1247 work results

1) 0534 [Hearing on budget cuts]
Dated March 1973.
2) 0535 [Bush and Cohen comment on Watergate]
Dated April 1973.
3) 0535 [Watergate]
Dated April 1973.
65) 0535 [Oil refinery on coast of Maine]
Dated April 1973.
1) 1076 [NHF compilation: John Martin stories]
1994 NHF compilation tape of WABI news stories about John Martin dated December 1973 to January 1974.
6) 1191.2816 [Beliveau Telephone Records]
Severin Beliveau wants his telephone records kept out of the Watergate trial; President Richard Nixon.
4) 1191.2817 [Displaced Families]
Bangor tenants union proposes relocation financial grants for families displaced by code enforcements.
8) 1191.2818 [Tenjajawock Opens]
Official opening of the Tenjajawock park/recreational area in Bangor.
9) 1191.2819 [New Brewer Plant]
Amfesco Industries to open plant in Brewer that will employ 200 workers.
10) 1191.2820 [Bangor Construction Boom]
Bangor area enjoying spate of multi-million dollar construction; footage of construction workers in winter; bank, Dunn construction; Hilton Hotel at Bangor International Airport.
11) 1191.2821 [New Ski Lodge]
Footage of plaque, ski lodge construction; unidentified.
12) 1191.2822 [Curtis on Budget]
Governor Ken Curtis says over $10 million may be returned to towns and cities if budget is approved.
13) 1191.2823 [Zero-Base Budget]
Zero-base budget announced by Association of Maine People in Augusta news conference.
14) 1191.2824 [Helicopter Field Trip]
Bradley school children experience helicopter field-trip in Viola Rand schoolyard.
15) 1191.2825 [Celtics vs. Braves]
Maine Sports Hall of Fame; sold out professional NBA basketball game; Boston Celtics vs. Buffalo Braves.
16) 1191.2826 [Meeting]
Unidentified meeting.
17) 1191.2827 [Housing Funds Cut]
Bangor Housing Authority director Clarence Ryer says cutoff of HUD funds will not affect city projects.
18) 1191.2828 [New Brewer Pool]
Brewer voters decide on new public swimming pool; footage of voting at polls in elementary school.
19) 1191.2829 [Legislators Visit Airport]
Legislators from 106th session inspect the Bangor International Airport; interview with Bangor city manager Merle Goff.
20) 1191.2830 [Governor's Veto]
Republican legislators fail to override veto by Governor Ken Curtis; silent footage of legislature.
21) 1191.2831 [Taxation Committee]
Taxation committee hears Jalbert clothing proposal; nice mirror shot.
22) 1191.2832 [Budget Criticism]
Scott Lamb attacks Governor Ken Curtis budget, claims it's over-estimated; press conference.
23) 1191.2833 [Agriculture Show]
32nd annual agricultural trade show at the Augusta Civic Center.
24) 1191.2834 [Abortion Law]
United States Supreme Court decision may invalidate Maine's abortion law; press conference.
25) 1191.2835 [Heating Oil Shortage]
Governor Ken Curtis claims there is a shortage of home heating oil.
1206) 1191.2836 [Bangor Gas Leak]
Bangor Fire Department zeroes in on source of downtown gas leak; dark, nighttime footage of fire trucks/engines and old house.
27) 1191.2837 [Klondike Snowmobile Derby]
Klondike snowmobile derby in Castine; footage of snowmobiles.
28) 1191.2838 [Property Tax Proposal]
Property tax proposal by Governor Ken Curtis envisions 20% less bite for property owners; interview with Bangor city manager Merle Goff; Gordon Manuel reports from the steps of ...
29) 1191.2839 [High School Ski Meet]
Hampden Academy and Bucksport High School face off in ski meet at Hermon Mountain; skiing, skiers.
217) 1191.2840 [YWCA Dedication]
Preview of dedication of Bangor-Brewer YWCA; interior and exterior footage of building; swimmers swimming in pool.
31) 1191.2841 [Oil Shortage Meeting]
Governor Ken Curtis meets with oil company representatives to discuss the state's oil shortage; home heating oil.
219) 1191.2842 [Coyote Bounty Bill]
Maine House rejects coyote bounty bill.
220) 1191.2843 [Apportionment Report]
Report on apportionment presented to 106th legislature.
221) 1191.2844 [Head Start Program]
Head start program discussed.
222) 1191.2845 [Medical Center Donation]
$10,000 check presented by auxiliary to Eastern Maine Medical Center.
223) 1191.2846 [Penobscot Heritage]
Penobscot heritage display at city hall; Bangor?
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