78 work results

35) 2990.0002 Huber 1939 & 1958
Huber 1939 & 1958;[Music added] A baby playing in an outdoor playpen. A woman and a man playing with a baby in the snow. Two children pulling a baby on a sled. Children water skiing. [End of Reel]
3) 2990.0001 Frank And Margretha Huber 1937
Frank And Margretha Huber 1937 1st generation Germans in US parents escaped war torn pre Germany before Ellis no tv lots of wall phoned early washing machines Delaware River Her...;A man water skiing. A woman water skiing. A baby lying on a blanket in the grass. The baby getting a bath. The baby in a bassinette. People sitting outdoors. Children playing ba...
3) 2939.0002 [Summer recreation, 1975--Nathaniel Champlin--home movies.] Reel 2
: Summer 1975 – Sue arrives / muffin at flats, Sue leaves, Betty & Rod, Camp, Saul & Mary’s camp & jugs, Maia brings boat in to Flats., Horowitz & Champlins at F...;: Airplane lands on runway, girl wearing glasses, Champlin family on runway in front of baggage claim sign, man in Provincetown-Boston airport shirt in front of plane, plane say...;: This reel includes a visit from a family member to the Cape Cod National Seashore, a family camping trip, and summer recreation on the beach in Provincetown and in Newport, Rh...
4) 2932.0013 [Zelma Williams -- home movies] Tape 1
Aug 84 Vacation - Gulf Hagus 84 Kids at Watr Slide 84 Kid at lake Mary Popins;A man (Dave) changing a flat tire. Deer tracks in the mud. A car driving down a road, filmed through the windshield, with the radio playing. A stone structure. (Remains of a kil...
34) 2793.0003 [Laura Cannon--home movies] Reel 3
Leader: Spring Break '88 Sangre de Cristo Mtns;CU of a bent plant with a small stream running in the background. Pan down the edge of the water to a close up of a girl’s face napping in the grass by the stream. Zoom out to...
5) 2716.0376 Good Day - Camping
Master;Camping; Tim White takes Good Day to Hopkinton Reservoir, Massachusetts, for a camping trip; first, he divides the guests into two teams to set up tents; they go fly fishing for...;Credits: Good Day Goes Camping Produced by: Deborah Lathrop; Directed by: Donna Hennessey Smith; Produced by: Peggy Allen; Coordinating Producer: Leslie Moraes; Associate Produc...
22) 2681.0116 [Albert G. and Mary Miller Dietrich--home movies] Reel 116
Box: Trip to Pond Island with Dawners and Richard Dietrichs August 1966 / Steamers on Babbage Island;Tents in a field. A girl (Mary Lou) setting up a tent. A woman (Mary) sitting in a tent. A cat playing with a box. Shot of tents and the water. Shots around the campsite. Men at...
23) 2681.0115 [Albert G. and Mary Miller Dietrich--home movies] Reel 115
Box: 1966 – Camp trip with the Dawners / Marky catching a dog fish – July 1966;A man loading the trunk of a car. A woman (Mary) and another woman packing a picnic basket. A man carries the baskets to the car. People getting in the car. Unloading the car. P...
31) 2681.0112 [Albert G. and Mary Miller Dietrich--home movies] Reel 112
Box: The Dawners at Calderwood Island 1965;Panning shot of trees and a tent on an island. The family walking around the campsite. People walking down the ramp to a dock. A ropes course. Serving food from a tent. [End of ...
111) 2681.0111 [Albert G. and Mary Miller Dietrich--home movies] Reel 111
Box: Camping on Isle Au Haut July 1965;A tent in the woods. A picnic on the beach. A boat on the water. A woman (Mary) cooking over a campfire. A sailboat. Lobster traps stacked on the shore. Mary walking around the ...
11) 2681.0073 [Albert G. and Mary Miller Dietrich--home movies] Reel 73
Box: Painting the boat 1961 / Colorado Dietrichs putting up tent;A boy (David) painting a boat. A boy (Mark) painting an oar. Shot of various boats on blocks, including one named ‘Reve’ out of ‘Cape Rosier’. A bird’s nest. A picnic on the bea...
1) 2659.0020 [Marguerite Larock--home movies] Reel 20
Reel #18 [20?] (Bob Elie, Scarlet Cadets) Memorial Day 1960. Denny, Jordan [Junior High School] drummer. Last day of school 1960. At Small Point July 1960. Armistice Day 196...;A girl (Cynthia, “Cindy”). A marching band. Children in a boat on a trailer. Three children (Dennis, Norman and Cindy) walking towards the camera. A dog (Tammy). An animal (porc...
29) 2659.0018 [Marguerite Larock--home movies] Reel 18
Reel #17 [18?] Spring 1958. Junior-senior with Tommy Porter, Julie Winkle & Bill Edwards. Kissin’ cousins! Last day of school. Tammy & a snake swallowing a frog. Ugh...;Young people in formal dress. A girl (Marcia) with a dress and bouquet. A boy gives her a kiss on the cheek. Children playing on the street. A boy (Dennis?) on a bicycle. A girl...
24) 2300.0002 Waterskiing, 1960--Jacqueline Clancy--home movies. Reel 2
Waterskiing - Aug. 1960;People waterskiing on a single ski shot from the boat. Women on the beach with kids. Jacqueline in a tube by the beach. People waterskiing shot from the shore, and then again...
26) 2298.0026 [Manley Nelson--home movies] Reel 26
1954 edge code on film. // Box label: 'Hunting 1954-55.';Hunters wearing red at campsite eating meal. Men carrying deer out of woods on cots and sleds, loading car with multiple catches. Hunting 1954-1955.
31) 2298.0010 [Manley Nelson--home movies] Reel 10
1948, 1949 edge codes on film. // Can label: 'Hunt 48. Fish 49. Lobster.';Hunters by campfire making sandwiches. Pans of lake; hunter drags dead deer through lake. Deer on top of car. Large family eating meal at table (special occasion?) then playi...
38) 2221.0012 [Dave & Annette Jackson--home movies] Reel 12
Date range from edge codes on film. Also Ansco film stock. // Illegible label on reel. // Heavy scratches, mold damage at points. // Color: Man sawing wood. B&w: Rushing river. ...
36) 2221.0010 [Dave & Annette Jackson--home movies] Reel 10
Date from edge code on film. Also Ansco film stock. // Reel label: 'Florida - High Bridge - George W. Bridge - Alligators - Animals. Cypress Gardens.' // Approximately 8 feet of...
7) 2221.0009 [Dave & Annette Jackson--home movies] Reel 9
Date from edge code on film. Also Ansco film stock. // Reel label: 'Good [?]. Flo - Electric Line Up - Stu [?].' // Faded, perf and edge damage. // Scenic landscape with signs i...
38) 2182.0033 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 33
Label: 'Storyland & Camping with St Muts (? - illegible) N. Hampshire.
3) 2182.0031 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 31
Label: 'Camping with Strouts in Runford (Rumford?) and Wolfe Lake Canada, Vacation.'
36) 2182.0030 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 30
Label: 'Vacation, Camping at Wolf Lake Canada, Water Skiing.'
17) 2182.0022 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 22
Label: 'Honor Club Camping Trip 1970, Honor Club Chateau Frontenac.'
31) 2182.0020 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 20
Label: 'Waterskiing and Honor Club 1968.'
20) 2182.0015 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 15
Label: 'Ed Waterskiing at Camp.'
20) 2182.0014 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 14
Label: 'Waterskiing Camp.'
2) 2182.0012 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 12
Label: 'Easter 69, Waterskiing 69.'
1) 2182.0011 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 11
Label: 'Waterskiing Cup.' // Footage of waterskiing.
18) 2177.0073 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 73
Label: 'Ranch #1.' // Film has 1.2% shrinkage - 07/2004. // Perf damage and tear in frames near head.;DVD slate: Reel 73. Ranch, 1928 View from train, view of receding rails (standing on caboose platform or end of train.) Very flat terrain. Occasional sheds, cows. Encampment,...
30) 2177.0072 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 72
Label: 'Aquarius II July 1934.' // Film had mold on edges - cleaned.;DVD slate: Reel 72. Aquarius 2, July 1934. [Could be Aquarius Plateau, Utah, now in Dixie National Forest] Pack trip in field. Man on horse with colt. Sheep come to a trough. ...
7) 2160.0007 [Paul Robbins--home movies] Reel 7
Date from edge code on film. // Boat/ferry. Camping. Waterfall. Guards marching. Possibly in Canada?
12) 2148.0017 [Fred Hafer--home movies] Reel 17
Reel T9. // Donor notes:
15) 2145.0027 [Wohelo Camp Footage] Reel 27
Title: ‘THE LUTHER GULICK CAMPS’. Boys and girls (campers) on horseback. Girls blowing up balloons. A girl swimming with a parasol. Girls gathered on the shore. Synchronized swi...
24) 2145.0015 [Wohelo Camp Footage] Reel 15
Timanos 30s Little Boys Paddling with hands/Diving off canoe/Does the dog enjoy it/Timano''s Circus/Somersaults Circus Gymnasts (w/Frost Valley)/ Riding in Woods/Turtle;Title: ‘PLENTY OF ROOM FOR MORE’. A line of boys (campers) ready to dive from a dock. Campers in a canoe, paddling with their hands. Diving from the canoe as it swamps. Intertit...
16) 2145.0008 [Wohelo Camp Footage] Reel 8
4) 2145.0005 [Wohelo Camp Footage] Reel 5
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