5 work results

3) 1000.0034 The Two Worlds of Angelita PSA
The Two Worlds of Angelita PSA;Title: ‘Coming October 28th for a limited two week engagement CARNEGIE HALL CINEMA’. Intertitle: ‘An unusual new film by an unusually talented new director’. Close up of a girl ...
1) 1136.PC1-.PC72 [public service announcements]
MPBC promotional, public service announcements. Mostly 30 seconds each, some multiple spots on each reel. Boxes are coded with 'F-' numbers, as follows: Series F100s-200s F108: ...
28) 1245.0012 March of Dimes/Miller High Life Roundup--Jane Morrison--film elements. Reel 12
March of Dimes/Miller High Life Roundup McCann Erikson Miller High Life Roundup;A group of people address the camera, promoting a walk-a-thon in New York City to support of the March of Dimes. A commercial for Miller High Life beer, with scenes of cowboys. ...
28) 2716.1583 World of Difference, A - PSAs
AWOD - PSA's X396 Rec. 2/13/86;A series of PSAs for A World of Difference, put together as “A Joint Project of The Anti-Defamation League of B’Nai B’Rith, The Greater Boston Civil Rights Coalition, Shawmut Ba...
13) 2716.1706 Specials - Money Moments
Master Specials X6309 25 Money Moments :30 each June 1994 Prod. Mills Dir. Comisiet;Title: “Money Moments Mark Mills”. A collection of short segments where Mark Mills, personal finance reporter, gives financial advice. Segment Titles: “M M 01 Asset Allocation”...
Next 36