7 work results

18) 0660.0001 Blue Hill Class Reel 1
Date from edge code on film. // About 20 people in chairs draw people on lawn. Cow is led about in front of them. Shot is from rear of students. Boy climbs on donkey and is led ...;A woman with a donkey stands in front of a group of students with notebooks. A boy leads the donkey in front of the group. The boy sits on the donkey while another boy leads it....
15) 0660.0002 Blue Hill Class Reel 2
Date from edge code on film. // Pekinese dogs on lawn. Asian girl, about 5 years old, gestures, dressed in robe. Waters flowers. Goose. Boy does somersault on lawn, plays in spr...;Three Pekinese dogs on the lawn. Pekinese and Pekinese puppies playing tug-a-war with a person off screen. Close up shots of the dogs. An Asian woman and little girl. Shot of th...
35) 0996.0003 Maine and New Hampshire, ca. 1929--Elizabeth Woodman Wright--home movies. Reel 3
A group of people and a dog. A man places a sign for ‘Windy Ledge’, as two others watch. Placing stones around the sign. Shot of the sign. Close up of a boy with a bird on his h...;Visiting the Ingrams next door. Setting out the Windy Ledge sign, carved by Vivian Alera, Norway artist. Curtis, Charles, Mary, Brooks, Weston Uncle Ell, CHCW Pheonry? on Brooks...
29) 1108.0008 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 008
Archie Stewart can notes: Hunting 1927, the big deer. 1927 train puppies, Middleton. 1934 father bird shoot. Maine. NHF cataloguer's notes, 1/96: Reel 8: Slate: Hunting trip to...
17) 1289.0008 [Ernest G. Stillman--home movies] Reel 008
Can notes as follows; reel numbers are donor-assigned. Reel 8: Products of Duck Island. Travel. First rate, of seagulls, Cranberry Isles, scenes, shoreline architecture, sardine...;Purchased film, transferred without sound, although title indicates RCA sound. Title card: The State of Maine: A Carl Dudley Production photographed by Edwin E. Olsen. color...
1) 1612.0001 [Chute Homestead—home movies] Reel 1
Two shots of two horses attached to a carriage. Footage of a graduation ceremony, including people marching onto a field in formation. A shot of a large house. A shot of a la...;Notes on can: “Metro Golden [sic] Mayer: Studio and Stars” “Family #2”
9) 2925.0033 [Reid Family--home movies] Reel 33
O6;Sailing ships. A military ship, with ‘240’ on the bow. Various boats. A sailing ship with ‘Thomas H. Lawrence’ on the side. People on the ship. Whales breaching. Shots of the sh...
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