5 work results

1) 2321.0002 [Jim Utley Films]
Army-Navy Day - Braves Field. Was featured in Something Else vol.II (acc. 2348)
2) 2321.0006 [Skiing]
Illegible label on can. Date from edge code on film. // Skiing footage.
131) 2321.0007 Martha's Vineyard: Sportsman's Paradise
Date from edge code on film. // Scenic footage of Martha's Vineyard and fishing during the Striped Bass and Bluefish Derby at various locations on the island.
4) 2321.0008 [Trout, Salmon & Brownfield Fire]
Trout and salmon hatchery and forest fire footage shot in Brownfield.;Title: ‘A HOBBY PICTURE IN COLOR. BY JIM UTLEY’. ‘MAINE STATE DEPT OF INLAND FISHERIES AND GAME.’ ‘STATE TROUT HATCHERY. DRY MILLS, ME’. Fish tanks. A tank of juvenile trout. Tr...;Brownfield Fire + Maine Fish & Game Film
5) 2321.0015 Junior Ski Program
Date range from edge code on film. // Footage of junior ski program in New Hampshire. See collection folder for details.
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