27 work results

27) 1748.PC10 Sylvia Moscovitz on Maine Public Radio
NHF documentation of various events at the Alamo. Sylvia Moscovitz provided piano accompaniment to silent films showed at the Alamo during the Film Preservation Tour, the first ...
6) 1748.PC11 [various events] at the Alamo; Symposium 1
NHF documentation of various Alamo Theatre events Symposium 1
8) 1748.PC12 [various events] at the Alamo; Symposium 2
NHF documentation of various Alamo Theatre events Symposium 2
8) 1748.PC13 [various events] at the Alamo; Symposium 3
NHF documentation of various Alamo Theatre events Symposium 3
31) 1748.PC14 [various events] at the Alamo; Symposium 4
NHF documentation of various Alamo Theatre events Symposium 4
6) 1748.PC15 [various events] at the Alamo; Symposium 5
NHF documentation of various Alamo Theatre events Symposium 5
11) 1748.PC16 [various events] at the Alamo; Symposium 6
NHF documentation of various Alamo Theatre events Symposium 6
36) 1748.PC17 Sylvia Moscovitz , Within Our Gates
NHF recorded Sylvia Moscovitz providing piano accompaniment to Within Our Gates at the Alamo
14) 1748.PC18 Sylvia Moscovitz, The Cheat
NHF recorded Sylvia Moscovitz providing piano accompaniment to The Cheat at the Alamo
36) 1748.PC19 Sylvia Moscovitz, piano accompaniment
NHF recorded Sylvia Moscovitz providing piano accompaniment to Great Train Robbery and Gertie the Dinosaur at the Alamo
16) 1748.PC20 Mary Lampson, Harlan County, USA
NHF recorded Mary Lampson discussing the editing of Harlan County, USA at the Alamo
16) 1748.PC21 WERU Movie Queen Promotion
NHF documentation of various Alamo theatre events. Don and Andrea Promoting Movie Queen
19) 1756 [Film Registry Tour Publicity, WLBZ-2]
News story on Library of Congress Film Registry Tour at Alamo Theatre. Brief quote from Karan Sheldon. ONSITE REFERENCE ONLY
20) 1756 [Film Registry Tour Publicity, WABI-TV5]
News story on Library of Congress Film Registry Tour at Alamo Theatre. Two segments of David Weiss interviewed by Jon Small. ONSITE REFERENCE ONLY
44) 1777 [Film Preservation Gala piano accompaniment]
Piano accompaniment by Sylvia Moscovitz and Library of Congress' Film Registry Tour Film Preservation Gala at the Alamo Theatre, December 8, 2000 Films include 1. The Land of th...
3) 1815 [WCVB Chronicle story--Movie Queen]
News. Story on Margaret Cram and the Movie Queen films. Interviews with Dr. John Bruner and Roy Johnson of the Groton Historical Society, and Andrea McCarty, Don Radovich and Da...
49) 1836.0001-.0010 2001 Summer Film Symposium: Home Movies and Privacy
6 hour-long videotapes of proceedings of Home Movies and Privacy Summer Film Symposium held at Alamo Theatre, July 25, 2001. .001-.006 are original mini-DV tapes, .007-.010 are ...
18) 1879.002 Mary Lampson
Discussion and question and answer session with Mary Lampson, editor of Harlan County, USA. Shown in conjunction with Library of Congress Film Registry Tour at Alamo, December 2...
3) 1977.0001 [Archival Moments 10/12/2003-12/05/2003]
Archival Moments compilation tape covering 10/12/2003 to 12/05/2003.
20) 2101.0001 [Archival Moments 12/12/2003-02/12/2004]
Archival Moments compilation tape covering 12/12/2003 to 02/12/2004.
4) 2113.0001 Alamo Theatre 10th Anniversary Compilation
VHS reference tape. Compilation tape created at NHF for the tenth anniversary of the Alamo Theatre. Tape includes old still photos of original Alamo Theatre exterior and clips o...
22) 2153.0001 Digital Maine Learning Group, Tape 1
Tape 1 of 6. // Videotape of proceedings at the Digital Maine Learning Group roundtable meeting.
19) 2153.0002 Digital Maine Learning Group, Tape 2
Tape 2 of 6. // Videotape of proceedings at the Digital Maine Learning Group roundtable meeting.
23) 2153.0003 Digital Maine Learning Group, Tape 3
Tape 3 of 6. // Videotape of proceedings at the Digital Maine Learning Group roundtable meeting.
60) 2153.0004 Digital Maine Learning Group, Tape 4
Tape 4 of 6. // Videotape of proceedings at the Digital Maine Learning Group roundtable meeting.
26) 2153.0005 Digital Maine Learning Group, Tape 5
Tape 5 of 6. // Videotape of proceedings at the Digital Maine Learning Group roundtable meeting.
27) 2153.0006 Digital Maine Learning Group, Tape 6
Tape 6 of 6. // Videotape of proceedings at the Digital Maine Learning Group roundtable meeting.
Next 36