3 work results

31) 1612.0005 [Chute Homestead—home movies] Reel 5
Footage of a parade, including various marchers with flags and banners, people on bicycles, marching bands, cars, trucks, tractors, floats and shots of the crowd. A group shot ...;Notes on can: “Casco Days Parade; Naples Parade; Boy Scouts; Buck Austin Fishing; Salmon Jumping @ Edes Falls.”
2) 1612.0026 [Chute Homestead—home movies] Reel 26
Footage of a parade of boy scouts, including a few groups of marching soldiers and marching bands. Footage of workers at the Civilian Conservation Corps camp in Bridgton, ME, c...;Notes on can: “Accent on Youth” “Camporee at Norway - ris [sic] 1940 CCC Camp Boys Climb Schools Education Week”
220) 1612.0030 [Chute Homestead—home movies] Reel 30
Footage of bridges, a large building and a sign that reads “Eymard Seminary” taken from within a moving vehicle. A shot of a young man walking through trees. Footage of the gr...
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