7 work results

7) 2877.0001 [Amsterdam, Brussels, & Paris]
Footage of European cities: Amsterdam, Brussels, & Paris
6) 2808.0001-.0003 [VP Video Collection] Tapes 1-3
3 BetaSPs of "Quit For Your Kids" anti-smoking PSAs
3) 2738.0001-.0042 VP Video Promotional Films
The Collection consists of 11 reels of 16mm film, 17 Betacam tapes, 2 DVC Pro tapes, and 12 DVCam tapes. Box #1 contains material related to the "America Speaks" project. ...
4) 1631.0001 Maine Turnpike Authority 50th Anniversary
Promotional tape for Maine Turnpike Authority. Includes NHF archival footage from BHS/WABI Collection (12 seconds from cat. nos. 1060-01 to 27 and 1061-01 to 24) and Everett Fos...
12) 1510.0001 Bangor Hydroelectric Company: Really-History
Promotional tape for Bangor Hydroelectric Company. Includes NHF archival footage from BHS/WABI Collection, Everett Foster Collection, and Bangor Hydroelectric Company ('Basin C ...
6) 1329 Champion International: 1. Machias River Valley: Then 2. Machias River Valley: Now
Promotional commercial for Champion International. Includes 19 seconds of NHF archival footage from Fogler Library Collection, acc. 1200 (excerpt from 'From Stump to Ship'). ONS...
27) 0686 cat. 5295-01-SHAW-89 Shaw's Impact '90
Promotional tape for Shaw's Supermarkets which incorporates 2-second MCU shot of cow from Hinckley Collection at NHF (Catalog no. 5044-01-HINK-40). Opens with events of 1856, ye...
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