4 work results

18) 1818.0006 Vinalhaven scenes, 1940-1942--R. Mont Airy--home movies. Reel 6
"Sept. 1940 and Sept. 1941-June 1942, Mill, Wayside Inn, Vinalhaven in Winter, Memorial Day, V.H., Last trip of steamboat, Edith's picnic" ;Rainbow. Cars loading on ferry. Departure. On board. Beach. Stone buildings and houses. Mill stones. Waterwheel. Stream. Women next to car. Cutting cake. Closeup of cake. House....;Compiled color home movies of various scenes shot in Vinalhaven, Maine, between September 1940 and July 1942.
10) 1818.0007 Vinalhaven, Rockland, and Camden, 1941--R. Mont Airy--home movies. Reel 7
"July/Aug, 1941, Bill Lane and Emily, Mont cleaning boat, trip to Rockland (Camden), Picnic at B[?]'s, Picnic L[?], Mont & boat, Inside pictures, V.H., Old [?] well" ;Elderly couple in chairs outside. Man pulls boat ashore and cleans it. Ferry. Sailboat. Shots of land from boat. Women playing leapfrog. Picnic. Rowing in canoe. Sunset. Motorbo...
9) 1818.0009 Rochester, New York, 1940-1941--R. Mont Arey--home movies. Reel 9
"January 1940, Mostly Rochester; Lora, Louise Walter, Inside pictures, [?], Don & Becky, also Jen, Liza, Don, Becky, 1 year later";Color home movies of Rochester, New York, shot over 1940 and 1941.
4) 1818.0010 Vinalhaven, Concord, Massachusetts, 1941--R. Mont Arey--home movies. Reel 10
"June-July 1941, new camera, Concord bridge, Dad's grave, V.H., U. Haven landing, Long Cove [?], mother & Frances, pulling up flagpole, Evelyn, [?]" On reel: "Mary Baker Eddy's ...
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