8 work results

7) 0351 cat. 1019-16-WABI-62 Sheriff's Dept.
Penobscot Valley Sheriff's Department officer displays a closet filled with weapons and ammunition, jail cells, the kitchen, and other areas. Also an officer typing and a patrol...
33) 0432 cat. 1040-03-WABI-65 Forest Fire in East Holden
East Holden: Fire fighters battle of blaze including smoke, trees and ground on fire, fire fighters and trucks arriving, firefighters in breathing gear.
49) 0432 cat. 1040-05-WABI-65 Fourth of July Celebration
Bangor: foot race, barbecue, music, games, a parade with clowns and marching bands, people in cars, pageant winners, old bicycles and cars, floats.
17) 0432 cat. 1044-04-WABI-65 [Volkswagen Beetle Accident]
Car appears to have been hit by a train. MS and LS of car and LS of train tracks and parked vehicles.
16) 0432 cat. 1046-07-WABI-65 Search for Myles Connor
Police check cars. MS of vehicles. A man fires a flare gun or smoke bomb into the woods. Police enter the woods with machine guns. Two police enter a house, questioning two wome...
2) 0438 cat. 1047-02-WABI-65 Dow Air Force Base
Dow Air Force Base scenes including aerial view of runway, men greeted by base commander, base living quarters, bowling alley, theater, machine shop and workers, secretary worki...
19) 2161.0005 [Hubert Clemons—home movies] Reel 5
One of several reels of film that depicts a group of school teachers on a seven-week University of Maine sponsored bus tour of the U.S., which started and ended at Orono, Maine...
3) 2681.0113 [Albert G. and Mary Miller Dietrich--home movies] Reel 113
Box: 1965 + 1966 1st day of school / xmas 1965 – skiing at Gunstock NH;A boy waves at the camera as he leaves for school. An Orrington School Department school bus. Children (Mary Lou, David, Mark) on Christmas morning. A woman (Mary) reading. Ski ...
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