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New York World's Fair (1939-1940)
Bus travel
19) 0353 cat. 1020-07-WABI-62
Helicopter at Dow Air Force Base
Bangor: Base fire fighting crew flies in two-propeller helicopter to pick up a water tank and fly to a fire, where they use hoses to put it out, and the helicopter picks up a man.
20) 0449 cat. 1053-08-WABI-67
Hampden Kiwanis Annual Charity Horse Show
Hampden: Show scenes including parade of riders for camera, spectators, a few jumps, posing, two men in a buggy.
20) 0449 cat. 1054-10-WABI-67
The Great Paint-Out in Bangor
Bangor: People painting fence and picking up trash, men arriving on bus from Air Force Base, a painting race.
6) 0450 cat. 1055-07-WABI-67
Old Town Derby Parade
Old Town: Parade including 1920s cars, marching bands, beauty pageant winners, balloons, clowns, a baseball team, Anah Temple Shriners on mini-bikes, majorettes.
6) 0450 cat. 1055-10-WABI-67
[Bartlett and Curtis on East-West Highway)
Conference regarding highway from Calais to Amsterdam, N.Y. Speakers include Bartlett on highway's purpose, and Governor Ken Curtis on his support of it.
6) 0450 cat. 1055-11-WABI-67
Coldbrooke -- Route 202 Fatalities
Accident scene including police, damaged car and tractor-trailer truck.
30) 0450 cat.1055-15-WABI-67
Telejournal Looks at Expo '67 -- Part 1
Montreal: World's Fair scenes including reporters arriving in Montreal, 'Man and His World' exhibit as seen from moving vehicle, a ship, various international exhibits, a monora...
17) 0450 cat. 1055-21-WABI-67
Brewer Garden Club Wins Beautification Award
Toll bridge scenes in which flags are planted in potted flowers by the edge of each tollbooth.
19) 0450 cat. 1057-09-WABI-67
Central Maine Gets First Jet Service
Bangor: First jet of Northeast Airlines with stewardesses and pilots being greeted as they get off the plane, and shots of the plane and airport.
30) 0450 cat.1057-11-WABI-67
Telejournal Looks at Expo '67 -- Part 2
Montreal: World's Fair scenes including dome, monorail, long escalator, reporters on hovercraft ride, a bicycle rickshaw, and international attractions.
11) 0450 cat. 1057-18-WABI-67
[Canadian-American Goodwill Relations Day]
Parade in Bangor including representatives from New Brunswick Kiwanis Jr. Pipe Band, the Bangor Police, and other vehicles
30) 0450 cat. 1057-22-WABI-67
Maine Central Railroad Hauls Off Junk Cars
Train leaves Maine to take junked cars to Massachussetts.
13) 0450 cat. 1058-10-WABI-67
[American Legion Convention Parade at Calais]
Parade in Calais including Canadian group and flag, cars, Legionnaires from Maine, and marching bands going over bridge into New Brunswick
14) 0450 cat. 1058-12-WABI-67
Truck Carrier Mishap Causes Traffic Jam in Ellsworth
Telejournal camera shoots from car driving toward Ellsworth. Shots include car carrier skidded off road, blocked traffic.
10) 0450 cat. 1058-14-WABI-67
Two-Car Crash at Boyd and York in Bangor
Bangor: Accident scene including cars with smashed front ends.
31) 0451.0015
Belfast Broiler Festival Parade
Belfast: Parade including MS of building, limousine, truck, broiler float, Broiler Festival Queen, marching band, twirlers, 'Support our Men in Vietnam' sign on float, 'Wide Awa...
17) 0451 cat. 1058-20-WABI-67
Holiday Highway Death Report
CUs of traffic signs: Stop, railroad crossing, Keep Right, Stop on red signal, railroad crossing, no U-turn, merging traffic, yield right of way, road curves, Exit speed 30, cat...
27) 0451 cat. 1059-03-WABI-67
Rhythm of the Rain
Rainfall scenes including house in rain, plants, windshield with wipers going, man pumping gas into his car, 'Sunshine State, Florida,' 'New Brunswick, Picture Province' license...
28) 0451 cat. 1059-07-WABI-
Cole's Express Offers Carrier Rides
Interview of Cole includes painting of Cole's trucks lined up, discussion of new program allowing people to ride carriers between truck terminals. Rides will be round trip betwe...
34) 0451 cat. 1059-17-WABI-67
Rockland Runway Report #1
Rockland: Rockland Airport and Northeast Airlines signs, men shoveling dirt from dumptruck to runway, view of runway from moving vehicle, men looking at plans, airplanes taxiing.
21) 0451 cat. 1059-20-WABI-67
Belfast & Moosehead Railroad Tour
Belfast & Moosehead sign. Pan of wooded area. Train full of passengers. Spectator. Man walking along tracks.
3) 0451 cat. 1072-24-WABI-67
Curtis Cites Problems in Highway Fund Cutback
Governor Curtis speaks about proposals for highway spending cuts. Says would cause problems in Portland and Kittery.
4) 0452 cat. 1060-01-WABI-67
Rt. 15 Road Improvement
State highway construction. Digging, plowing dirt, clearing sides of highway, grading surface for paving.
24) 0452 cat. 1060-05-WABI-67
Student Driving Instruction in Ellsworth
Ralph Lowe, WABI, at Ellsworth High School with director of the driving program and principal of Ellsworth High School. Director gets into car and he and three students already ...
9) 0452 cat. 1060-06-WABI-67
New Mack Diesel for Bangor Fire Department
Bangor: New Bangor Fire truck pumping water into Bangor River. Men watching the truck pump water into the river.
17) 0452 cat. 1060-14-WABI-67
Interstate Overlay Construction
New highway ramp being built. Traffic on the existing highway. Shots of construction equipment and crew. Crew looking at WABI reporter. WABI reporter talking.
14) 0452 cat. 1061-08-WABI-67
Bangor Fair
Vintage cars driving up and down country road. Horse-drawn hay ride on wagon with kids. Truck with side sign reading 'Enfield, ME'. Two young men playing guitars in front of bus...
28) 0453 cat. 0062-11-WABI-67
NEA Help-mobile Story
Woman talking about NEA (National Education Association) Help-mobile information exchange program and fair.
36) 0453 cat. 1061-21-WABI-67
End Rack Pulp Wood Cars at Bangor & Aroostook Railroad
WABI Reporter (Gordon?) with Mr. Swill of the B & A talking about the new pulp wood cars: their loading, cost ($17,000/each), uses, and railroad's future. Discuss route of the B...
20) 0453 cat. 1062-07-WABI-67
Maine Good Roads Report
Car driving up hill. Car on highway. Newport/Plymouth Ridge Road Exit sign. Newport Detroit Rt. 2, 11, 100 sign. Following car from Vermont off highway. Country road with bridge...
28) 0453 cat. 1062-12-WABI-67
[Bald Peak Gravel]
Men with gravel cement truck in woods. Cement form layout. Cement truck moves into position. Men shovel cement into form. Men move cement chute. Men move more cement into form.
32) 0453 cat. 1062-18-WABI-67
Newport Plane Accident
Two large objects with steering mechanisms in water. Truck with 'Haley Construction' sign from Guilford, Maine. Crane pulling upside-down seaplane. Plane lowered onto boat ramp....
1) 0453 cat. 1063-08-WABI-67
Car-Truck Accident in Winterport
Pilings, dirt and cables down on side of road. Shot of rear axle of truck in yard next to house. Rest of truck near road. Full shot of rear axle behind bush.
3) 0453 cat. 1063-10-WABI-67
Maine Auto League Statewide
Vintage cars in downtown area.
9) 0453 cat. 1063-11-WABI-64
McCrum Dies in Old Town Fire
Old Town: Two police officers and man in open doorway of house. Fire truck. Police officer. House damage including burn marks. Fire engine with 'Old Town Engine #3 Fire Departme...
15) 0453 cat. 1063-17-WABI-67
Driver Education Program at Brewer
Students standing in front of school watching police officer and men for driver education lesson in stopping suddenly and skidding.
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