17 work results

1) 1284 Business Machine Operators
Part of 'Job Opportunities Series 1967.' Filmed at MDTA Job Center, Boston, 881 Commonwealth Avenue, and RCA Computer Center, Boston. Synopsis: 'Sparkles with liveliness and int...
2) 1284 Opportunities in Sales and Merchandising
Part of 'Job Opportunities Series 1967.' Filmed at Gilchrist's Department Store, Washington Street, Boston. Synopsis: 'Portrays to youth the career opportunities in sales and me...
3) 1284 Jobs in the Automotive Trades
Part of 'Job Opportunities Series 1967.' Filmed at R.S. Robie Ford, Boston. Synopsis: 'This fast-moving film offers a fresh and dramatic insight into the many interesting and re...
4) 1284 Jobs in Small and Major Electric Appliance Repair
Part of 'Job Opportunities Series 1967.' Filmed in suburban home, Framingham, and G.E. Appliance Center, Brighton, Mass. Synopsis: 'This film captures the drama and interest of ...
1) 1284 If These Were Your Children
Sponsored by Metropolitan Life Insurance Company. Presented as 'a public service, to inform parents and teachers that mental health danger signs may be recognized in the behavio...
6) 1284 Applying for a Job
Part of 'Job Opportunities Series 1967.' Filmed at MPTA Training Center, Boston. Synopsis: 'This film highlights, with gentle humor, the things many young people say and do duri...
11) 1284 Parlon Francais III
Filmed on location in Paris. Audio-visual course in language awareness designed for primary school grades. Features master-teacher Mme. Anne Slack. 'Lecons I through XV. Complet...
12) 1284 Opportunities in Welding
Part of 'Job Opportunities Series 1967.' Filmed at Fore River Shipyard, Quincy and Lewis & Shepard Machine Shop, Watertown, Mass. Synopsis: ''Excellent vocational scenes...very ...
13) 1284 Drafting
Part of 'Job Opportunities Series 1967.' Filmed at Stone & Webster Company, Boston during the designing of the Yankee Atomic Plant at Plymouth, Mass. Synopsis: ' 'A stimulating ...
11) 1284 Helen Keller
[no abstract notes available]
11) 1284 A Day That Might Never Have Been
Filmed at the Madden Farm 'Open Hearts Camp' located in Great Barrington, Mass.
16) 1284 Neighborhood Youth Corps
[Part of 'Job Opportunities Series 1967.'] Filmed in Portland, Maine and New Bedford, Mass. Synopsis: 'A short film demonstrating how youth can stay in school and continue their...
13) 1284.0001 Jobs in Cosmetology
Part of 'Job Opportunities Series 1967.' Filmed at Denholm's Department Store, downtown Worcester, Mass. and at Leop's Beauty School in Worcester, Olive's Beauty Salon, Boston, ...
18) 1284.0002 Cooks, Chefs and Related Occupations
Part of 'Job Opportunities Series 1967.' Filmed at the Rehabilitation Center, Rosindale and at the Sheraton Hotel at the Prudential Center, Boston, Mass. Ext: Ken's Steak House,...
23) 1284.0003 Opportunities in Clerical Work
Faded color. // Filmed at First National Bank of Boston Headquarters and at First National Data Center, Forest Hills. Features exterior footage of Government Center and Tremont ...
16) 1284.0005 Job Corps & You, The
1968 date code on film. // Faded to red. No splices. // 'To show youth how they can gain work experience and occupational training away from home; the Job Corps settings; the ty...
17) 1284.0006 Job Corps & You, The
1968 date code on film. // Faded to red. No splices. // 'To show youth how they can gain work experience and occupational training away from home; the Job Corps settings; the ty...
Next 36