
Clif Reynolds visits Morse's Sauerkraut manufacturing and packaging plant in Waldoboro at harvest time. Interview with Mrs. Morse. Company was started by her father-in-law 65 ye...
132) 1567.0006 [Swan Island]
Label on tape: 'Gene Dumont, Ass't. Regional Biologist, Inland Fisheries & Wildlife, Bob Whitman, Custodian.' // Reynolds travels by boat on the Kennebec River to Swan Island pr...
133) 1567.0007 [Making Cider at Terison Orchards]
Reynolds visits Terison Orchards in Cumberland and talks with apple grower Tom Terison about a poor crop and the process of making apple cider. Many shots of the cider-making pr...
7) 1567.0008 [Washburn-Norlands Living History Center]
Label on tape: 'The Norlands, Billy.' // Reynolds visits the Washburn-Norlands Living History Center, a 19th-century working farm offering educational and school programs on rur...
138) 1567.0012 [Gymnastics]
Reynolds interviews gymnastics instructor Hal Marsh about his gymnastics class for children. Some students are as young as 5. Discusses training young gymnasts and the current s...
29) 1567.0048A [Needlepoint Artist Sally Nicoletti]
On tape with 1567.0048B. // Moderate dropout. // Interview with needlepoint artist Sally Nicoletti, author of book 'Weaving Designs for Needlepoint.' Nicoletti demonstrates the ...
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