60 work results

10) 2310.0018 [Milton Dowe—home movies] Reel 18
11:16 -19:45 Family Christmas with Santa played by father, handing out gifts to young daughter. More shots of daughter (3-4 yrs. old) playing in deep snow and learning to ice s...
27) 2310.0017 [Milton Dowe—home movies] Reel 17
0:0-11:16 Views of puppy, state capitol at Augusta, Maine, a historical wooden fortress and dungeon, views of Palermo village, family views; Father Neptune in a small outboard; ...
24) 2310.0016 [Milton Dowe—home movies] Reel 16
1:46:43-1:47:25 Older man in leather jacket comes out of store, gets in pickup truck and drives off down hill of village on snowy road. Brief shot of small building with sign "...
24) 2310.0015 [Milton Dowe—home movies] Reel 15
1:30:40 -1:34:34 Various shots of places taken during a vacation trip, not in Maine. Includes footage of southern farm with mules, apple orchard, views of Blue Ridge Mountains, ...
8) 2310.0014 [Milton Dowe—home movies] Reel 14
1:12:49-1:14:03 Man and daughter walk through deep snow in woods toward and by camera on snowshoes. Views of cabin covered in snow, and man and daughter walking on snow. 1:14:...
2) 2310.0013 [Milton Dowe—home movies] Reel 13
1:00:03-1:02:35 Sign for Benson Wild Animal Farm. Information about the farm, located in Hudson, New Hampshire can be found at http://www.bensonsanimalfarm.com/. Mostly undere...
7) 2310.0012 [Milton Dowe—home movies] Reel 12
Intertitle: "The Blizzard" Intertitle: "North Palermo, March, 1946" 45:50- 48:15 Color Two men and boy walking away from camera down a partially plowed road, climbing hills of...
15) 2310.0011 [Milton Dowe—home movies] Reel 11
Intertitle: "Pipe Line 1948" Probably Portland-Montreal Pipeline; see also [Milton Dowe—home movies] Reel 10
Intertitle: "Home Movies Presents Thanksgiving 1946" 16:39-18:41 Color views of family around table laughing and eating. Young girls also eating (same two as seen before). Sm...
36) 2310.0009 [Milton Dowe—home movies] Reel 9
0-1:25 B&W Views of toddler girl (1-2 years old?) in wool coat and hat with pail and shovel in her hand. She stands near an older girl and near a water hand pump. CUs and MS...
11) 2310.0008 [Milton Dowe—home movies] Reel 8
Intertitle: "Home Movies Presents 'The Flood' Spring of 1940" 49:12- 50:37 Views of rushing water on village streets, running down embankment by small bridge and into stream b...
4) 2310.0007 [Milton Dowe—home movies] Reel 7
29:49-30:10 Sign: "Waldo-Hancock Bridge 300 Feet" with arrow pointing direction, then LS pan of bridge from Waldo to Hancock side with hills in B/G, and village seen along the ...
23) 2310.0006 [Milton Dowe—home movies] Reel 6
Intertitle: "Remote Control: Reading an article one night about remote control, we decided to control our home by radio." 15:40-19:32 woman sits in a living room chair doing nee...
114) 2310.0005 [Milton Dowe—home movies]  Reel 5
Intertitle: "Branch Mills Grange Fair 1939" 0- 3:50 Views of horse pull as horses struggle to pull large boulder at a traditional country fair. Various teams at work, with crow...
113) 2310.0004 [Milton Dowe—home movies] Reel 4
Intertitle: "B.M.[Branch Mills] Grange Fair of 1938" 37:30-39.22 View of a horse pull at a county fair. The horses struggle to pull a large boulder. Several teams try, and th...
6) 2310.0003 [Milton Dowe—home movies] Reel 3
25:07-26:07 Man on tractor with man with mowing blade behind working the tall hay in a field. 26:07- 29:29 Man with horse and raker in hay field gathering hay for making into b...
17) 2310.0002 [Milton Dowe—home movies] Reel 2
Intertitle: "Fire, 1938. Baker Farm" 14:02- 15:48 Shots of farmhouse fully engulfed in flames, flames shooting out windows, then smoldering ruins of burned out building wit...
9) 2310.0001 [Milton Dowe—home movies] Reel 1
Intertitle: "Vacation Summer 1939. On the Machias River." 0- 2:47 Road sign sponsored by Washington County Chamber of Commerce: "You are now entering Washington County, the gr...
8) 2310 [Milton Dowe--home movies]
No description available
15) 2298.0041 [Milton Dowe--home movies] Reel 7
Date estimate based from edge codes on film - see inspection sheet. // Can label: 'School.';Children exit one room schoolhouse, play kickball and pose for camera. Close-up shots of teachers. Land is surveyed, forms are built, concrete is poured, construction begins o...
4) 2298.0040 [Milton Dowe--home movies] Reel 6
Men prepare tractor and trailer to plant seed potatoes, loading the potatoes and fertilizer, then driving along the field, planting the potatoes. A man uses a surveyor wheel to...
5) 2298.0039 [Milton Dowe--home movies] Reel 5
Dates from edge codes on film. // 'The Little Housekeeper.' With intertitles. Young girl plays house, cares for doll, irons doll clothes. 'The End.' Child in high chair. Birthda...;"The Little Housekeeper" intertitles: "Sakes alive! It seems to me, I am as busy as can be. Monday I wash Dollie's clothes, and they need it goodness knows!"; "Tuesday is my i...
7) 2298.0038 [Milton Dowe--home movies] Reel 4
Date estimate based from edge codes on film - may be 1937-1938 or 1947-1948, see inspection sheet. // Label on reel: 'Palermo in [?] Meet. Canoe Trip.' // Footage from canoe on ...
8) 2298.0037 [Milton Dowe--home movies] Reel 3
Date range from edge codes on film. // Parade featuring floats from local businesses, including Dowe's General Store. Also farm equipment and fire engines from the Palermo Fire ...
2) 2298.0036 [Milton Dowe--home movies] Reel 2
1954 edge code on film. // Box label: 'Indian Float. Barb and Bobbie [Kilman?]. July 8 1954.';Indian float for Palermo 1954 Sesquicentennial. Views of small Native American style teepee, with sign "We Want Our Land Back," and a young boy with a mohawk haircut.
26) 2298.0035 [Milton Dowe--home movies] Reel 1
1954 edge code on film. // Box label: 'Palermo Sesquicentennial. August 11 1954.';Palermo Sesquicentennial, August 11, 1954. Small village parade, people on horseback, floats, participants dressed from different time periods. Vehicles from Dowe's General St...
32) 2298.0034 [Manley Nelson--home movies] Reel 34
Date from edge code on film. // Note in can: 'Trip to [Katahdin] Iron Works 49/69. Sliding to [illegible] Lake.'
33) 2298.0033 [Manley Nelson--home movies] Reel 33
Date from edge code on film. // Label on box: 'Florida.'
32) 2298.0032 [Manley Nelson--home movies] Reel 32
Date from edge code on film.
31) 2298.0031 [Manley Nelson--home movies] Reel 31
1961 edge code on film. // Box label: 'Reunion at Camp '63.'
1) 2298.0030 [Manley Nelson--home movies] Reel 30
Date from edge code on film. // Box label: 'Bar Harbor. Hunting 1961 or ?'
10) 2298.0029 [Manley Nelson--home movies] Reel 29
Box label: 'Reunion at Camp 1959.' Additional info on illegible note in can.;Family reunion at forest camp, 1959. Children and adults sitting, grilling, eating, talking, and taking boat rides.
11) 2298.0028 [Manley Nelson--home movies] Reel 28
Date from edge code on film - may be 1957 or 1963. // Box label: 'Airport at Caribou. Reunion at Mothers.';Single engine planes of various types taxiing and taking off from rural [Caribou?] airport. Maine Forest Service fuel tanks at airport. Shots of various children and adults as...
34) 2298.0027 [Manley Nelson--home movies] Reel 27
VINEGAR // Date from edge code on film - may be 1954. // Can label: 'Forestry.';Men at construction site in woods, picking logs to temporary foundation for Maine Forest Service cabin. Cabin is jacked up and then moved on a flatbed truck from one site to an...
26) 2298.0026 [Manley Nelson--home movies] Reel 26
1954 edge code on film. // Box label: 'Hunting 1954-55.';Hunters wearing red at campsite eating meal. Men carrying deer out of woods on cots and sleds, loading car with multiple catches. Hunting 1954-1955.
25) 2298.0025 [Manley Nelson--home movies] Reel 25
1949/1959 edge code on film. // Box label: 'Seashore picnic.';Multi-generational beach picnic, children and adults wading or sitting on shore. Looks like several events at different times. Views of rugged mountain and drive along mountai...
Next 36