19 work results

18) 0676 cat. 5287-01-TOUR-88 The Maine Coast: A Video Tour
Pounding surf, rocky coast, field, lobster traps, boats, windjammers. People on cruise. Lighthouses and keeper. Lobstermen at dawn. Hauling traps. Plugging lobsters' claws. Lobs...
6) 0694 Machias Renaissance
NHF viewing notes: 'A Bulldog Production.' Revitalization of Machias. Maps of world, United States, Maine, with Machias highlighted on state map. Quick cuts include worker in bl...
23) 0720 cat. 5427-10-WCSH-81 Sailboats
No description available
62) 0733 Gilley, Portrait of a Bird Carver
Documentary: Biography of Wendell Gilley, bird carver. He narrates. Ducks swimming near rocks. Gilley sits and talks among his carving with young female interviewer. Fire going ...
5) 0740.PC15 [A Century of Summers production master]
Documentary concerning the impact on Hancock of a summer colony. Includes interviews with residents of Hancock Point and summer visitors as well as videotape transfers of home m...
6) 0740.PC17 [videotape copy of final 'A Century of Summers' program]
A 3/4 in. videotape copy of the final 'A Century of Summers' program. (1 in. production master described in ProCite record #13048.)
35) 0740.PC18 [excerpt tape for 'A Century of Summers' program]
A 5-minute excerpt tape for 'A Century of Summers' program.
9) 0823 [title not known]
One of seventeen advertisements submitted as Bangor Advertising Awards Entries, 1989-1990 to 1990 Kane Awards show: client Paul's/Jordan's Restaurant, [title?], producer WLBZ, 4...
28) 1108.0170-.0172 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reels 170-172
Archie Stewart can notes: Reel 170 Maharay's camp 12 Oct 1973. Abby's foot race 21 Oct 1973. Camp, via Bedford 2-18 Nov 1973. Trip California 16 Jan-21 Feb 1974. EA's kite, visi...
2) 1334 cat. 5188-01 [Forestry Video]
Promotional video including aerial view of mill, workers inspecting seedlings, helicopter, coast, moose, deer, black bear, fish, bald eagle, summer homes, Chesuncook homes, West...
4) 1461.0002 Maine's Television Time Machine
Maine's Television Time Machine 'Version 2.' // Created 05/01/1989. // Formerly Distribution Master. // General description: Selections from NHF's Bangor Historical Society/WABI...
8) 1461.0003 Maine's Television Time Machine DISTRIBUTION MASTER
DISTRIBUTION MASTER of Maine's Television Time Machine. // Created 10/27/1989. // New NHF 'tag' added to tape 02/26/1996.' // General description: Selections from NHF's Bangor H...
3) 1771.0001 American Challenge
Documentary about the Observer Singlehanded Transatlantic [Yacht] Race. Copy also exists in Reference By Mail.
9) 1861.0026 [Nancy Hohmann--home movies] Reel 26
Title from label on original film reel: 'Seth's Seventh Birthday, July 1980.' // On reel with Reels 22-25, 27-28.;Boy in swimsuit and towel in front of birthday sign; boy at beach with hula hoop; girl with hula hoop; kids in water at lake; birthday party; kids with hula hoop; opening gifts;...
5) 1861.0032 [Nancy Hohmann--home movies] Reel 32
Title from label on original film reel: 'August, 1982: Pig Scramble at Waterford 8/20/82, World's Fair, Keoka Lake Regatta 8/25.' // On reel with Reels 29-31, 33-35.;Pig scramble: kids with cloth sacks trying to catch piglets (part of Waterford World's Fair); regatta: sailboats on lake;
1) 1866.0001 [John Dougherty --television clips] Dodge Morgan Tape 1
Footage of Dodge Morgan on round-the-world sail. Actuality with natural sound Intercut with comments from D.M. Copyright the New Film Company, Inc. Runs 9:30. Later on tape: Bas...
6) 1866.0005 [John Dougherty --television clips] Dodge Morgan Tape 5
Actuality with natural sound of Dodge Morgan sailing 'American Promise.'
13) 1866.0006 [John Dougherty --television clips] Dodge Morgan Tape 6
Actuality , Dodge Morgan sails into St. Georges, Bermuda. Crowd cheers; Dodge Morgan speaks; mayor speaks; mayor gives D.M plaque. Townspeople greet D.M. John Dougherty.
13) 5459-01-NHFC-87 Claws
Humor tape: Tim Sample and Benny and Denise Reehl embark on a coastal safari in search of lobsters. Sample sells Reehls needless lobster hunting paraphernalia. Reehls are stoppe...
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