5 work results

2) 1296.0001 Modern Times in Maine & America: 1890-1930
'This video explores the growth of the paper industry and hydroelectric utilities; Maine's role in American expansionism; immigration and the decline of agriculture; urban probl...
18) 1300.0001 [Excerpts from Total Containment/S.D. Warren Productions]
VHS reference tape. Contains excerpts from two industrial promotional works. ONSITE REFERENCE ONLY. 'Total Containment, Jacket Application' was made for marketing purposes, to b...
2) 1807.004 [St. Regis Paper Co., 1948-1957]
Tape consists of video of stills with narration. Note from label: 'St. Regis Paper Col, 1948-1957, mills, logging, river driving, camps, Bucksport Mill, pulp wood, etc.'
1) 2716.3985 Chronicle - Cancer Valley
Aircheck Cancer Valley;Title: “Chronicle December 18, 1991, Cancer Valley”. Mary Richardson and Andrea Hall are in the studio. Peter Mehegan reports on the high number of cancer cases in Rumford, Main...;Directed by Phil Rubin, Assistant Director: Isaac Laughinghouse; Technical Director: Mary Driscoll; Audio: Doug DeVitt; Videotape: Rod Adams, Russ Cooper, Jeff McKeon; Master Co...;This episode of Chronicle and the topics it covers are discussed in the book 'Mill Town: Reckoning with What Remains' (2020) by Kerri Arsenault.
1) 3018.0001 Champion Fun Day #1 July 8, 1995
Champion Fun Day #1 July 8, 1995 Champion Health and Fitness Department
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