3 work results

6) 1695.0004 Wedding, Disneyland, Children playing, 1959-1964--Joanne Swift--home movies. Reel 4
Wedding. Outside shot of bride, Joanne Swift, and her father at door to church with other people. Dark footage inside the church. Pan of the crowd from the back of church. B...
2) 2716.1205 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - #103 Nature's Camouflage
Captain Bob CB103 Nature's Camo[u]flage No. 103 Rec. 7/6/85;Slate: ‘Drawing From Nature VTR 1262 Show 103 Nature’s Camouflage Air: TBA Rec: 9/30/76 dir: drucker’. Title: ‘Drawing From Nature with Capt Bob Cottle’. Captain Bob teaches vie...;Credits: Drawing From Nature with Capt Bob Cottle; Produced at WCVB-TV Boston
1) 2716.1233 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - Your Nature Questions #131
Dub Captain bob CB 131 Your Nature Questions No. 131 4/20/86;Title: ‘Drawing From Nature’. Captain Bob answers questions sent in by viewers. Discussion of praying mantis, swordfish, basilisk lizard, sabretooth tiger, burrowing owl, skunks...;Credits: Drawing From Nature with Capt Bob Cottle; Directed By: Alex Frisbie; Produced at WCVB-TV Boston
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