54 work results

72) 1515.0001 [Charles S. Houston—home movies] Reel 1
Delaware River. Footage of the river. Several shots of people in canoes, alone and in pairs. A group of rowers taking a break along the side of the river. Footage of a man i...
23) 1515.0002 [Oscar R. Houston—home movies] Reel 2
Bash Bish Falls State Park in Mt. Washington, MA. Footage of a waterfall. A shot of two men in the surrounding rocks. Footage of a boy climbing up a fallen tree and over some...
27) 1515.0003 [Crillon Mountain footage] Reel 3
Footage of men loading their gear onto a train. Scenes of men on a boat. Shots of the mountain landscape from the water. Footage of men carrying a canoe across a rocky path b...
36) 1515.0004 [Crillon Mountain footage] Reel 4
Footage of three men hiking through the snow interspersed with shots of the surrounding mountains. Several men ski the slopes. A man sets a still camera and then rushes to joi...
28) 1515.0005 [Oscar R. Houston—home movies] Reel 5
Footage of men and women diving off a higher and lower diving board into a pool of water. Several shots of people playing and swimming in the pool while others sit on the edge....
6) 1515.0006 [Oscar R. Houston—home movies] Reel 6
Intertitle: “CAMP 2 “THE ELYSIAN FIELDS” ON THE MORAINE OF WEST FORAKER GLACIER.” Shots of snow covered mountain peaks. Men take in the view. One man takes a picture. Inter...
33) 1515.0007 [Oscar R. Houston—home movies] Reel 7
Footage of people in small sailboats on Honnedaga Lake, NY. Shots of people on the dock along the lakefront. A shot of a sailboat. People on the docks. Two women exit a smal...
10) 1515.0008 [Oscar R. Houston—home movies] Reel 8
Footage of a riverbank shot from a boat on the river including buildings, several local people washing and swimming in the river, boats passing by and shots of temples. A man s...
49) 1515.0009 [Oscar R. Houston—home movies] Reel 9
A shot of a crowd of men and a few pack animals near an automobile. A shot of several men rolling a log out of the water with poles. A local man weaves a basket. Footage of l...
23) 1515.0010 [Oscar R. Houston—home movies] Reel 10
Footage of a riverbank shot from the river including shots of buildings, temples, boats passing by, ferries unloading people on the shore, locals on the bank and in the river wo...
24) 1515.0011 [Oscar R. Houston—home movies] Reel 11
Footage of a busy street including people walking along, pack animals pulling carts, cows standing in the street, people sitting along the side of the road, two men riding a cam...
23) 1515.0012 [Oscar R. Houston—home movies] Reel 12
Men and women stand by as men in turbans unload luggage from a cart. Footage of a large, ornate building from several angles both inside and out. Footage of a street including...
13) 1515.0013 [Charles S. Houston—home movies] Reel 13
A shot of a village with men around two cars. Footage of men hiking intercut with a shot of a village. A few shots of a village on the side of a mountain and its inhabitants i...
14) 1515.0014 [Charles S. Houston—home movies] Reel 14
A few shots of men climbing up the side of a mountain. Footage of men using rope to get themselves and their gear across a raging river. Men hiking and climbing, including a s...
4) 1515.0015 [Charles S. Houston—home movies] Reel 15
A few shots of a valley with a man hiking. Footage of men using rope to get themselves and their gear across a raging river. A few shots of men pulling gear up a sheer rock fa...
16) 1515.0016 [Charles S. Houston—home movies] Reel 16
Footage of men hiking and climbing. Footage of climbers and porters resting, cooking and setting up a tent at a campsite. Footage of men hiking and climbing, including a shot ...
17) 1515.0017 [Charles S. Houston—home movies] Reel 17
Reel 17 contains footage of the American Alpine Club’s 1938 Expedition to K2 with extensive intertitles and a few maps throughout. Intertitle: “The American Alpine Club Expedit...
50) 1515.0018 [Oscar R. Houston—home movies] Reel 18
A shot of a man. A shot of a man reading. Footage of a man and woman playing in a garden, including playing frisbee, relaxing by a tree with a friend, the woman trying to pull...
4) 1515.0019 [Oscar R. Houston—home movies] Reel 19
Footage of a man and a woman skiing amidst snow covered trees. Footage of a man and two women having a picnic on the rocks by a lake. A few shots of the garden in front of a l...
22) 1515.0020 [Charles S. Houston—home movies] Reel 20
A shot of a man climbing a mountain. A shot of a man breaking down a structure made of sticks. A shot of a mountain. A shot of a man setting up a tent. A few shots of a woma...
52) 1515.0021 [Oscar R. Houston—home movies] Reel 21
Footage of a large house and its grounds with a few shots of a man and woman posing in front of the house. A few shots of children playing outside on toy trucks and inside on a...
22) 1515.0022 [Oscar R. Houston—home movies] Reel 22
A shot of a man, a boy and a dog playing on the rocks by the water. Footage of a boy sailing, including a man preparing the boat and woman and another man watching and taking p...
3) 1515.0023 [Oscar R. Houston—home movies] Reel 23
A few shots taken from a plane of craters on the tops of mountains, including a few with lakes in them. A few shots of women doing laundry in stone basins. A shot of a fountai...
24) 1515.0024 [Oscar R. Houston—home movies] Reel 24
Intertitle: “The Valley of Nepal 1950” A shot of a map of India and the region directly to the North, including Nepal. A shot of a local village. A few shots of the surroundi...
5) 1515.0025 [Oscar R. Houston—home movies] Reel 25
Intertitle: “Bodnath and its Lama” A few shots of the Lama of Baudhanāth Stupa and the stupa itself. Intertitle: “Baláji and the Reincarnate Vishnu.” A few shots of a sculptu...
9) 1515.0030 [Oscar R. Houston—home movies] Reel 30
Reel 30 consists of footage shot in Nepal with intertitles throughout. A shot of a map of Nepal and the surrounding area followed by a few shots of Mt. Everest. Footage of men...
31) 1515.0031 [Charles S. Houston—home movies] Reel 31
Footage of Houston family members, including Charles S. Houston, exiting a house and posing for the camera, including a young girl trying to control a large dog and two men play...
28) 1515.0032 [Charles S. Houston—home movies] Reel 32
A few shots of people climbing K2. A few shots of men digging ditches in the snow at a campsite. A shot of a porter crossing a rope bridge. A shot of a mountain. Porters res...
29) 1515.0033 [Charles S. Houston—home movies] Reel 33
Footage of a campsite, including a man packing a backpack. Footage of men hiking through the snow, including a shot of a climber adjusting the metal spikes on his boot and a ma...
2) 1515.0034 [Charles S. Houston—home movies] Reel 34
Footage of snow covered mountains shot from within an aircraft. A shot of a man wearing extreme weather gear exiting a tent and walking through the snow. A shot of a man carry...
10) 1515.0035 [Charles S. Houston—home movies] Reel 35
Footage of several men rowing a boat. Footage of a large procession down a hill. The footage for both of the previous scenes is reversed, i.e. people are clearly moving backwa...
32) 1515.0037 [Charles S. Houston—home movies] Reel 37
Two shots of a bookshelf filled with books on mountain climbing. A hand takes down the book Five Miles High and opens it to a picture of K2. A few shots of maps. A few shots ...
1) 1515.0040 [Oscar R. Houston—home movies] Reel 40
Two shots of a wooden structure on a bridge. A shot of children writing on paper outside. Footage of a pond with stones set in it forming a pathway across and people crossing ...
34) 1515.0041 [Oscar R. Houston—home movies] Reel 41
Two shots of wreaths placed in front of a building. A shot of women carrying baskets on their back. A shot of a bridge. A shot of a statue. A few shots of a pond. Footage o...
35) 1515.0042 [Oscar R. Houston—home movies] Reel 42
A shot of three men holding large, dead game birds. A shot of workers and pack mules carrying large, wooden poles. Footage of ruins, including a few bridges and shots along th...
5) 1515.0043 [Oscar R. Houston—home movies] Reel 43
A shot of people loading a horse-drawn cart. Footage of ruins, including an amphitheater, with a shot of a cafe in between. A shot of an old building. Footage shot from a boa...
Next 36