39 work results

1) 0691.0001 [Mahlon Walsh--home movies] Reel 1
Amateur: two men using two-horse plow. Flowers and birdbath. Lengthy segment of person in beekeeping clothing using bee sprayer or smoker. Lupine flowers. Poorly focused flower ...
35) 0714.0002 [Dr. A.K. Schuster--home movies] Little Log Cabin in the Northern Pines
Amateur story film called 'The Little Log Cabin in the Northern Pines' by Dr. A.K. Schuster of New Haven, CT, a dentist who came to Brownville, Maine, with his daughter, Frances...
21) 0737.0006 [Abbott family--home movies] Reel 06
NHF cataloguer's notes, 1/96, for REEL 6: (5 min.) Boys all in uniform of white oxford shirts under black sweaters with gray pants, walking in snow. Snowball thrown across camer...
36) 0759.0021 [Margaret Cummings Bean--home movies] Reel 21
Snapping turtle, new car, hunting party, after 1938.;A snapping turtle. A car driving in loops. A group of men pose in front of a hanging deer. A man with a camera. Shots of various men. Dragging the deer down the front steps and ...
18) 0759.0033 [Margaret Cummings Bean--home movies] Reel 33
'Big reel, pre 1938, ice fishing and cape scenes, other.';People on a frozen lake. Dogs playing. A man with a fish. Three people outside an ice fishing shack. A man pulling a fish up through a hole in the ice. Men gathered around a fir...
30) 0762.0026 [Edward M. Graham, Sr.--home movies] Reel 26
Home movies of fishing and hunting in Maine. NHF cataloguer's notes below. (Reel notes from donor are in brackets; reel numbers are donor-assigned.) Reel 26: [Square Lake. Troll...
28) 0762.0027 [Edward M. Graham, Sr.--home movies] Reel 27
Home movies of fishing and hunting in Maine. NHF cataloguer's notes below. (Reel notes from donor are in brackets; reel numbers are donor-assigned.) Reel 27: [East Brach Penobsc...
21) 0762.0028 [Edward M. Graham, Sr.--home movies] Reel 28
Men walking through woods with paddles and packs. Man in water standing in canoe. Women in hat and scarf on shore sharing drinks and jokes with men. CU of man smiling and smokin...;Home movies of fishing and hunting in Maine. NHF cataloguer's notes below. (Reel notes from donor are in brackets; reel numbers are donor-assigned.) Reel 28: [Moosehead Lake 193...
24) 0803.0001 [Harold B. Neal--home movies] Reel 1
Original title from donor for Reel 1: 'Children at West Lebanon, Me. Approx. 1932, b&w.' NHF cataloguer's notes, 1/96 for Reel 1: West Lebanon, Me. Four men exiting tent. Young ...
30) 0835.0018 [Hunting]
Date from edge code on film. // Can label: 'Hunting Sequence, Woods and Water Scenes.' Reel label: 'Reel #4, 12-13 [?].'
25) 1108.0008 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 008
Archie Stewart can notes: Hunting 1927, the big deer. 1927 train puppies, Middleton. 1934 father bird shoot. Maine. NHF cataloguer's notes, 1/96: Reel 8: Slate: Hunting trip to...
36) 1108.0019-.0020 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 019-20
NHF cataloguer's notes, 1/96: Reel 19 & 20: Archie Stewart can notes: Part One 1930 hunting trip. Contains father, Mr. [Herbert] Warden and 'Uncle' Roy Curtis. Reel 20 start...
4) 1108.0022 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 022
NHF cataloguer's notes, 4/96: Reel 22: Archie Stewart can notes: 1931 Air trip to Maine and a game dinner. Interesting. 1. PD & I fly the two passenger Douglass to Unknown L...
34) 1108.0024 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 024
NHF cataloguer's notes, 4/96: Reel 24: Archie Stewart can notes: 1932 Picnic at 'Home' Camp. Cheepy. Deer hunting at Unknown [Lake]. McQuade picnic. 1. Picnic at Camp of Home fo...
9) 1108.0032 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 032
Can notes for Reel 32: 1934 Hunt Unknown Lake. Good hunting pictures if you like hunting. Colonel Carter. Lt. Orvil Cook. Cast: George Northrup, Herb Warden, Roy Curtis, Wes Ste...
28) 1108.0034 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 034
Can notes for Reel 34: 1933 hunting trip. The year we walked out. Jelly sandwiches. November, Hunting Unknown Lake. 1-George who shot one, Archie who got wet, Hoibey [Grandfathe...
18) 1108.0039 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 039
NHF cataloguer's notes, 7/96: Reel 39 [Archie Stewart can notes: Hunting Trip to Maine. 1939 P.D. Stuck. Interesting.] Screening notes: Lit sign 'LL Bean.' Archie's car with ...
16) 1108.0045 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 045
NHF cataloguer's notes, 7/96: Reel 45 Archie Stewart can notes: 1935 hunting. Not of general interest. Screening notes: Men shooting rifles. Mary taking notes with older man, U...
83) 1108.0070 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 070
Reel 70: Archie Stewart can notes: Silent and sound, 1936 hunting trip to Grand Lake, November ;Screening notes: Intertitle: ACL logo; iris, wipe to ship; sequence of quick cuts: football game, baby in mother's arms, industrial scenes; mountain view, with title Amateur Cin...
25) 1108.0072 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 072
Reel 72: [Archie Stewart can notes: 'My big moving scrapbook.'] Screening notes: Title: 'Member of Amateur Cinema League, Inc' over clouds. 'The worldwide organization of amateu...
3) 1108.0077 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 077
NHF cataloguer's notes for Reel 77: Archie Stewart can notes: Moving picture scrapbook. Blimp. Fish Grand Lake. Picnic Curtises. Chas. Beasleys P.D. Army Navy Train. RNG shoveli...;Screening notes: Appears to be compilation reel of outtakes. Intertitle: Indoor Sports -- Editing Films. MS of young Archie in dressing gown, seated at table with projector, win...
8) 1154.0008 Camping, canoeing, Maine--Arthur Race--home movies. Reel 8
'Maine's 2,500 Lakes.' 'Rivers and streams and 15,000,000 acres of forests offer ideal settings for canoe trips.' 'Canoeing the Penobscot West Branch under the shadows of Katahd...
35) 1164.0035 [Cameron Bradley--home movies] Reel 10
Amateur footage. Family's viewing notes as follows (reel titles in quotes are based on can/box notes, reel numbers are NHF-assigned.) 10. 'Hunting, Houses, W.G. 1939.' More camp...
30) 1368.0014 [Alfred Pfister--home movies] Reel 14
Amateur footage of travel by Dr. Alfred Pfister. Donor's reel notes: Reel 14: Hannah, Marge, Haymo, Alfred, and unknown others line-fishing from boat. Marthy and Hans at age one...
18) 1371.0069 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 069
Archie Stewart notebook entry for Reel Sixty Nine is: 'Mogee.' Beginning titles read: 'Mogee...which is a French word you language students will recognize...and which we think i...
1) 1612.0001 [Chute Homestead—home movies] Reel 1
Two shots of two horses attached to a carriage. Footage of a graduation ceremony, including people marching onto a field in formation. A shot of a large house. A shot of a la...;Notes on can: “Metro Golden [sic] Mayer: Studio and Stars” “Family #2”
13) 1733.0008 Hunting, Dutchess County, New York--Messler family--home movies. Reel 8
Black and white dog. Black and white puppies in crate being dumped on lawn. Woman holding 3 puppies. Brown and white dog and puppy in grass with women. Black dog joins puppy and...;Color home movies including scenes of play with dogs and puppies, and pheasant hunting in Dutchess County, New York.;"Bobby - Dogs - Puppies - Hunting pheasants, Dutchess County NY"
36) 2122.0001 [Raymond Cotton—home movies] Reel 1
Intertitle: "Raymond O. Cotton presents TIME MARCHES ON. August 1937. Hiram Buys a Fire Engine. HIRAM FIRE DEPARTMENT IN ACTION." The fire department in Hiram was started in 193...
3) 2177.0059 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 59
Label: 'Dobsis Color 1935, 1936.' // Color is faded.;DVD Slate: Reel 59. Dobsis. 1935-1936. Faded color (pink). Picnic outdoors, then men walking along fenceline at Dobsis. Men sitting on porch at Dobsis Camp. Henry Dennison shows...
4) 2177.0060 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 60
Label: 'Dobsis Color 38.';DVD slate: Reel 60. Dobsis, 1938. Color: indistinct tree. Sunset from a boat (unstable camera position), various shots. Storm clouds. Lake views, motor canoe. Man with rope,...
4) 2197.0007 [Milford Baker Films] Reel 7
Wyman Dam construction. Dedication ceremony. Crowd of people, a man addresses the crowd. Men smoke cigars. Woman with a dog. A dead deer being dragged. Two men and a boy p...
2) 2310.0004 [Milton Dowe—home movies] Reel 4
Intertitle: "B.M.[Branch Mills] Grange Fair of 1938" 37:30-39.22 View of a horse pull at a county fair. The horses struggle to pull a large boulder. Several teams try, and th...
8) 2310.0006 [Milton Dowe—home movies] Reel 6
Intertitle: "Remote Control: Reading an article one night about remote control, we decided to control our home by radio." 15:40-19:32 woman sits in a living room chair doing nee...
29) 2310.0008 [Milton Dowe—home movies] Reel 8
Intertitle: "Home Movies Presents 'The Flood' Spring of 1940" 49:12- 50:37 Views of rushing water on village streets, running down embankment by small bridge and into stream b...
4) 2310.0013 [Milton Dowe—home movies] Reel 13
1:00:03-1:02:35 Sign for Benson Wild Animal Farm. Information about the farm, located in Hudson, New Hampshire can be found at http://www.bensonsanimalfarm.com/. Mostly undere...
3) 2419.0038 Children, beach, hunting, picnic, wedding, 1935-1940--Abraham Katz--home movies. Reels 38
Portrait shots of men sitting outside. Two men playing catch in the yard. Adults and children outside. Children on the swings and slide. Men playing baseball. Little boy wi...
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