4 work results

18) 2182.0022 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 22
Label: 'Honor Club Camping Trip 1970, Honor Club Chateau Frontenac.'
23) 2182.0030 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 30
Label: 'Vacation, Camping at Wolf Lake Canada, Water Skiing.'
24) 2182.0031 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 31
Label: 'Camping with Strouts in Runford (Rumford?) and Wolfe Lake Canada, Vacation.'
12) 2182.0033 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 33
Label: 'Storyland & Camping with St Muts (? - illegible) N. Hampshire.
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